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Section 9.1 Section 9.2 YOU WILL LEARN TO…
Identify multimedia design guidelines Identify sources of multimedia files Explain the ethical use of multimedia files Describe multimedia authoring tools Evaluate multimedia Web sites Section 9.2 Identify audio file formats Identify video file formats Insert audio files into a Web page Insert video files into a Web page Describe the equipment needed to create audio and video
Section 9.3 YOU WILL LEARN TO… Identify animation file formats
Insert animation into a Web page
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Focus Reading Main Ideas Multimedia elements should never distract visitors from your page’s main purpose. Always use multimedia files ethically and legally. Key Terms multimedia audio video animation streaming media codec multimedia authoring tool
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Multimedia Design Guidelines Multimedia is the combined use of these different media forms: text graphics audio video animation multimedia The integration of elements such as graphics, text, audio, video, animation, and interactivity by means of computer technology. (p. 252) audio Live, streamed, or recorded sound; often used on Web pages to attract visitors’ interest and to impart information. (p. 252) video Live or recorded moving images. (p. 253) animation The movement of text and graphics; a common feature on the Web. (p. 253)
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Multimedia Design Guidelines Always consider file size and download time when using multimedia files. Using streaming media with a codec can reduce the user’s wait time. streaming media A downloading process that shortens the user’s wait time by breaking the transmission into small pieces. (p. 253) codec Compression and decompression scheme used with streaming media; the Web server breaks the transmission into pieces, allowing the media to display more quickly on the user’s screen. (p. 253)
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Downloading Multimedia Files It is easy to locate and download online multimedia files. When downloading multimedia files, be careful to make sure that you have permission to use them and you know how to use them legally.
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Tools for Creating Multimedia Web Sites Designers create multimedia Web sites using software packages called multimedia authoring tools. multimedia authoring tools Special software applications used by Web site designers and developers to create multimedia Web sites. (p. 255)
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Evaluating Multimedia Web Sites When you plan a multimedia Web site, ask yourself these questions: Do the audio, video, and/or animations support each page’s goals? Are the pages cluttered? Do any media components distract visitors (for example, do they flash on and off)? Does the site give you the option to skip lengthy audio or video clips? Do components such as sound and video work properly? Do audio or video files take too long to download? Do the media components add to your enjoyment of the site?
Multimedia and Web Design
pp Multimedia and Web Design 9.1 Section Assessment Identify Which of the following is not considered a multimedia element? A. hyperlink B. video C. audio D. animation A. hyperlink
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Focus on Reading Main Ideas You can insert both audio and video into your Web pages. Audio and video files come in a variety of formats. Key Terms plug-in analog video recorder video capture card digital video recorder
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Audio and Video Files Audio and video files come in a variety of formats, including: Audio Video Wave (.wav) AVI (.avi) Midi (.mid) MPEG (.mpg) RealAudio (.ram, .ra) QuickTime (.mov, .qt) AIFF (.aif, .aifc, .aiff) RAM RealVideo (.ram, .ra) AU, SND (.au, .snd) WMV (.wmv, .asf) MPEG (.mp3) Shockwave Flash Object (.swf) Shockwave Flash Object (.swf)
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Audio and Video Files Many audio and video files require a plug-in to play. You can download most plug-ins for free from the company’s Web site. plug-in An application that works with a Web browser to play a particular file format, such as an audio or video file. (p. 259)
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Creating and Adding Audio Files To create sound files, you will need a microphone and an audio application to record audio and save it in a file. You can incorporate sound into your Web pages in two basic ways: You can create a button and link a sound file to the button. You can set the sound file to play automatically when the page loads.
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Creating and Adding Video Files If you create a video using an analog video recorder, you must convert the analog video into digital video using a video capture card. A digital video recorder can capture sound and video that can be directly transferred to a computer. analog video recorder A device that creates analog video. This video must be translated into a digital format before a computer can use it. (p. 261) video capture card A circuit board that can convert analog video to digital video. (p. 261) digital video recorder A device that creates digital video that a computer can use directly. (p. 261)
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Creating and Adding Video Files Because video clips have significant download times, avoid inserting video clips directly onto Web pages. Instead, provide links to video clips to allow users to decide if they want to play them.
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Activity 9A – Insert Background Sounds (p. 260) Activity 9B – Insert a Video Clip (p. 262)
Adding Audio and Video to a Site
pp Adding Audio and Video to a Site 9.2 Section Assessment Examine What do many audio and video files require in order to play when viewed in a Web browser? A. a multimedia card B. a video capture card C. a plug-in D. an analog video chip C. a plug-in
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Focus on Reading Main Ideas Animation provides the appearance of motion. One way of creating animations is to use a series of GIF images, which you can incorporate into a Web page in the same way as a graphic. Key Terms GIF animation Macromedia Flash
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Animation Files The simplest way to animate both graphics and text on your Web site is to use GIF animation files. Macromedia Flash® is an application that can be used to create more sophisticated animations that often have a faster download time. GIF animation A simple type of animation file in which individual GIF images are displayed one after the other. (p. 265) Macromedia Flash A sophisticated animation formation, usually carrying a .swf extension. (p. 265)
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Animation Files A GIF animation contains all of the GIF images required to play the animation and instructions that tell the browser: The order in which the images should load The position where each image should appear How long each image should appear on the screen
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Adding Flash Buttons Using Dreamweaver, you can create and insert animated Flash buttons that react to the mouse pointer, changing as the mouse pointer moves or clicks over it. Animated Flash buttons have many advantages. They liven-up Web sites. They add a feeling of interactivity. They make Web sites more user-friendly because users can see when buttons are used or clicked.
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Activity 9C – Insert an Animation (p. 266) Activity 9D – Create and Insert a Flash Button (p.267)
Adding Animation to a Site
pp Adding Animation to a Site 9.3 Section Assessment True/False The simplest way to animate a Web site’s graphics and text is to use Macromedia Flash. False. The simplest way to animate a Web site’s graphics is to use GIF animation files.
Chapter Review Evaluate Which of the following file extensions indicates that a file contains audio content? A. WMV (.wmv, .asf) B. QuickTime (.mov) C. AVI (.avi) D. Midi (.mid) D. Midi (.mid)
Chapter Review Describe What are the two ways you can incorporate sound into a Web page? You can create a button and link a sound file to the button or you can set a sound file to play automatically when the page loads.
Resources For more resources on this chapter, go to the Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver Web site at
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