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Benefits of Inclusive Community Playgroups in Early Intervention Patricia Eitemiller, M.Ed. Alexandria Parent Infant Education Program Presented at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of Inclusive Community Playgroups in Early Intervention Patricia Eitemiller, M.Ed. Alexandria Parent Infant Education Program Presented at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of Inclusive Community Playgroups in Early Intervention Patricia Eitemiller, M.Ed. Alexandria Parent Infant Education Program Presented at the 6 th Annual Creating Connections Early Intervention Conference April 30 th, 2008 Roanoke, Virginia

2 Introduction Who am I? Background of our Playgroups Goal of the Presentation

3 The Who, What, When, Where & Why of Our Playgroups Who is the target audience? What are playgroups? When are playgroups held? Where do they take place? And WHY should you have playgroups?

4 Nitty Gritty Our playgroups are offered to the children of the community for free to allow all children an opportunity to attend regardless of financial ability to pay. Each group is staffed by an Early Intervention staff, who has a background in early childhood development and is incorporated into our regular work schedule. We each lead one group a week, totaling about 3-4 hours of our time. The therapists who serve our children in EI are welcome to attend the groups to help show parents other ways to facilitate their child’s development in another setting other than the home which is natural for the child.

5 Structure of Playgroup Each group lasts 90 minutes Follow a schedule which includes: Circle Time Art/Craft or Free Play Snack Time Closing Activity/Circle

6 Circle Time Circle time is typically 15-30 minutes in length and often includes a variety of child friendly activities that promote parent and child participation: Singing of songs (w/ hand motions) Reading of books Movement activities

7 Art/Craft Time Art Craft Time often includes: A structured table top, fine motor activity such as a simple craft, playdough, painting, coloring, This activity gives parents an opportunity to engage their children in a simple craft as well as work on the child’s fine motor, cognitive and imagination skills.

8 Free Play Free play happens at the same time or directly after Art/Craft time. For children who are too young or not interested in the table activity, they can play freely on the floor with the toys. This also allows the younger babies an opportunity to crawl around on the floor while the bigger kids are at the tables. This time also gives the leader an opportunity to observe the children in play and note any developmental concerns, answer parent questions. Parents are also encouraged to facilitate their children’s play during this time.

9 Snack Time Snack Time- pretty self explanatory! Snack time is a great reinforcer of family mealtime at home (i.e. promotes the child learning to sit at the table with others to eat, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, etc.) For my group, snacks are provided by the parents and stored in a box at the recreation center. Snacks usually consist of crackers, goldfish, animal cookies and juice boxes. Some parents will also bring special snacks to share for their child’s birthday. I also, on occasion provide special snacks for holidays.

10 Closing Time This time serves to wrap up group for the day. Depending on the weather, group often ends up on the playground behind our recreation center. Other times, we’ll do a structured activity, i.e. parachute, running in the gym, etc. Closing circle to sing “Goodbye.”

11 Positive Aspects of Playgroups Promotes Parent/Child Interactions Provides Opportunities to Introduce Activities that can be done at home. Social Interactions Inclusion of all children Preschool preparation Child Find

12 Parent/Child Interactions Provides opportunities for parents to interact with their children in a variety of activities in an educational and natural environment outside the home. Encourages parents to get involved in their child’s learning. Helps parents to understand how and what types of interactions with their children are important.

13 Activity Carryover in the Home Singing Songs (with or without hand motions). Simple Arts and Craft Activities/Ideas. Physical Movement Activities.

14 Social Interactions Provides opportunities for social play with peers of the same age. Opportunities for parents to connect with other parents of young children in their community. Parent to parent support. Often parents will share with others information they know about other community activities, and preschools.

15 Inclusion Playgroup is for ALL children birth to age four in the community regardless of their ability. We have many children who are receiving Early Intervention services either presently or have in the past, who attend the group. Gives us an opportunity to observe all of the children; promote interactions between them and educate the parents/caregivers. Additionally playgroup can serve as an opportunity for same age peer models for the children receiving services. Therapists who are working with the children who are receiving Early Intervention services can also attend to have the opportunity to provide further strategies to the parents/caregivers.

16 Preschool Preparation Playgroup follows a routine schedule, which helps children learn to participate in important activities such as: Transitioning from one activity to the next. Learning to listen to another adult other than their parents. Participate in group activities such as circle time, craft time. Mealtime/Snack time routines. Clean up!!

17 Child Find A community playgroup is a great way to “find” children in the community who may need to be referred for Early Intervention services. Parents become comfortable asking the leader about their child and what might be done. Parents can also talk with other parents who’s child may have received EI services about the program, services and outcomes.

18 What YOU need to start a playgroup Who- EI Staff or Volunteers and Kids! What- Toys and Creativity! Where- A Central Location! Why- because they are FUN!

