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Section 4-2 Sasha Keefer 1 st Per Kinds of Mental Disorders.

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2 Section 4-2 Sasha Keefer 1 st Per Kinds of Mental Disorders

3  Difficulty in providing correct descriptions of Mental disorders. This section is about the…

4  MENTAL DISORDER An illness that affects the mind and prevents a person from being productive, adjusting to life situations, or getting along with others.

5  Symptoms of Mental disorders are as different as people are.  Mental health people have a hard time providing correct descriptions of mental disorders.


7 SYMPTOM from Greek “ accident, misfortune, that which befalls", is a departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease or abnormality. A symptom is subjective, observed by the patient, and not measured.

8  Accurate - accuracy is the degree of closeness of a measured or calculated quantity to its actual (true) value.

9 CASE HISTORY A brief description of a person who suffers from a particular disorder.

10  Mental illness does NOT have clear-cut symptoms like having the flu does.

11 By reading a his Case History Doctors found that the symptoms my father had were not a different illness but a specific mental disorder.

12 I think it is very important for people to know that only trained mental health professionals diagnose and treat people with mental disorders, and they are ill but you can still be friendly to them.


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