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2013 CTR Quality Research into China TV Media Source : CTR Market Research.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 CTR Quality Research into China TV Media Source : CTR Market Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 CTR Quality Research into China TV Media Source : CTR Market Research

2 CTR Quality Research into China TV Media Quality Research into China TV sets up a new standard for TV channels and TV programmes. Apart from TV ratings, qualities of TV channels and TV programmes, plus the influences to the society will be the new key benchmarks. When a high quality TV channel vs. low quality TV channel receiving same TV ratings, the high quality TV channel has better brand value; it would turn into a value-added factor in TV commercials. It also enhances the combination of quality and quantity evaluations.

3 50 Regional/ Satellite Channels Surveyed CCTV (16 channels) : CCTV-1, CCTV-2, CCTV-3, CCTV-4, CCTV-5, CCTV-6, CCTV-7, CCTV-8, CCTV-9, CCTV-10, CCTV-11, CCTV-12, CCTV-13 News, CCTV-Children, CCTV-Music, CCTV-News Provincial Satellite TV (31 channels) Phoenix Satellite TV (3 channels) : Phoenix Chinese Channel, Phoenix InfoNews Channel, Phoenix Movies Channel Beijing SatelliteShanghai Dragon TV Tianjin SatelliteChongqing Satellite Xinjiang Satellite Hebei SatelliteShanxi SatelliteInner Mongolia Satellite Liaoning SatelliteJilin Satellite Heilongjiang Satellite Shandong SatelliteJiangsu SatelliteAnhui SatelliteZhejiang Satellite Jiangxi SatelliteHenan SatelliteFujian Southeast Satellite Hubei SatelliteHunan Satellite Guangdong Satellite Guangxi SatelliteTravel SatelliteSichuan SatelliteGuizhou Satellite Yunnan SatelliteShaanxi SatelliteNingxia SatelliteQinghai SatelliteGansu Satellite Xizang Satellite

4 CTR Quality Research into China TV Media – methodology Survey sampling – Individuals aged 15-69 who live in 35 keys cities in China; plus receiving overseas regional TV channels at home – Total sample: 3,525, representing aged 15-69 TV population who are receiving overseas regional TV channels at home – Fieldwork period: 2 Jun to 1 Jul 2013 – Survey method: In-home face-to-face questionnaire interview

5 Channels with International Image Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

6 Channels with Professional Image Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

7 Channels with Innovative Image Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

8 Live Broadcasting on Significant Events Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

9 Best Choice of TV Channel on Significant Events Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

10 TV Programmes with Global Insights Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

11 Quick Responses and Comprehensive News Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

12 TV Channel with Interviews with Key Figureheads Agree % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

13 Phoenix Competitive Edge Agreed % CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home

14 Ranking of the Commercial Environment on TV channels Channel/ Ranking Commercial interference is low to me Commercials on TV channels are big brands Commercial Sponsorship tied-in with programme I pay attentions to the TV commercials on this channel CCTV-11111 Phoenix Chinese2222 Phoenix InfoNews3453 CCTV-34334 CCTV- 13 News5566 CCTV-466109 CCTV-5 7987 CCTV-28812 Phoenix Movies91078 CCTV-121015 16 CCTV- 611121417 CCTV-1012161715 Hunan Satellite13745 CCTV-814171819 Jiangsu Satellite1511910 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013

15 Channel/ RankingInternationalCredibility Culture - Oriented InnovativeProfessional Phoenix Chinese12121 CCTV-121232 Phoenix InfoNews34453 CCTV-4457116 CCTV-13 News53994 Phoenix Movies6128811 CCTV-376345 CCTV-28710127 CCTV-59917149 Hunan Satellite10 6112 Shanghai Dragon TV1116111014 CCTV-1012115158 Beijing Satellite1314 1318 CCTV-12148131810 CCTV-61513181713 Jiangsu Satellite161712616 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home Ranking of the Branding on TV channels CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013

16 Ranking of the Programme Quality on TV channels Channel/ Ranking International Perspectives Objective Reporting With Famous Programmes Good Response and Timely Reporting Live Coverage on Significant Events Best Choice on Significant Events Phoenix Chinese112222 Phoenix InfoNews235333 CCTV-1321111 CCTV-13 News447444 CCTV-4559555 CCTV-3783888 CCTV-28611666 Hunan Satellite994777 CCTV-5101215 13 Shanghai Dragon TV111013999 Jiangsu Satellite1215616 15 Beijing Satellite13111610 12 CCTV-1014161418 CCTV-121571213 14 Zhejiang Satellite1617814 16 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013

17 Channel/ Ranking Shooting techniques are unique and lively Well-produced / package of the programmes Phoenix Chinese 12 Phoenix InfoNews 35 CCTV-1 21 CCTV-13 News 57 CCTV-4 89 CCTV-3 43 CCTV-2 10 Hunan Satellite64 CCTV-5 911 Shanghai Dragon TV1413 Jiangsu Satellite118 Beijing Satellite1614 CCTV-10 1215 CCTV-12 1317 Zhejiang Satellite1512 Base: Sample who can receive the individual channel at home Ranking of the Programme Production Quality on TV channels CTR-Quality Research into China TV Media 2013

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