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What the World Eats, Part I What the World Eats, Part I Photo Essays - TIME Photo Essays - TIME,29307,1626519_1373664,00.html.

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Presentation on theme: "What the World Eats, Part I What the World Eats, Part I Photo Essays - TIME Photo Essays - TIME,29307,1626519_1373664,00.html."— Presentation transcript:

1 What the World Eats, Part I What the World Eats, Part I Photo Essays - TIME Photo Essays - TIME,29307,1626519_1373664,00.html

2 Millennium Development Goal: Eradicate Extreme Hunger & Poverty

3 Summary of the Goal The first Millennium Development Goal is to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty by 2015. This is a necessary goal because we will no longer accept hunger as an unfortunate reality, but realize that our changing and prospering world is at its prime to make a change. The technological advances we have seen in recent years have created encouraging new opportunities to improve economies and reduce hunger. The first Millennium Development Goal is to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty by 2015. This is a necessary goal because we will no longer accept hunger as an unfortunate reality, but realize that our changing and prospering world is at its prime to make a change. The technological advances we have seen in recent years have created encouraging new opportunities to improve economies and reduce hunger.

4 Major Targets of The Goal 1. Reduce by half the proportion of people proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day. 2. Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

5 Progress of the Goal Brazil has had great land reform and many new community kitchens, and hunger has decreased greatly. China has cut the number of hungry by 58 million through strong state support for small holder farmers. 30 million people having been added to the ranks of the hungry in India and in Africa twenty countries need emergency aid. Brazil has had great land reform and many new community kitchens, and hunger has decreased greatly. China has cut the number of hungry by 58 million through strong state support for small holder farmers. 30 million people having been added to the ranks of the hungry in India and in Africa twenty countries need emergency aid.

6 Successful Initiatives Malawi’s voucher programe for the past two years of fertilizers and seeds has helped double its agricultural productivity, turning the country into a net food exporter after decades of famine and dependance on food imports. Malawi’s voucher programe for the past two years of fertilizers and seeds has helped double its agricultural productivity, turning the country into a net food exporter after decades of famine and dependance on food imports. 3.2 million tons of maize were reported in 2007, a dramatic increase and poor farmers have earned much more income. 3.2 million tons of maize were reported in 2007, a dramatic increase and poor farmers have earned much more income. New hybrid rice for Africa is high-yielding, drought resistant and protein rich. This has contributed to food security and improved nutrition in several countries on the continent including Congo, Cote d’lovire, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Togo and Uganda. New hybrid rice for Africa is high-yielding, drought resistant and protein rich. This has contributed to food security and improved nutrition in several countries on the continent including Congo, Cote d’lovire, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Togo and Uganda. Today, 12 year after the debut of NECIRA eighteen varieties of the rice have been made available for farmers, and farmers were able to turn profit and feed their families. Today, 12 year after the debut of NECIRA eighteen varieties of the rice have been made available for farmers, and farmers were able to turn profit and feed their families.

7 A Success Story The proportion of Nepalese living in poverty dropped from 42 percent between 1995/1996 and 2003/2004. However, 8 million of its thirty million still live in poverty. Micro-credit has helped to jumpstart small businesses, providing decent livelihoods for the Nepal citizens. The proportion of Nepalese living in poverty dropped from 42 percent between 1995/1996 and 2003/2004. However, 8 million of its thirty million still live in poverty. Micro-credit has helped to jumpstart small businesses, providing decent livelihoods for the Nepal citizens. Microenterprise development programe is a striving market and already 60 percent of the 14,000 people who had launched their businesses were traditionally excluded groups, average family incomes improved by 56 percent, and to date only three percent of the cooperatives have folded.

8 Despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow (especially with the economic slowdown) for most of the targets to be met by 2015. Is this an unrealistic goal?

9 Video Clip hunger/news/stand-take-action-2009-bbc- world-news/05/nov/09 hunger/news/stand-take-action-2009-bbc- world-news/05/nov/09

10 As a group create a list that answers the following question. What strategies do you think we should use or create to combat hunger around the world? (Remember that throwing money at the problem is not a strategy that will provide the best results)

11 Give a person a fish and feed them for a day, teach them how to fish and you feed them for a life time.

12 What Needs To Be Done -Change the distribution of food - Increae quantity of food produced - Cope with dry conditions - Educate people on how to feed themselves - Provide technology and capital for these countries to feed themselves. -Set up a surplus food bank where countries can send their extra food (cpitalist countries discard some items to maintain price) - Set up a new world order where countries lower barriers (remove tarrifs and trade) -Promoting national and international cooperation to enhance food security and reduce trade distortions -Ensure that there are social safety nets to minimize the consequences on the poor. The global economic slowdown and higher food and energy prices have had an effect. -Increase emergency food aid to enable WFP and other food-aid programmes to provide emergency food assistance

13 What Needs To Be Done Land Reform (Like in Brazil) Land Reform (Like in Brazil) Overcome traditional or cultural foods (eat thing that you don’t normally eat…insects, snake) Overcome traditional or cultural foods (eat thing that you don’t normally eat…insects, snake) Hydroponics (no soil) Hydroponics (no soil) Greenhouses (harsh climates) Greenhouses (harsh climates) Economies of Scale (More Farmers are better than 1. Set up Co- ops) Economies of Scale (More Farmers are better than 1. Set up Co- ops) Multicropping (Grow 2 crops on the same land each year tomatoes and lettuce) Multicropping (Grow 2 crops on the same land each year tomatoes and lettuce) Rain Making Rain Making Promote school food programmes Promote school food programmes Support research and development in yield-enhancing agricultural and climate change technologies Support research and development in yield-enhancing agricultural and climate change technologies Promote equitable access to economic resources and decent work opportunities, especially for particularly disadvantaged groups such as women and young people Promote equitable access to economic resources and decent work opportunities, especially for particularly disadvantaged groups such as women and young people

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