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Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Situations Situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Situations Situations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Part 6c - Working Safely - Other Situations Situations

2 Contents Part 1 – Working in the Industry Part 2 – Personal Safety & Health Part 3 – Tools & Equipment Part 4a – Manual Handling Part 4b – Mechanical Handling Part 5 – Working Places and Safe Access Part 6a – Working Safely - General Part 6b – Working Safely - Specific Areas Part 6c – Working Safely – Other situations Part 7 – First Aid Part 8 – Environmental Protection Part 9 – Legal Obligations Part 10 – Accident Reporting and Recording

3 Part 6c - Working Safely  Control the lowering of equipment.  Adequate space and protection against “live” or moving equipment  Correct storage of materials  Handling and storage of chemicals  On arrival at site inform someone in authority.  Site safety risk assessment should be completed  Safety signs displayed.  Ensure safety of your colleagues  Report defects or dangerous conditions  Dismantling or Installation carried out in accordance with company policy Working on Escalators / Moving Walks - General

4 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks – Working Alone  Before starting work make sure that the task can be carried out safely. If in doubt contact your supervisor.  Ensure that others know where you are working and keep in contact.  Don’t work alone in an unoccupied building.  Be aware of the threat of violence.

5 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks – in the Machine Room (External Drive) Beware of:  Holes in the floor or projections.  Overhead beams lower than head height  Unguarded machinery: may move without warning  Exposed electrical connections or cables. Access:  Guard open access hatches and keep closed when not in use.  Close and lock machine room doors when unoccupied.

6 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks Working at Entrances:  Provide protection to both ends of the escalator to prevent unauthorised access. Before commencing work:  Erect barrier at entrance end landing  Ensure no passengers are on the escalator.  Stop the escalator and erect barrier at the exit end landing

7 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks – Working on Compact Escalators Before commencing work (cont):  Open the motor cover and operate the pit switch or isolator.  Before entering the pit, connect the maintenance control handset and check correct operation.  If not equipped with handset follow procedure for that escalator.  Move step bands by means of a maintenance facility.  Contain tools and equipment behind barrier.

8 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks – Working on the Escalator  Disable by means of maintenance switch or isolator.  Test safety circuit by maintenance facility – NOT by running the escalator.  Lock off and tag out, apply brake and secure step band before working within a step gap.  Stand one or more steps below a moving step gap, hold handrails; control by second engineer.  Lock off if left unattended.  Ensure tools or equipment cannot be dropped from height.

9 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Escalators / Moving Walks – Working on Adjacent Escalators  Do not obstruct adjacent escalator.  If truss is open sided, exposing machinery of adjacent escalator, then the adjacent escalator must be isolated by locking off and tagging.  If work cannot be carried out without obstructing adjacent escalator, ensure that both are isolated and barriered off.

10 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Small Goods Lifts/ Dumb Waiters  Cordon off area to exclude others.  Assemble and install in accordance with manufacturers instructions.  Guard openings to prevent persons/materials falling.  If external cladding required leave the unit isolated, locked off and tagged out.  Ensure safe access.  Ensure adequate lighting  Kitchen lifts - be aware of busy areas, slippery floors, hot surfaces.

11 Part 6c - Working Safely Working on Small Goods Lifts/ Dumb Waiters  Accumulation of dirt and debris – slipping and hygiene hazard.  Older lifts - follow your company safe system of work.  Do not stand on lifts unless physically blocked or secured.  Do not attempt to ride on car top unless designed for this purpose.  Beware of shallow pit.  Wherever possible isolate power.

12 Part 6c - Working Safely Stairlift Installation – Service and Repair First, assess the hazards by risk assessment.  Usually installed for elderly, infirm or other vulnerable persons.  Extra care required to ensure their safety.  Arrangements to cordon off the staircase will be required.  Dogs on domestic premises can be aggressive toward strangers.

13 Part 6c - Working Safely Stairlift Installation – Service and Repair On arrival on site:  Inform the customer of work.  Establish if hallway and staircase access required and warnings required.  Identify a safe place for tools and equipment. Work  Avoid accumulation of packaging  Dust sheets on flat surfaces only - not on staircases.  Avoid leaving tools, trailing cables and equipment on the staircase.  Do not create tripping hazards especially when loading and unloading.  Be aware of use of aerosols.  Demonstrate operating instructions.  Leave in safe condition.  Clear the work area before leaving.

