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Downloadable Books, Audio, and Video: One Experience Michelle Jeske, Manager Web Information Services/Resource Sharing Denver Public Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Downloadable Books, Audio, and Video: One Experience Michelle Jeske, Manager Web Information Services/Resource Sharing Denver Public Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Downloadable Books, Audio, and Video: One Experience Michelle Jeske, Manager Web Information Services/Resource Sharing Denver Public Library

2 Why? WHY NOT?  Target market for  Available anytime, anywhere  No loss, theft or damage possible  Collection sharing  Easy weeding  No processing, already cataloged

3 Why? WHY NOT?  Never overdue  No space limitations  Quick usage statistics  Special features  Accessibility for mobility/visual impaired  Anonymity  Easy and fun!

4 Books, Audio, Music…  19,000 netLibrary eBooks  5,000 Overdrive eBooks and Audio eBooks Including Adobe and Mobipocket eBooks and Audio eBooks  75,000 streaming tracks of classical, jazz, blues, and other music, spoken word, and natural and human-made sounds  Testing downloadable video and music now






10 Audio eBooks Arrived Decision Points:  Ownership v. licensing model  Unlimited v. 1 copy/1 person model  Integration with ILS  Customer support/service  Customization  Burn to CD v. only play on device  One main eBooks service point



13 Usage  20% of regular collection checked out in August  33% of downloadable ebook collection checked out in August  August Downloadable Snapshot Circulation – 1,669 Checkouts 1,037 eBooks, 632 Audio eBooks Holds – 150 holds 81 eBooks, 69 Audio eBooks Copies Owned – 5,026 total In total (with netLibrary), eBooks circed more than our two smallest branches in August

14 Most Popular eBooks 1.Freakonomics 2.eBay Secrets 3.The Historian 4.Captain Jack’s Woman 5.201 Best Questions to Ask On Your Interview 6.Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 7.Quick Study – Spanish Verbs 8.The Closers 9.Again the Magic 10.Blink

15 Most Popular Audio eBooks 1.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2.How to Talk to Anyone 3.Don Quixote 4.Work Less, Make More 5.War and Peace 6.Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook 7.Alexander the Great and His Time 8.Anna Karenina 9.The Best Defense 10.Divorced from the Mob

16 Top Five Subjects eBooks  Fiction  Romance  Computer Technology  Business  Self Improvement Audio eBooks  Classical Literature  Self Improvement  Suspense  Fiction  Romance

17 Who are these people?  In March 2005, DPL conducted a survey of eBook/Audio eBook users. We received 212 unique responses. Here is what we learned: 39% of respondents were 44 or older, 71% were 33 or older, and 90% were 25 and older. 55% of respondents were female. 44% use the service from home, 42% use it in multiple places, including home, work, school and using portable device. 8% use it exclusively from the office.

18 Who are these people? 50% read eBooks on a desktop PC, 27% on a laptop, 20% on a PDA, and 2% on a SmartPhone. 38% listen to Audio eBooks on an MP3 player, 27% burn to CD and listen via a CD player, 22% listen on a desktop PC, 8% listen on a laptop, 4% listen on a PDA, and 2% listen on a SmartPhone. We also received lots of great comments: It's really cool and I blogged about it and provided links cause I think it's so cool.

19 Who are these people?  82% exclusively learned about the service on the Library’s web site. 89% learned about it in another way AND through the web site. 5% learned about it from staff.  90% of respondents use PCs. 10% use Macs.  74% use Internet Explorer, 9% use Firefox, 6% use Safari, and 11% use another browser. I am pretty much homebound due to visual impairment, so I love this new technology

20 Who are these people?  23% want more bestsellers, 18% want more how to books, 14% want more mysteries and suspense novels, 13% more classics, 10% more science fiction, 9% more biography, 9% more business books, and 5% more romance novels. Digital is the only way to listen! Thank you so much for offering the public this wonderful opportunity to access information. I do not feel so isolated having this wonderful program of enrichment. Thank you very much.

21 Who are these people?  eBook fans are also heavy users of traditional library services. 71% visit the library at least once a week. 18% visit at least once per month and 10% at least once every 6 months.  93% also use traditional library books, 62% check out DVDs, 51% check out videos, 54% check out books on CD, 42% check out books on tape, 49% check out music CDs. 52% of Audio eBook users read eBooks and 38% of eBook users listen to Audio eBooks. 46% use the Library’s databases and 7% use SmartyPants, DPL’s virtual reference service.

