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Coaching Workforce. Sports Coach UK 1.What is the PE and school.

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1 Coaching Workforce






7 Sports Coach UK 1.What is the PE and school sport premium?What is the PE and school sport premium? 2.What is the purpose of the funding?What is the purpose of the funding? 3.Why should I use a coach in my school?Why should I use a coach in my school? 4.How can my school work with coaches most effectively?How can my school work with coaches most effectively? 5.What qualifications and skills should I look for in a good coach?What qualifications and skills should I look for in a good coach?

8 Benefits of How can help schools with their coaching workforce? Make sure your coaches reach the minimum standards for deployment Validation of your coaches qualifications and skills Informing coaches when qualifications are expiring Get direct access to coach education courses Gain access to funding information Generate a electronic, coaching specific CV

9 Becoming Affiliate Partners Make sure your coaches reach the minimum standards for deployment Validate your own coaches qualifications and skills Inform and Communicate with your coaches about opportunities Post and Advertise direct access to specific coach education courses Generate a electronic, coaching specific CV Create a network between coaches throughout the linked schools

10 Minimum Standards for Deployment in Schools These ticks show that your qualifications have been verified

11 Contact Details Clive Nelson Coaching Development Manager Active Dorset CSPAP T: 01202 966734 M: 07771658846 E: W:

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