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Major findings of Monitoring Institutes on implementation of the SSA-RTE programme in State/UT of-------- i. Name of the Monitoring Institution : ii.Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Major findings of Monitoring Institutes on implementation of the SSA-RTE programme in State/UT of-------- i. Name of the Monitoring Institution : ii.Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major findings of Monitoring Institutes on implementation of the SSA-RTE programme in State/UT of-------- i. Name of the Monitoring Institution : ii.Period of the report : ( latest report only) iii.District’s name Month and date of Visit No of Schools visited in each district (Primary / Upper Primary): 1 1525 2 1426 3 1525 4 1

2 1. Access: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 2. Out of School Children: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 2

3 3 (a). Quality: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 3 (b).Computer Aided Learning: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 3

4 4. Girls Education, & KGBV’s: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 5. Inclusive Education / CWSN: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 4

5 6. Civil: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 7. Community Mobilization / SMCs: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 5

6 8. Management Information System: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 9. Financial Management: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 6

7 10. Other: a.Achievements: i. ii. b. Actionable Points: i. ii. 7

8 Presentation By 1.Nodal officer and Designation: 2.Monitoring Institution Address: 3.Mobile /office No: 4.Email id: 5.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: MI report is sent SPD,SSA of concerned State and UT and also sent to MHRD, GOI, New Delhi and report is available at MHRD website and report (soft copy and hard copy) is also available with Shri. K.Girija Shankar, Senior Consultant (Monitoring) SSA, Technical Support Group, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, EdCIL (India) Limited, Vijaya Building, 5 th Floor, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001, Mobile No 09810956826,011-23765605-12 Ext 151,150,149, Email – ID 8

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