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Integrity & the fight against match-fixing Integrity & the fight against match-fixing European Sport Summit 2013 Major events: Major opportunities Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrity & the fight against match-fixing Integrity & the fight against match-fixing European Sport Summit 2013 Major events: Major opportunities Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrity & the fight against match-fixing Integrity & the fight against match-fixing European Sport Summit 2013 Major events: Major opportunities Thursday 20 june 2013 Harri Syväsalmi

2 Scale According to Interpol match-fixing is reported over 70 countriesover 70 countries accross 6 continentsaccross 6 continents in the last 12 months alone. Match-fixing often involves serious organised crime networks operating at national and international level.

3 no sportis immune threatens the very integrity of sport. ” As recent cases show, irregular and illegal betting is a global phenomenon and no sport, elite or otherwise, is immune from this scourge. It is an extremely serious issue that threatens the very integrity of sport. This is why it is at the top of our agenda and we will convene our working group on 14 May to continue our joint efforts.” Jacques Rogge IOC Founding working group 1)Education 2)Monitoring, intelligence, analysis 3)Legislation, regulations

4 MINEPS V Declaration of Berlin, 30 May 2013 UNESCO Member States are called upon to (inter alia): Thoroughly examine all suspicious cases by using appropiate technology…. Ensure that investigations focus not only on potential manipulators behind the scenes, but also on athletes and their entourage, sport agents, coaches, referees, representatives of associations/clubs and sport federations, including their officials, managers and emplyees; Ministers are committed to (inter alia): Examine the feasibility of establishing national level, independent, integrity organisations and encouraging international coordinated efforts to monitor and address issues relating to corruption.

5 Fight against Match-fixing in the EU 2011 Communication on SportBooming issue on the EU agenda; 2011 Communication on Sport Seriousness of the phenomenon and need to ensure cooperation recognized e.g. in –European Union Work Plan for Sport for 2011-2014 (2011) –Council conclusion on combating match-fixing (2011) –Presidency conclusions on establishing a strategy to combat the manipulation of –sport results (2012) –Commission communication on online gambling (2012) 2012 Preparatory Action 'European Partnership on Sports',2012 Preparatory Action 'European Partnership on Sports', priority line for projects focusing on the prevention of match-fixing Erasmus for All / Erasmus + Programme Also mentioned as one of the objectives of the Sport Chapter of the proposed Erasmus for All / Erasmus + Programme allows anti match-fixing actions to be supported after 2014. Commission mandatedThe Commission mandated by the Member States to participate on behalf of the EU to the Council of Europe Drafting Group meetings on a Draft International Convention against Manipulation of Sports Competitions

6 Council of Europe instrument ? An issue of sports ethics, but also rule of law and fight against corruption Use CoE assets Existing bodies (EPAS, GRECO, CDPC, T-PD, T-DO, T-RV, Moneyval, Cybercrime…) Experience in standard-setting Possibly open to non European states Pioneer role (as on corruption, doping, cybercrime, …)

7 Stakeholders Identification of action to be taken by : Governments Sports Betting regulators Corruption Criminal law … Betting operators Private industry Lotteries Sport organisations

8 The drafting group : delegations with multiple expertise Sport Law enforcement Betting regulators

9 Scope of a possible Convention Prevention and co-operation Exchange of information Implementation of criminal law Sanctions International cooperation Follow-up

10 Scope of a possible Convention not on corruption of governance in sport not on opening of the betting market not on funding of sport no request for specific offence in domestic criminal law

11 Our vision (in 3-5 years) World-wide mobilisation Cooperation (Sport/BO/PA) Education, prevention Effective detection (betting monitoring systems + exchange of intelligence) Clear legal provisions Effective law-enforcement (incl. cooperation with sports movement)

12 Monitoring 24/7 - 36524/7 - 365 Individuals; players, coachesIndividuals; players, coaches WorldwideWorldwide


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