14 Part 6c - Working Safely Scissor Lifts The hazards must first be assessed by risk assessment.  Only competent and authorised persons.  Risk of crushing and trapping.  Lift must be propped. Do not prop on cross shafts.  Isolate and lock off electrical supply.  Erect signage and barriers  Repair/maintain through access panel if possible.  If scissor is propped correctly you can maintain and service safely.  Raise platform under power to remove props  Never prop a loaded platform. IF IN DOUBT DO NOT GO UNDER SCISSOR LIFTS

15 Part 6c - Working Safely On Completion of the Work When work is finished it is your duty to ensure that you leave the areas in which you have been working in a safe condition. Operatives and equipment have been withdrawn Safety devices and circuits in full operation Materials stacked safely with flammable and toxic substances locked away Access ways are properly protected Observe an escalator for two full revolutions of the step band. Dispose of any waste properly Tell the premises manager you are leaving Ensure that your work has been effective

16 Part 6c - Working Safely On Completion of the Work When work is finished it is your duty to ensure that you leave the areas in which you have been working in a safe condition. Before leaving the premises ensure that: Return the emergency release or hand winding equipment to its proper place Disengage the pit prop or other restraint device return to its safe position Lock the machine room door, return the key the premises manager.

17 Part 6c - Working Safely Radio Transmitters or Antennae Sites Lift engineers may be exposed to high levels of electro-magnetic frequency transmissions, similar to microwaves. To reduce exposure keep your distance from sources of radio waves  Follow warning signs  Keep outside Exclusion Zones  Consult your employer if you have an active medical implant (e.g. cardiac pacemaker)

18 Part 6c - Working Safely Driving Vehicles Driving a company van or car for work must be subject to a risk assessment Control measures include checking driving licences or restricting how far you should drive in a day. As the driver, you have responsibilities to ensure that safety checks, tyre pressure and wear, lights, fluid level etc are carried out regularly. You should not overload your vehicle or have insecure loads. If you suffer defective eye sight, are taking medication or you have your licence taken away then you have a legal duty to report such events to your company.

19 Part 6c - Working Safely Training in Release of Trapped Passengers Recommended that release of trapped passengers by the lowering or raising of the lift car should only be undertaken by a trained lift engineer or the Emergency Services With gearless lifts, lifts with bi-directional safety gears, machine-room- less installations etc., it is even more strongly recommended that only a lift engineer should effect this operation. If a client or one of their employees asks about how to release passengers you should refer them to your manager. Do not take it upon yourself to show them how to do it unless you have been trained and authorised to do so by your company.

20 Part 6c - Working Safely Fire Safety Make yourself aware of the risks of fire and get familiar with the fire precautions and arrangements for the building or site on which you are working particularly: What does the fire alarm sounds like What to do if you hear the alarm Where are the fire exits and the assembly point What to do if you discover a fire yourself – how to raise the alarm and warn others including how to call the fire brigade In many cases, the Client or Principal Contractor will have made these arrangements

21 Part 6c - Working Safely Fire Safety Only tackle a fire if you consider it safe and you have been trained to use an extinguisher Do not put yourself at risk. Beware of allowing the fire to block your exit Use the correct extinguisher for the type of fire If you feel able to fight the fire you should stop if: it is bigger than a waste paper bin one extinguisher is not enough to put it out you are affected by smoke. you can’t see the way out there are gas cylinders or chemicals involved your effort is not reducing the fire

22 Part 6c - Working Safely Fire Safety Precautions Keep fire exits and escape routes free from obstructions Know the way to your nearest fire exit Report any leakage of flammable liquids Store them in a safe place in labelled containers with lids secured Aerosols, adhesives and solvents can give off flammable gases; never use close to ignition sources Flammable gases may accumulate and ignite when lift is switched on; increase ventilation by opening doors and windows and allow at least 5 minutes for vapours to dissipate When welding, cutting or ‘hot work’ is necessary, inform the person in charge of the building or site and follow their directions or any Hot Work permit issued.

23 Part 6c - Working Safely Fire Extinguisher Colours and Uses

24 Thank you for Attending Any Questions? Part 6c - Working Safely

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