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PIC microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers come in a wide range of packages from small chips with only 8 pins and 512 words of memory all the way up to.

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Presentation on theme: "PIC microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers come in a wide range of packages from small chips with only 8 pins and 512 words of memory all the way up to."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIC microcontrollers

2 PIC microcontrollers come in a wide range of packages from small chips with only 8 pins and 512 words of memory all the way up to very powerful devices that have 32 Kilo words of memory and 84 pins to connect to electronic circuits.

3 8 and 16 bit EEPROM/EPROM/ROM CMOS Microcontroller Applications in personal care, security systems, remote transmitter/receivers Programmable input/output terminations

4 This block diagram shows a PIC microcontroller application in a vacuum cleaner

5 Microchip’s Infrared products enable the embedded system designer to easily add infrared wireless connectivity


7 Internal view of a microcontroller

8 PIC development boards are used to program and run simple programs Serial PC interface to program IC Some small PICs though powerful have only 35 instructions that control its operation.

9 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Icon Assembler (CoreChart) Simple Flowchart

10 Pin Description for PIC12C508A GP0 Bi-directional I/O port/ serial programming data mode. GP1 Bi-directional I/O port/ serial programming clock. GP2/T0CKI I/O Bi-directional I/O port. Can be configured as T0CKI. GP3/MCLR/VPP Input port/master clear (reset) input/programming voltage input. GP4/OSC2 I/O Bi-directional I/O port/oscillator crystal output. GP5/OSC1/CLKIN Bidirectional IO port/oscillator crystal input/external clock source input VDD— Positive supply for logic and I/O pins VSS— Ground reference for logic and I/O pins

11 THE PICAXE MICRO CONTROLLER The PICAXE is a low-cost ‘FLASH’ memory based microcontroller. These microcontrollers can be programmed over and over again (typically 100 000 times). The PICAXE uses a simple BASIC language (or graphical flowcharts).

12 It is much easier to learn and debug than industrial programming languages. PICAXE programming is at the ‘chip’ level. The microcontroller is programmed via a 3-wire connection to the computers serial port. THE PICAXE MICRO CONTROLLER

13 Has an internal A to D converter enabling analogue inputs with digital outputs. THE PICAXE MICRO CONTROLLER

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