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Chihou Lee, Terry Yao, Alain Mangan, Kenneth Yau, Miles Copeland*, Sorin Voinigescu University of Toronto - Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Dept. of Electrical &

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Presentation on theme: "Chihou Lee, Terry Yao, Alain Mangan, Kenneth Yau, Miles Copeland*, Sorin Voinigescu University of Toronto - Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Dept. of Electrical &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chihou Lee, Terry Yao, Alain Mangan, Kenneth Yau, Miles Copeland*, Sorin Voinigescu University of Toronto - Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering * Professor Emeritus, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada. SiGe BiCMOS 65-GHz BPSK Transmitter and 30 to 122 GHz LC-Varactor VCOs with up to 21% Tuning Range

2 Outline Motivation VCO and BPSK transmitter circuit topologies Design methodology for lowest phase noise VCOs Experimental results Conclusions

3 Motivation Advanced communications (60-GHz radio) and radar systems (77-GHz cruise control). Investigate a systematic VCO design methodology focused on lowest phase noise.

4 Outline Motivation  VCO and BPSK transmitter circuit topologies Design methodology for lowest phase noise VCOs Experimental results Conclusions

5 Differential Colpitts Configuration C 2 implemented as accumulation-mode nMOS varactor. Cascode for improved isolation of output from resonant tank, and power gain. L EE & Resistive tail bias with low-pass filter to reduce bias circuit’s noise contribution. Fundamental Mode VCO Topology

6 Push-Push VCO Topology Active and passive components operate at ½ output frequency Similar topology as fundamental- mode VCO except output is taken at Q 2 & Q 4 ’s base. Intrinsically isolated output. Allows differential tuning (V TUNE+POS, V TUNE,-NEG ).

7 35-GHz VCO (Fund.)70-GHz VCO (Push-Push) VCO Schematics

8 BPSK Transmitter Schematic

9 Outline Motivation VCO and BPSK transmitter circuit topologies  Design methodology for lowest phase noise VCOs Experimental results Conclusions

10 VCO Design Parameters: V TANK – tank voltage swing Q TANK – tank quality factor J BIAS – current density C 1 :C 2 – capacitance ratio L B – base inductance I BIAS – bias current Designing for Lowest Phase Noise Simulation Test Circuit

11 1. Optimum C 1 :C 2 Ratio

12 2. Optimum Current Density (J BIAS ) OPTIMUM J BIAS = optimum noise current density (J opt ) of cascode. OPTIMUM J BIAS

13 3. Optimum Bias Current (I BIAS )

14 3. Optimum Base Inductance (L B ) Smallest L B results in Lowest Phase Noise

15 VCO Design Methodology 1.Maximize quality factor (Q) of resonant tank. 2.Bias transistors at optimum noise current density J opt. Show a simulated plot of Jopt @ 40 GHz & fT, fMAX for cascoded transistor configuration

16 VCO Design Methodology (con’t) 4.Choose smallest reproducible base inductance (L B ). 5.Sweep I BIAS to minimize phase noise while choosing C 1 :C 2 ratio to maximize V TANK while maintaining f osc. 6.Add inductive emitter degeneration L E. [Li and Rein, JSSC 2003]

17 VCO Design Space Examined 13 VCOs & Oscillators fabricated to examine the impact on phase noise of: 1.Base inductance (L B ) 2.Accumulation-mode nMOS varactors versus. MIM capacitors 3.Addition of L E 4.Operation on 2 nd harmonic versus. operation on fundamental.

18 Outline Motivation VCO and BPSK transmitter circuit topologies Design methodology for lowest phase noise VCOs  Experimental results Conclusions

19 Jazz Semiconductor’s commercial SBC18 0.18  m BiCMOS process. Fabrication Technology Peak f T and f MAX near 155 GHz. NF min extracted from measured y-parameters [S. P. Voinigescu, et. al, JSSC 1997]

20 Varactor Q Characteristics

21 Microphotographs Family of 13 VCOs: Fundamental-Mode: (8) 35 GHz, (2) 60 GHz, Push-Push: (1) 70 GHz, (2) 120-GHz

22 Microphotographs (con’t) 65-GHz BPSK transmitter

23 35-GHz VCO Measurements Averaged Spectral Plots for 35-GHz VCO (L B = 100 pH, with L E ): (A) VCO(B) Fixed Freq. Oscillator

24 35-GHz VCO Measurements (con’t) Tuning and Output Power Characteristics:

25 Lowest Phase Noise Design Space Impact of:1. Base Inductance 2. Inductive Emitter Degeneration (L E )

26 60-GHz VCO Measurements Averaged Spectral Plots: (A) VCO(B) Fixed Freq. Oscillator

27 60-GHz VCO Measurements (con’t) Measurements over Temperature:

28 Push-Push VCO Measurements Spectral Plots: (a)70-GHz VCO P OUT > -14 dBm (b) 120-GHz VCO P OUT > -30 dBm

29 Push-Push VCO Measurements (con’t) Tuning Characteristics:

30 Si-Based mm-wave VCO Comparison Reference VCO L{f offset } (dBc/Hz) Tuning Range P DC (mW) P OUT (dBm) FOM *f T /f MAX (26-GHz) -87 at 100 KHz 15%751.0-177.5 ~ 40/50 GHz (BJT) (40-GHz) -97 at 1 MHz 15%17.3-5.0-171.7 0.13  m (SOI) (43-GHz) -110 at 1 MHz 26%2806.5-184.7 ~ 200 GHz (HBT) (77-GHz) -95 at 1 MHz 6%93014.3-177.3 ~ 200 GHz (HBT) (63-GHz) pp -85 at 1 MHz 4%119-4.0-156.2 0.25  m CMOS (150-GHz) pp -85 at 1 MHz 23%170-5.0-161.2 ~ 220 GHz (HBT) 35-GHz Osc. -112.7 at 1 MHz N/A1934.0-184.5 ~ 155 GHz (HBT) 35-GHz VCO -110.3 at 1 MHz 19%1884.0-181.4 ~ 155 GHz (HBT) 60-GHz Osc. -104 at 1 MHz N/A2444.0-179.5 ~ 155 GHz (HBT) 60-GHz VCO -103 at 1 MHz 13%2404.0-178.6 ~ 155 GHz (HBT) 70-GHz VCO pp -94 at 1 MHz 21%128> -14< -156.8 ~ 155 GHz (HBT) *FOM = L{f offset } - 20log(f osc /f offset ) + 10log(P DC /P OUT ) pp = push-push VCO

31 With DATA (2 31 -1 PRBS): BPSK Transmitter Measurements No DATA:

32 BPSK Transmitter Meas. (con’t) With DATA (2 7 -1 PRBS pattern):

33 Outline Motivation VCO and BPSK transmitter circuit topologies Design methodology for lowest phase noise VCOs Experimental results  Conclusions

34 Presented, with experimental validation, a systematic VCO design methodology for lowest phase noise. Compared to a MIM capacitor, accumulation-mode nMOS varactors degrades phase noise by 1-2 dB. Inductive degeneration lowers phase noise by 3-4 dB. Operation on 2 nd harmonic increases tuning range by 50% - at expense of lower P OUT First 65-GHz BPSK transmitter. Conclusions

35 Jazz Semiconductor, Gennum Corporation. Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Micronet, Canadian Microelectronics Corporation, NSERC. Marco Racanelli and Paul Kempf. Acknowledgements

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