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Presented by Joanne Roberts, PHN, PSC Los Angeles County November 2, 2011 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Quality Assurance (QA)

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Joanne Roberts, PHN, PSC Los Angeles County November 2, 2011 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Quality Assurance (QA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Joanne Roberts, PHN, PSC Los Angeles County November 2, 2011 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Quality Assurance (QA)

2 PSC Role in CQI/QA Title 22 requires State MCAH to oversee CPSP State gives Title V funding to Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJ) to provide CPSP oversight

3 PSC Role in CQI/QA NOT an auditor! Help providers comply with Title 22, ACOG, and other quality care guidelines

4 Summary of the PSC Scope of Work Two Mechanisms for CQI/QA –Ongoing provider education: onsite training, 1:1 site visits, provider meetings, roundtables –Annual QA site visits to approved providers: “assess, maintain, or improve the quality of CPSP services and assure appropriate care”

5 CQI/QA Activities Begins at first provider visit Ongoing – at least annually (SOW)

6 CQI/QA Activities Types of Visits –Content and timing varies by County –Examples: Implementation Visit – after approval Status Visit – quick check-in Annual QA

7 First Visit –Insist on meeting (at least) with the supervising MD –Assess the office – What do you see? –Review the program requirements –Explain how to complete the application CQI/QA Activities

8 Annual QA Visit Base on Title 22 Regs Chart Review Written Report to Provider Summarizing Findings Corrective Action Plan Timeline for Correction

9 Annual QA Visit Request Postpartum Charts Determine Number of Charts to Review Alternative Method: –Conduct side by side with staff –Each staff has one chart –Provide technical assistance while doing QA

10 Annual QA Visit Sample Tools Available (Handouts) Start Small Components –Chart Review –“Site Evaluation” Program requirements not found in chart Chart indicators that are usually consistently present or absent among all charts

11 Written Report Findings need to be summarized and given to provider Cover letter – include timeline for corrective action Attach summary of findings Attach Corrective Action Plan template

12 Continuous Quality Improvement Technical Assistance –Education/re-education as needed –Corrective action plan assistance –Ensure appropriate protocols available –Encourage provider to implement their own CQI activities

13 Electronic Health Records and CQI/QA Program requirements are the same Explain to provider what you need for QA and have them suggest what will work best with their system –Print chart or screen shots –Sit with staff as they access the information electronically –???

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