22 Who are these people?  92% are interested in downloading movies and music.  96% will use the service again. I’ve been able to enjoy more books since this became possible than ever before! If I had my wish the downloadable content offered would be huge.

23 Common problems  No downloading in the library  Mac/iPod issue – compatibility issues It would be great if a Mac version of Overdrive existed. Oh- - but I wish the audio eBooks could be played on the Palm operating system. In my opinion that is a great omission and you should try to rectify this soon. I don’t want to listen to an audio eBook while sitting at the computer - - I want to listen from my PDA on the bus.

24 Our Form Letter Dear Customer: Unfortunately the iPod does not currently support Windows Media Audio files, the format in which our audiobooks are delivered. We are hopeful that Apple and Microsoft will reach an agreement that would enable WMA support on the iPod, as we rely on the WMA format for Digital Rights Management technology required by authors and publishers to digitally protect files from unlawful redistribution.We appreciate your interest in DPL’s Audio eBooks and we look forward to the day that we can deliver audio content to your iPod.Love, Webmaster

25 So Many Choices VENDORS  Palm  netLibrary  OverDrive  iTunes  etc. FORMATS  Adobe PDF  Mobipocket  WMA  AAC  MP3  etc.

26 Digital Rights Management  Publisher/Supplier determines what permissions are allowed for each individual title, such as number of downloads or uses  All media deposited is packaged and encrypted  No files are delivered to library  Licensing permits download with DRM to end user




30 WHY CAN’T we get the book from the vendor we choose?

31 Other Common Issues  Would like the option of renewing eBooks after 21 days, like paper books.  Would like to be able to return audio eBook once downloaded or check out more than 7 in 21 days.



34 Getting Started  Three basic steps: Download and install software if needed: Adobe Reader Mobipocket Reader OverDrive Media Console and Windows Media Player OverDrive Media Console Register software Check out eBooks and Audio eBooks

35 Introducing these services  Web Site  E-mail  Catalog  Bookmarks and other printed materials  Staff training  Press




39 Next  More publishers  In-house downloading/usage  Video and Music  Integration with ILS

40 Integration with ILS  Requires NCIP or SIP eBook checkouts and holds are communicated to the ILS system  Requires eBooks have a unique identifier (commonly called a barcode) assigned for tracking purposes.  Requires determination of how and when barcodes assigned by eBook vendor to each copy are communicated and stored within the ILS.

41 NCIP and more The first requirement is to verify that the ILS vendor supports the ability to communicate checkouts, checkins, addition of holds, and deletion of holds through the same protocol the eBook vendor uses for standard patron authentication. Even though common ILS protocols such as SIP have support for this tighter ILS integration, not all ILS vendors implement this support.

42 SIP If the SIP protocol is being used, the ILS vendor must support the following methods… Checkout (11) & Checkout Response (12) – required for communicating checkouts Checkin (09) & Checkin Response (10) – required for communicating checkins Hold (15) & Hold Response (16) – required for communicating holds (add & delete)

43 NCIP  If the NCIP protocol is being used, the ILS vendor must support the following methods… Check Out Item & Check Out Item Response – required for communicating checkouts Check In Item & Check In Item Response – required for communicating checkins Request Item & Request Item Response – required for communicating addition of holds Cancel Request Item & Cancel Request Item Response – required for communicating deletion of holds

44 Unique Identifiers  When an eBook is checked out, the eBook vendor must include this unique identifier when communicating the checkout with the ILS vendor.  When the eBook is returned or expires, the eBook vendor must communicate the checkin with the ILS vendor using the same unique identifier specified during the checkout.  The same goes for communicating the addition and deletion of holds.

45 How to do this?  Each time a library purchases units of a new or existing eBook title, the corresponding collection record with the library’s OPAC must be updated to include the additional barcodes assigned to the purchased units. The eBook vendor generates a custom data-feed that the library can import into their OPAC. Alternatively, updated MARC records could be generated with the barcodes included as multiple 9xx tags.

46 How to do this? While this second method may make importing the barcodes into the library’s OPAC simpler, it may lead to long delays and additional costs from OCLC. With tighter ILS integration, the library may choose to delay the availability of eBook titles until their assigned barcodes have been stored within the library’s OPAC. Otherwise, the communication of newly purchased units would fail because the barcodes would not exist yet in the library’s OPAC.










56 Our Dream…  Library buys digital content from vendor of choice  Library displays and circulates content in its desired fashion  Customer uses content on device of choice


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