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Healthy Eating Attitudes. To provide assistance, support and consultation to child care providers in meeting licensing requirements with regards to nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Eating Attitudes. To provide assistance, support and consultation to child care providers in meeting licensing requirements with regards to nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Eating Attitudes

2 To provide assistance, support and consultation to child care providers in meeting licensing requirements with regards to nutrition. To provide assistance, support and consultation to child care providers in meeting licensing requirements with regards to nutrition. To provide foods and nutrition education, training, technical assistance and resources for licensed child care providers. To provide foods and nutrition education, training, technical assistance and resources for licensed child care providers. To provide nutrition training and technical assistance for child care licensing staff. To provide nutrition training and technical assistance for child care licensing staff. To collaborate and partner with agencies, projects and programs to promote the goal of quality nutrition services provided by licensed child care providers. To collaborate and partner with agencies, projects and programs to promote the goal of quality nutrition services provided by licensed child care providers.

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6 Nutrition is… The act or process of nourishing or being nourished The act or process of nourishing or being nourished The sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances The sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)

7 What affects what and how preschoolers eat? Physical growth Physical growth Language development Language development Social being development Social being development Fine motor skills development Fine motor skills development Environment Environment

8 Physical Growth (Berk, 1996)

9 Language Development 2 years = 200 words, 6 years = 10,000 words 2 years = 200 words, 6 years = 10,000 words Learn 5 words a day Learn 5 words a day Language in social context Language in social context

10 Social Being Development Parenting style Parenting style Family style meal Family style meal Role modeling Role modeling

11 Fine Motor Skills Spoon = 2-3 years old Spoon = 2-3 years old Fork = 4-5 years old Fork = 4-5 years old Knife = 5-6 years old Knife = 5-6 years old

12 Environment Home – types of foods Home – types of foods Physical surroundings Physical surroundings Media exposure Media exposure

13 Is this normal? Will only eat _____ Will only eat _____ Will not eat _____ Will not eat _____ Holds food in mouth Holds food in mouth Always needs to _____ with food Always needs to _____ with food Any other? Any other?

14 My First Food Memory What was your first memory of food? What was your first memory of food? Where were you? Where were you? Who were you with? Who were you with? What were you eating? What were you eating? Was it a pleasant or negative memory? Was it a pleasant or negative memory?

15 Whose responsibility is it? Environment Environment Role modeling Role modeling When to eat When to eat Menu Menu What to eat How much to eat TeacherPreschooler

16 What will they eat? Variety/Choice Variety/Choice Size Size Texture Texture Attractiveness Attractiveness Finger foods Finger foods

17 Positive Eating Attitude Positive Environment Positive Environment Role Model Role Model Appropriate Foods Appropriate Foods

18 Hawaii Child Care Nutrition Program 1955 East-West Road, #306 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 ATTN: Angela Miyamoto

19 References Berk, L.E. (1996). Infants, Children, and Adolescents (2 nd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Kleinman, R.E. (Ed.). (2004). Pediatric Nutrition Handbook (5 th ed.). American Academy of Pediatrics. Mish, F.C. (Ed.). (1984). Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster Inc. Satter, E. (2000). Child of Mine: Feeding with love and good sense. Boulder: Bull Publishing Company.

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