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Course Progress Lecture Notes Managing Software Development Spring 2005.

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1 Course Progress Lecture Notes Managing Software Development Spring 2005

2 First week: lecture06-project-planning.ppt –Why do we need better management of software development. Good planning technique. Growing software incrementally using phases. hyperj.ppt, lec0-csu670*, aop.ppt: – preparation for hw 1, Multidimensional separation of concerns. Using adaptive programming to implement concerns. Discussions of files in /hw/1

3 First week (not covered yet): SoftwareEngineering2.ppt: Intro. To software engineering (B. Meyer):delayed. BasicIntroLoD.ppt: explains domain of project. requirements.ppt: preparation for hw 2: writing a requirements document.

4 Plan for second week: Review of material from previous lecture –Several of you could not come Agile Software Development: an unorthodox view of Software Engineering. –Agile Software Development.ppt Discuss assignment 2 Software Life Cycle: requirements.ppt (did not get to this)

5 3. week Second assignment Cover topics on the agenda for the first two weeks.

6 5 week Discussion of hw 4 Writing a software development plan Growth plans: lec5-short-csu670-f04.ppt

7 The rest remains to be planned

8 Third week: LoD analysis: BasicIntroLoD.ppt (slides at end) Aspect-Oriented Software Development aosd.ppt Hw 3 Continue Agile Software Development (continue with 29) Continue AspectJ (continue with 39) Version control: berkeley/lecture07*.ppt

9 4. week Hw 4 Continue Agile Software Development (continue with 36) Continue AspectJ: –Tutorial –Development aspects, Production aspects: aosd.ppt –Caching.ppt Version control: berkeley/lecture07*.ppt

10 5. week Sergei Kojarski on Eclipse:../eclipse Visit at MIT: SE notes on decoupling mit/lec-02- jackson-LoD.ppt. Visit to Berkeley: Project Planning Lecture: berkeley/lecture06-project-planning.ppt Visit to CMU/Munich: Bruegge’s lectures: requirements.ppt Review of AspectJ: lec-AspectJ-f02.ppt aosd.ppt: advice precedence

11 6. week Eclipse Sergei Hw #5.ppt Eclipse eclipse-slides.ppt Licensing Software Engineers.ppt Modeling aspect-oriented systems: what means crosscutting?

12 7. week Midterm discussion Hw 5 discussion Sommerville on (see lectures/sommerville) –User Interface Design Relevant to the Eclipse project –Systems Engineering Emerging properties and AOSD –Verification and Validation Applied to LoD checker and Eclipse plug-in Extreme Programming; quick intro (extreme.ppt)

13 8. week How to validate predictive capabilities of software metrics. A Validation of Object- Oriented Design Metrics.ppt CMM: process improvement: ch25-process- improvement.ppt LoD implementation: design review Eclipse: some demos

14 9. week More on predictive software metrics: A Validation of Object-Oriented Design Metrics.ppt: done Eclipse/LoD checker: presentation by Paul: done Test coverage project by Dale, Richard, Ryan: done Software change: chapter 27 Sommerville (directory sommerville) –My connection: Modeling service businesses, Verizon: done Software testing: chapter 20 Sommerville –Apply to testing LoD Design Patterns and AspectJ (Hannemann – Kiczales OOPSLA 2002 paper) Demos ?

15 10. week Discussed take-home final in hw/take-home Discussed Stamp Coupling TakeHome Final.ppt (in lectures) Reviewed LoD checker LoD-overview.ppt Brief course review: Software Engineering2.ppt

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