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Flying to the Flying to the Caribbean. Document Requirements Airworthiness Registration Standardized Validation of a Special Airworthiness Certificate.

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Presentation on theme: "Flying to the Flying to the Caribbean. Document Requirements Airworthiness Registration Standardized Validation of a Special Airworthiness Certificate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flying to the Flying to the Caribbean

2 Document Requirements Airworthiness Registration Standardized Validation of a Special Airworthiness Certificate (Experimental) Registration Certificate (permanent copy, no pink temporary ones) Pilot License-English Proficient Medical Certificate (unless LSA, then USA rules apply)

3 Documents Required Valid passports for all members of your party US Customs and Border Protection Decal for the aircraft-Purchased every year Copy of your insurance policy with coverage for the Caribbean or add-on

4 Suggested Equipment One Coast Guard-approved life vest for each soul on board Life raft to accommodate all on board Emergency survival kit, including food A portable VHF water proof radio Large 12” N Numbers An EPIRB-rescue beacon Bahamas &Caribbean Pilots Guide

5 Great resource

6 Suggested Equipment WAC charts Emergency water and food Control locks and tie-down kit, including ropes and stakes Extra quarts of engine oil

7 eAPIS-Electronic Aircraft Passenger Information System Enroll: https://eapis.cbp.dhs.gov May take a week to get an email confirmation so that you can activate your account. My experience was that it took less time. AOPA has a training video on how to use eAPIS: I would get your account at least 2-3 weeks before your flight.

8 eAPIS File the day before and also your return trip to get that out of the way. Receive and print your confirmation email and put with your paperwork. FAA regulations require that you file a flight plan for flights to the Bahamas regardless of VFR or IFR. Your first landing must be at a Bahamas Airport of Entry (AOE) See Customs Fax


10 Flight Plan The day before file your flight plan. Fax your customs form. Day of Flight: ATIS, Clearance, if going VFR arrange flight following at that time. Squawk code You must have an active flight plan and squawking a code before entering the US Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)




14 Flight Activate flight plan with Miami Radio in the run-up area. Enjoy the flight and get lots of pictures. Close the flight with Nassau Radio 118.4 or the “Blue Phone” at the FBO/Customs Usually customs and FBO will be in the same buildings




18 XM Weather NEXRAD only about 150 miles out from the contiguous US Lightning Data about 200 miles Weather must be gained the old fashion way by calling Miami Flight Service: 1(305) 233-2600 I would also file my flight plans with a briefer.

19 Return Flight File VFR or IFR. I prefer IFR, but you have to put up with their choice of routes. If you want to stay shallow, go VFR. Day before call Customs and ask if they have your eAPIS. Call at least 1 hour before to refine time of arrival Call Miami Radio within 3 hours of leaving and activate flight plan and squawk code

20 Return flight Pick up Nassau Approach as soon as you can after take off. If they do not pass you on to Miami Approach, then call Miami approach before reaching ADIZ.

21 Bahamas Habitat, Cameron King

22 Caribbean Sky Tours Rick Gardner, Director

23 Great resource

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