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Route Optimization Requirements for Operational Use in Aeronautics and Space Exploration Mobile Networks (draft-eddy-nemo-aero-reqs-01) Wes Eddy – Verizon.

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Presentation on theme: "Route Optimization Requirements for Operational Use in Aeronautics and Space Exploration Mobile Networks (draft-eddy-nemo-aero-reqs-01) Wes Eddy – Verizon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Route Optimization Requirements for Operational Use in Aeronautics and Space Exploration Mobile Networks (draft-eddy-nemo-aero-reqs-01) Wes Eddy – Verizon Will Ivancic – NASA Terry Davis – Boeing

2 Status Version 01 submitted July 6, 2007 Incorporates comments from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) participants, Eurocontrol, avionics vendors, and others from the Mobile Platform Internet (MPI) and NEMO mailing lists. MPI mail list was formed after IETF-66 in July 2006 to be used to obtain interest from various parties on a possible BOF at IETF-67 or 68 and keep that traffic off of nemo. MPI mail list is now being to inform aeronautics community of nemo items specific to aeronautics as that community is not interested in seeing all the traffic on nemo, mip6, mip4, and monami6 – to name a few. Document has undergone sufficient review and approval from aviation industry people.

3 Abstract Describes the requirements and desired properties of NEMO Route Optimization techniques for use in global networked communications systems for aeronautics and space exploration. Does NOT duplicate: “Mobile Internet Platform Aviation Requirements,” which defines aviation’s desired Internet usages and capabilities and the gaps the industry sees in basic Internet technology draft-davis-mip-aviationreq-00.txt “Multi-Domained, Multi-Homed Mobile Networks,” which describes numerous problems associated with deployment of multi-homed mobile platforms consisting of multiple networks and traversing large geographical areas. draft-ivancic-mobile-platforms-problem-00.txt

4 Structure of the Draft Introduction (Why RO extensions are needed) NEMO RO Scenarios. Aeronautical Communications Scenarios Space Exploration Scenarios Required Characteristics Desirable Characteristics Security Considerations Appendix A. Basics of IP-based Aeronautical Networking Appendix B. Basics of IP-based Space Networking Although not stated in the draft, NEMO is now being strongly consider for Lunar Exploration as manually managing circuits in dynamic environments is impractical

5 Aeronautical Communications Scenarios Air Traffic Services Domain Critical to Safety of Flight/Life Airline Operational Services Domain NOT critical to Safety of Flight/Life Needed for the business operations of airlines operating flights, and may affect the profitability of an airline's flights. Passenger Services Domain NOT critical to Safety of Flight/Life Applications may consume much more bandwidth than the available links used in other domains Factor heavily into the “desirable properties” but considered outside of the “mandatory requirements”

6 Required Characteristics Separability – MUST have the ability to be bypassed by applications that desire to use bidirectional tunnels through an HA. Multihoming – MUST permit an MR to be simultaneously connected to multiple access networks Latency – MUST be capable of configuring itself without blocking un-optimized packet flow during its initiation and before or after transitions in the active access links. Availability – MUST NOT imply a single point of failure, whether that be a single MR, a single HA Integrity – MUST NOT cause packets to be dropped at any point in operation, when they would not normally have been dropped in a non-RO configuration Scalability – MUST be simultaneously usable by ten thousand nodes without overloading the ground network or routing system Throughput – MUST be capable of operating on traffic streams with individual rates up to 5 Mbps, and aggregates of 50 Mbps, while accounting for less than 9.6 kbps of bandwidth for its own signaling overhead Security – IPsec MUST be usable over the RO scheme, and the data used to make RO decisions MUST be authenticable Adaptability – New applications, potentially using new transport protocols or IP options MUST be possible within an RO scheme

7 Desirable Characteristics Configuration – Be as simple to configure as possible and also easy to automatically disable if an undesirable state is reached Nesting – Supports RO for nested MRs Personal Area Networks (PANs) with MRs will need to be supported for Passenger Information and Entertainment Services (PIES) and astronaut spacesuits. For oceanic flight, ATS and AOS may also benefit from the capability of nesting MRs between multiple planes to provide a "reachback" to terrestrial groundstations rather than relying solely on lower rate HF or satellite systems (MANET-like) System Impact – Low complexity in systems engineering and configuration management Visiting Mobile Network (VMN) Support –VMNs within the PIES domain are expected to be numerous, and it is strongly desirable for them to be supported Generality – Readily usable in other contexts outside of aeronautics and space exploration Allows the Aeronautics community to leverage COTS technology

8 Recommendations / Questions Recommendation /Question: Should “draft-eddy-nemo-aero-reqs-01” be adopted as a working group item for MEXT? Document has undergone sufficient review and approval from aviation industry people. Question “draft-ivancic-mobile-platforms-problem-00.txt” will be published as a NASA report and as a conference paper so that it is documented. Is there a desired to have this become an informational RFC? If so, should it be a working group submission or individual submission?

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