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Rate of Denaturation of Enzymes in Egg Whites Amber Suh Wini Henson Naomie Herpin Michelle Huang.

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Presentation on theme: "Rate of Denaturation of Enzymes in Egg Whites Amber Suh Wini Henson Naomie Herpin Michelle Huang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rate of Denaturation of Enzymes in Egg Whites Amber Suh Wini Henson Naomie Herpin Michelle Huang

2 Background Information  Eggs are the biggest representations of cells we use daily  Consumed for their richness in essential substances we need  Egg whites contain a multitude of protein enzymes which makes them exemplary material for investigating enzyme denaturation

3 Research Question How does temperature affect the rate of denaturation of the egg white of a chicken egg? Hypothesis The higher the temperature, the faster the denaturation of enzymes in the egg white.

4 Variables VariableType of Variable TemperatureIndependent Variable RateDependent Variable Egg WhitesControlled Variable Surface Area of EggControlled Variable Water BathControlled

5 Additional Information  Egg whites  Temperature range  Starting temperature

6 Relation to Household Science  Eggs are common foods in the household  Eggs are a great source of proteins that are easy to denature  By doing this experiment, we can find the optimum temperature to cook eggs

7 Experiment Overview/Method 1. Set the water bath to 50-60C. Secure test tube rack into water bath. 2. Crack 5 eggs open and carefully separate the egg yolk from the white. 3. Measure 1mL of egg white into individual vials. 4. Put vial into water and immediately time using stopwatch. 5. Record time it takes for the egg to change color completely. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 for temperature ranges 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100.

8 Materials

9 Results: Raw Data Time (min) Temperature Range (± 1°C) Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5 51-607:25:068:01:577:31:047:52:228:05:79 61-703:11:773:18:273:28:883:15:472:41:68 71-802:07:672:06:312:13:652:15:682:03:23 81-901:08:761:24:401:24:211:33:561:40:06 91-1000:56:310:55:410:57:130:58:070:57:50

10 Results: Processed Data Temperature Range (± 1°C)Averaged Time (min) 51-607:51:14 61-703:11:21 71-802:09:31 81-901:26:20 91-1000:56:88

11 Data Analysis


13 Conclusion  Enzymes have optimum temperature at which they operate  An increase in temperature causes the rate of denaturation to increase.  There is a causal relationship between an increase of temperature and rate of denaturation.

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