19 The $$ Part Start up costs could include: Two small tables and 20 kid size chairs: $2,000 About two large boxes of age appropriate/ educational toys: $1500 Arts/Craft Supplies (i.e. paints, construction paper, glue sticks, crayons, etc.): $500 Providing a great opportunity for the children of your community: PRICELESS!

20 Resources There are some GREAT websites out there for art and craft ideas. Some of my favorites are:

21 Parent Testimonials How playgroup is benefits…. “Though attendance at the PIE playgroups, my child learned that the world is an interesting and fun place, filled with diverse children.” “The socialization with other children in a variety of ages helps to teach my children how to interact with older/younger children.” “Because I have twins, it is great to have them socialize with other children so they can get used to interacting with kids other than siblings.” “Playgroup offers us an activity/outing that both my children and I can participate in. My son enjoys playing with the other children and I get to socialize/share parenting ideas with other parents and the leader.” “It is a great way for parents to meet others. One of my very good friends now, I met at the group.” “Socially my children blossomed.” “The playgroup gave me a lot of ideas of how to spend quality time at home [with my child].” “It is a great opportunity for my daughter to socialize with other children and learn English, since my husband and I are both non-native speakers.” “It has been extremely helpful in building a routine for my triplets.” “As a new mom, it gave me an outlet during long weeks at home.”

22 Parent Testimonials Helps better understand development... “The playgroup staff makes sure that parents know the next logical developmental steps for your child.” “It’s good to see other children that may be behind my child, as well as those that are ahead of my child. It gives a different perspective to things so that you’re not always comparing your child to other peoples children.” “It provides a useful reference- I was able to see children of similar ages doing similar things. You come to appreciate what a 1 year old can do – or normally does. The good and the bad. You realize it is ‘just what kids do’ and can better accept it.” “Being able to stand back and watch others lead them helped me see what I needed to do to encourage their skills to improve and see what other techniques of guidance works with them.” “It made me much more aware of how they are changing, even just week to week.” “It has helped me gain a better understanding of what is ‘normal.’ Especially as a mother of multiples, you can often feel isolated and need help seeing what is normal.” I moved from Alexandria to DC when my second child was one year old so he didn’t attend group for very long. One year after the move he started exhibiting special needs. I suspect the leader of the group would have helped me realize that with him well beforehand and avoided a lot of pain and suffering.”

23 Parent Testimonials Opportunity to ask questions… “The program leaders were always available to discuss my special concerns I had at the time.” “I have asked about speech development, readiness for school, city services for physical and occupational therapy, and many other issues. I also learned a lot about preschool selection at playgroup- what preschools are available, where they are, when to apply and what the strengths and weaknesses of each school were.” “Our teacher was wonderful in telling what to expect at what age and what to watch for when raising more than one child.” “I often looked to the leader for insight on development and where to go for help.”

24 Parent Testimonials Helps prepare for preschool… “My child is now in the first grade and was given a great foundation at the playgroup, both socially and developmentally.” One of my children will be beginning preschool in the fall. I think the socialization with other children and the learning to share will help tremendously.” “For my older son, playgroup gave him another opportunity to socialize and play with other kids as well as learn to share, take turns, and complete craft projects in a group setting. This is similar to what he does at preschool.” “Socially, they were ready to interact with other children. They also lost their fear of other adults and weren’t so attached to just MOM.” “They learned the basics of operating in a group setting, taking direction from the leader and waiting one’s turn.” “It showed them structured playtime. Singing, storytelling, playtime and crafts and art, just like a day at preschool.”

25 Parent Testimonials Just some more general feedback… “I’ve bragged on this program many times to others. I loved that it was open to all Alexandria children and was not income or eligibility-based.” “It was a wonderful way to meet other parents and children when we first moved to the area. It’s a great service the city provides for the neighborhood.” “Playgroup is a wonderful resource! The networking and idea sharing that occurs while children are playing is very helpful. The leader is a very approachable source of information for the parents.” “Playgroup has enriched my daughter’s socialization skills and is a wonderful place for her to meet friends in her age group that she sees on a consistent basis” “Keep this program going. I wish we had something like it in our new community. We miss it terribly. My 3 year old still talked about it and we haven’t been there in almost a year.” “Having three toddlers that are almost two in the house is challenging. Getting them out of the house and interacting with other children has been a lifesaver.” “I am thankful for the playgroup. It has been a big support for me. I have met so many nice moms and children that I would not have met otherwise.” “I never thought of it as a place for parents to bring their infants and toddlers with special needs but now I see that. Consider ‘advertising’ it so that parents who aren’t sure if their child is ok can go to group to learn more and get some advice.”

26 Questions/Feedback??? Please feel free to contact me via e- mail if you have any questions or would like any suggestions on starting your own playgroup. Thank you!!

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