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A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY 9/11 remembered. Franklin Delano Roosevelt  32 nd President of the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY 9/11 remembered. Franklin Delano Roosevelt  32 nd President of the United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY 9/11 remembered

2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt  32 nd President of the United States

3 He was President of the United States During World War II

4 December 7 th, 1941  Pearl Harbor

5 Japan Attacks the United States  The Island of Hawaii U.S. Naval Base  It was an air strike

6 Kamikaze Pilots torpedoed our Navy

7 USA Declares War

8 Japan Declares War

9 USS Arizona  US Battleship sunk in the battle

10 USS Arizona  Hundreds of Shipmen were trapped in side

11 “A Day that will live in INFAMY”  A quote by Franklin Delano Roosevelt the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor

12 September 11 th, 2001  United States attacked Again

13 September 11 th, 2001  United States Attacked!  World Trade Center and the Twin Towers

14 September 11 th, 2001  United States Attacked!  The Pentagon

15 9/11/01  Flight 93 Shanksville Pennsylvania

16 United States President  George W. Bush

17 This was the second day in US history that will live in Infamy.

18 In our 235 years of existence There Has been 3 attacks on the United States War of 1812 Pearl Harbor 9/11 2001

19 INFAMY Means - Forever

20 12/7/1941 & 9/11/2001 Are 2 days that should and will live in our minds and hearts for generations to come May the ones who we lost be remembered forever.

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