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In Situ Coal Gasification: An Emerging Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "In Situ Coal Gasification: An Emerging Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Situ Coal Gasification: An Emerging Technology

2 Kristin M. Brown, Hydrologist  B.S. Geology – West Virginia University  M.S. Hydrology – Colorado School of Mines  Office of Surface Mining 1999 Broadway Ste 3320 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303)293-5048

3 Introduction  In Situ Coal Gasification is the process of injecting an oxidant (air or steam) into a coal seam that reacts with the coal and water present underground to produce Synthesis gas (Syngas).  Syngas is can be used as fuel or feedstock for other chemical processes such as ammonia or liquid fuels. It can also be used for electricity production.

4 History of In Situ Coal Gasification (UCG) Over 30 pilot tests were carried out in the U.S. 1976- 1990s Linc Energy began a large scale pilot test in Australia called Chinchilla 2000 Currently, UCG projects are being carried out all over the world Present

5 History of In Situ Coal Gasification Continued Sir William Siemens Dmitri Mendeleyev 1976- 1996 The first UCG patent was issued to A.G. Betts 1909 Stalin began the Soviet UCG Program 1928


7 P H =  gz  P H = Hydrostatic Pressure   = Fluid Density  g = Gravitational Acceleration  z = Height of the Liquid Column Assuming the fluid is incompressible and z is reasonably small compared to the Earth’s radius

8 Hydrostatic Pressure Courtesy of Susannah Strauss with

9 Chemical Reactions for UCG Processes  Volatiles Oxidation  Char Oxidation  Water Evaporation  Pyrolysis  Gasification  Boudouard Reaction  Water Gas Shift  Methanation  Hydrogenating Methanation  O 2 + CO, H 2, CH 4, HCs = CO 2 + H 2 O  C + O 2 = CO 2  H 2 O (l) = H 2 O (g)  Coal + Heat = Char + Ash + HCs + CH 4 + H 2 + H 2 O + CO + CO 2  C + H 2 O = H 2 + CO  C + CO 2 = 2CO  CO + H 2 O = H 2 + CO 2  CO + 3H 2 = CH 4 + H 2 O  C + 2H 2 = CH 4

10 Site Characterization  No high production aquifers within the expected vertical subsidence volume  Coal Seams > 30 feet thick are suitable  Coal seam depths 500 to 2,000 feet below ground surface are considered ideal  Immediate overburden unit should a thick vertical section of claystone or shale  Structural (faulting and Folding) considerations need to be made for UCG site selection.

11 Well Completion and Linking  Air Pressurization between two wells  Injecting into man built galleries in the coal seam (i.e. to utilize remaining coal after underground mining)  Directional drilling in the coal seam with controlled injection  Injection in simultaneous channels is known as the Controlled Injection Procedure (CRIP)

12 Well Completion and Linking

13 Environmental Effects  Surface Subsidence  Groundwater Contamination  Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)

14 Surface Subsidence  Subsidence is the downward movement of subsurface material due to mining and the creation of an underground void that caves in.  surface disruptions,  excessive groundwater influx into the UCG reactor  mixing of separate water bearing units and  groundwater contamination  Subsidence can be and is controlled as it is in underground mining where surface movement is not desired.  UCG is analogous to conventional longwall mining with respect to subsidence

15 Surface Subsidence At Hoe Creek, Wyoming, the cavity experienced a massive chimney collapse that propagated approximately 40 meters to the surface several weeks after the well was shut-in (LLNL, 2011).

16 Groundwater Contamination  Groundwater contamination is considered the most serious potential environmental risk related to UCG.  Major groundwater pollutants include  Polynuclear and phenolic organic compounds  Ammonia  Sulfate and  Calcium

17 Groundwater Contamination  Primary source of inorganic pollutants is ash leachate  Primary source of organic contaminants and ammonia is condensed vapors  Adsorption of organics to clay and lignite is an effective removal mechanism of the contaminant from groundwater

18 Environmental Benefits  No Discharge of Tailings  Reduced Sulfur Emissions  Reduced discharge of Ash, Mercury and Tar  Carbon Capture and Sequestration

19 Carbon Capture and Sequestration  CCS is the process to remove and store “greenhouse gases” from process streams to reduce the buildup of these gases in the atmosphere.  Involves the process of extraction,  Seperation  Collection  Compression  Transporting and  Geologic Strorage  CCS can be synergistically applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery or Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery

20 Carbon Capture and Sequestration

21 Conclusions  Groundwater plays an important role in UCG  Positive Hydraulic Gradient towards the gasification chamber is needed.  Establishing a hydraulic circulation system is important so the gasification chamber can be flushed and cleaned  Hydraulic control is the most important feature of UCG.  Controls the UCG process and prevents groundwater contamination.  Site Characterization and well completion are also of utmost importance for a successful UCG operation.  Coal resources not suitable for conventional mining are ideally suited for UCG  Environmental Benefits to UCG (i.e. Carbon Capture and Sequestration)

22 Questions?

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