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By : Sophie. Wetlands are : Marshes, Swamps, Bogs, Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Riparian's, and many more.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Sophie. Wetlands are : Marshes, Swamps, Bogs, Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Riparian's, and many more."— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Sophie

2 Wetlands are : Marshes, Swamps, Bogs, Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Riparian's, and many more.

3 A wetland can be salt or fresh water and they are on every continent except Antarctica. It is an area filled with water temporarily or forever. The soil under the wetland is called hydric soil.  Wetland:

4  Some animals that live in wetlands are : Frogs, Toads, Turtles, Lots of kinds of birds, Beavers, Miskitos, Alligators, Dragonflies, Butterflies, Otters, Snakes, and further more!

5  Some trees and plants that live in wetlands are: Water lilies, Pond weed, water weed, duck weed, Blue flag, Royal fern, Elm tree, Silver maple tree, White cedar, Winterberry holly tree, And some more.

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7 It is also called a morass. Marshes can dry up pretty easily and are found on the edge of lakes or streams. most marshes have very few trees by them. Marsh:

8 Swamps are covered with tall trees bushes and plants. Mostly the opposite of a marsh. Swamps are great places to live for alligators and birds. Most swamps have kind of deep water. The plants in swamps have very much nutrition. Swamp:

9 A lot of the ground water comes from streams and is a big thing in the water cycle. The stream water comes from rain, snow, stuff like that. Streams can dry out really quickly and fill up again just as quick. Stream:

10 Most of the lakes in the world are made by man. Lakes are usually found around mountains. There are very famous lakes like the Great lakes and some less popular ones. Finland has over 1,000 lakes! Lake:

11 A bog is mostly a old and over grown lake. There is usually a thick layer of moss on the top of the water. One of the popular flowers that live in bogs are orchids. Bog:

12 When there is a flood all the water goes in all the wetland to keep the water level down on land. In the U.S.A over 70% of our wetlands are private property. One acre of wetland can hold up to 1.5 million gallons of water. Five percent of the U.S. is wetlands and 35 percent of plant life live in wetlands. 40% of the united states wetlands are in Louisiana.


14 I hope you liked my power point and learned a thing or two. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!

15  le=Quick_Wetland_Facts le=Quick_Wetland_Facts  ADMINISTRATION/WATERRESOURCES/WETLANDS/Pages/ WetlandFacts.aspx ADMINISTRATION/WATERRESOURCES/WETLANDS/Pages/ WetlandFacts.aspx

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