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HOW TO START A FAMILY LIFE GROUP. (in three months) 2 months: Pray 3rd month: action!

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO START A FAMILY LIFE GROUP. (in three months) 2 months: Pray 3rd month: action!"— Presentation transcript:


2 (in three months) 2 months: Pray 3rd month: action!

3 GLOSSARY 1.FLG: Family Life Group 2.Core Team / Service Team: Members of organising committee 3.ACF: Archdiocesan Commission for the Family

4 KEY POINTS 1.Mission 2.Big Picture 3.Action 4.Manage

5 MISSION AND PROGRAMME DRIVERS Help families grow in: Relationship within the family Faith Inter-family fellowship (Community)

6 DEFINING JOB SCOPE Basically, your task is to run a Service Team to serve Parish families, but in the overall process, you serve both groups of people

7 BIG PICTURE (Phase 1) Step 1: Induct (3 to 4 weeks) Step 2: The first event. (6-8 weeks) Step 3: Recruit for the Service team. (2 weeks) (Phase 2, from 4 th month) Step 4: All systems go (Phase 3, from 2 nd year) Step 5: Grow

8 CHALLENGES Resource: manpower and technical Uncharted waters Law of supply and demand

9 TARGET PROFILE Families with child/ children Families with primary school kids Families with secondary school kids Interest in family life

10 1 st AND 2 nd MEETINGS Discuss state of the family Draft mission statement Organise first event

11 UP & RUNNING Service Team Meetings Parish-wide programmes Inclusive, family-friendly

12 UP & RUNNING Sustain interest Activities: Faith (70:30) Objective and Themes Talks, Movies, Family Camp


14 TEA BREAK 1030 – 11AM GROUP DISCUSSION BY DISTRICT 11AM-12PM What do I have to do to start FLG in my parish? What else can I include to extend the reach of my FLG? TEA BREAK AND DISCUSSION AT THE CANTEEN

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