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Title 1 at J. Evans Middle School. Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was created to ensure that all children have a fair,

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Presentation on theme: "Title 1 at J. Evans Middle School. Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was created to ensure that all children have a fair,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title 1 at J. Evans Middle School

2 Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was created to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high- quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. WHAT IS A TITLE 1 SCHOOL? Title 1: Improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged.

3 Title 1 Funds are allocated to District 6 by the state government. All schools in the district are rank ordered by the percentage of their students on free lunch. J. Evans is at 77.10% free lunch; we are the seventh highest in District 6. All schools with a percentage of 75% or higher on free lunch receive Title 1 funds. HOW ARE TITLE 1 SCHOOLS SELECTED?

4 Additional Staff 2 Intervention Specialist creates smaller class sizes to maximize student learning. 1 Math Intervention Specialist to provide interventions and support students. 2 Parent Liaisons 1 Instructional Coach 1 Math Consultant HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS MIDDLE SCHOOL?

5 Intervention Materials: Title 1 funds supports the purchase of intervention materials used for literacy and math (Tier 2 and Tier 3 Learning Force Materials for Math, Math Navigator, Rewards, A and B Reading student editions, and reading comprehension materials). HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS MIDDLE SCHOOL?

6 Professional Development: Title 1 funds support additional time and materials for staff. On August 1 and 2 teachers returned and participated in training on Title I. HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS SCHOOL?

7 Parent Education: Title 1 funds support Parent Education nights at J. Evans. This year our meetings include: August 20: Student Success Strategies October 24: Student Goals Setting December 11: Title 1 February 6: Reading April 10: Math May 8: Social Studies and Science HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS MIDDLE SCHOOL?

8 Public School Choice: Public School Choice offers a student enrolled in a Title I school that has a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround, an opportunity to attend a public school that has been identified with an Improvement or Performance Plan. HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS MIDDLE SCHOOL?

9 Supplemental Services for students: Additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in Title I schools. After the second consecutive school year in which a school is a Title I school with a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround outside the regular school day SES is required. HOW DOES TITLE 1 SUPPORT J. EVANS MIDDLE SCHOOL?

10 Please continue to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Forms at the beginning of the year. Remember that it is our percentage of free lunches that determine the amount of Title 1 funding J. Evans Middle School receives each year. Please encourage all families at J. Evans to complete this form as well! Thank you! HOW CAN PARENTS HELP?

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