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Rocky Mountain Water: Reuse it or Lose it! 2006 Water Reuse Workshop Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado August 10, 2006 Update on the Colorado Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocky Mountain Water: Reuse it or Lose it! 2006 Water Reuse Workshop Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado August 10, 2006 Update on the Colorado Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocky Mountain Water: Reuse it or Lose it! 2006 Water Reuse Workshop Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado August 10, 2006 Update on the Colorado Water Reuse Regulations Wesley Carr, CDPHE

2 Background oFebruary 1998 – The Joint Reuse Committee - RMSAWWA/RMWEA suggested an approach to the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater oMarch 1998 – The WQCC requested a Water Quality Forum Subcommittee be convened to consider potential statutory changes to the Water Quality Control Act to address use of reclaimed domestic wastewater for landscape irrigation

3 Background oFall 1999 – the Forum subcommittee recommended the Water Quality Control Act be amended to provide the Commission authority to promulgate regulations for the oversight of reuse and provide the WQCD authority to implement a reuse program

4 Background oMarch 2000 – General Assembly adopted changes to the Act providing the WQCC authority to establish regulations for reuse - except for uses related to drinking water oJuly 1st, 2000 – Changes became effective oReuse subcommittee concurrently developed a control regulation modeled after the biosolids regulation

5 Reclaimed Water Control Regulation No 84 oWQCC adopted the Reclaimed Domestic Wastewater Control Regulation in October 2000 (recently renamed - Reclaimed Water Control…) oInitially, the scope was limited to the use of reclaimed water for landscape irrigation – excluding single-family residential areas oRecent amendments added commercial, industrial and fire protection uses as well as resident- controlled (single-family) landscape irrigation.

6 Purpose oEncourage the use of reclaimed water while protecting public health and environment oMake reuse permitting less cumbersome by eliminating previously required discharge permits - based on adequate demonstration of application at or below agronomic rates with respect to nutrients oA “Notice of Authorization” is the implementing platform oTreaters submit a Letter of Intent and for each user, a User Plan to Comply

7 Reuse Water Quality Standards oMitigate public health risk by treating the water for pathogens: viruses, bacteria & protozoan oMinimize the risk for gastrointestinal disorders for people casually exposed to reuse water used for surface irrigation of landscaping (and recently approved uses)

8 Reuse Water Quality Standards oBacteria protection is achieved through imposing limits on E. coli – surrogate for bacteria pathogens oViral & protozoan protection is achieved through imposing limits on turbidity and TSS as appropriate

9 Reuse Water Quality Standards oReclaimed water standards for uses requiring water (formerly “Restricted Use” water used in areas having a low potential for public contact) at a minimum shall receive: oSecondary treatment and disinfection oE. coli 126/100ml monthly geometric mean 235/100ml single sample maximum oTSS30 mg/L as a daily maximum Category 1

10 Reuse Water Quality Standards oReclaimed water standards for uses requiring water (formerly “Unrestricted Use” water used in areas with high potential for public contact) at a minimum shall receive: oSecondary treatment, FILTRATION & disinfection oE. coli 126/100ml monthly geometric mean 235/100ml single sample maximum oTurbidity < 3 NTU daily average < 5 NTU no more than 5% individual samples Category 2

11 Reuse Water Quality Standards oReclaimed water standards for uses requiring water (recently created for resident-controlled landscape irrigation and residential fire protection - higher potential for public contact and cross connections) at a minimum shall receive: oSecondary treatment, filtration & disinfection oE. coli N.D. in at least 75% of monthly samples 126/100ml single sample maximum oTurbidity < 3 NTU daily average < 5 NTU no more than 5% individual samples Category 3

12 Reclaimed Water Approved Uses oIndustrial Uses oCooling towers oConcrete Mixing and Washout oDust Control oSoil Compaction oClosed Loop Cooling Systems oLandscape Irrigation oRestricted Access oUnrestricted Access oResident-Controlled oCommercial Uses oMechanized Street Cleaning oZoo Operations oFire Protection oNonresidential Fire Protection oResidential Fire Protection 1 2 3 X XX X XX

13 Treaters’ Letter of Intent oTreater Information – address, contact, phone, location. Etc. oInfo demonstrating the treaters’ ability to comply with the standards otreatment schematic oproposed POC oSite application approval letter or evidence of a SA submittal oAgronomic analysis oNutrients e.g. N,P as applicable oConsumptive needs, BMPs, etc. oReuse System Management Plan oTreatment & transmission systems oE/O oOversight of users oAbility to terminate service oCertification Statements oUser Plan to Comply for each user oAffirmation that use won’t materially injure water rights oWhere water is distributed for fire-protection: a map of where water will be distributed including a list of the associated fire protection districts and a letter of approval from each

14 User Plan to Comply All Users oUse confined to authorized use area, operation or process oReclaimed water will not be used or sprayed oOccupied buildings oDomestic drinking water facilities oFood is being prepared for human consumption oPublic Notification oSignage oE/O oPiping, valves, outlets, etc. differentiated from potable or other piping systems oBackflow prevention/cross-connection control methods oSystem operated/maintained by authorized personnel oSupplementing w/potable or other sources not allowed except through approved BF prevention device or air gap oNo impoundment within 100’ of domestic supply oUnless lined oOther precautions approved by Division oWorker education oOther conditions as applicable

15 UPC Landscape Irrigation oUser contact information/location oMap/schematic showing use areas oDescription of BMPs oMinimize ponding/runoff oET rates oRain shutoff oInspections oWhere Category 1 water is required oIrrigation times oBarriers oResident-controlled landscape irrigation oTreater responsible for all UPC information and shall act as the users’ legal representative for purposes of certification oUnless an HOA assumes responsibility Category 1

16 oUser information/location, etc oDescription of how water will be used oMaps/Schematics oDescription of the potential for public contact associated with process or use oFate of water after it has been used e.g. discharged to sewer, stored, etc. oBMPs to prevent contact, windblown, etc. oAccess restrictions or prevent contact with Category 1 water if applicable oFor fire protection oCross-connection control program information and BMPs UPC – Commercial, Industrial & Fire Protection

17 oCooling Towers oConcrete Mixing & Washout oDust Control, Soil Compaction & Mechanized Street Cleaning oUnrestricted Access/Resident Controlled Landscape Irrigation oResident Controlled Landscape Irrigation Additional Conditions

18 oUpdate LOI/UPC/NOA Templates oAgronomic Rate Policy oMonitoring Policy oAdditional Uses oWWTF Process Water Exemptions/Clarifications Current/Future Regulatory Considerations

19 Contact Information Wesley Carr, Environmental Protection Specialist Reuse Management Program WQCD-P-B2 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. South Denver, CO 80246-1530 303-692-3613

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