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EFFECTS OF SEA LEVEL RISING By Nathalie Troost, Bram Nap, Youri de Ruiter & Selina van Luik.

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Presentation on theme: "EFFECTS OF SEA LEVEL RISING By Nathalie Troost, Bram Nap, Youri de Ruiter & Selina van Luik."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFFECTS OF SEA LEVEL RISING By Nathalie Troost, Bram Nap, Youri de Ruiter & Selina van Luik

2 INDEX Food supplies Extinction Diseases Precautions

3 FOOD SUPPLIES Effects on the food supplies:  Crops will be destroyed  Infected crops  Contamination of the ground  Less space to grow crops  Water supplies contaminated  Even less drinking water

4 EXTINCTION Effects on animals:  Decreasing habitat  Contamination of the water  Less food  Melting ice sheets  Animals moving to other places  Different “natural” enemies

5 DISEASES Effects on diseases:  Vector-borne diseases  Contaminate the water supplies  Increase of breeding grounds for mosquitoes  Main cause of malaria and dengue  Infected water snails  Able to adapt to salty water levels

6 PRECAUTIONS No certain solution yet  Creating lakes in Australian desert Global warming must be decreased first You can do things yourself  Not putting appliances on standby Not possible to completely stop it  Thermal expansion


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