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BACTERIAL DISEASES Dr. BUNDIT TENGJAROENKUL Department of Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University.

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2 BACTERIAL DISEASES Dr. BUNDIT TENGJAROENKUL Department of Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University

3 Fish Patho gens Environment Diseas es

4 Fish: Poikilothems Pathogens: Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi Environments: Water- Soil quality, Diet,… General signs Emaciation, Stunting, Lethargy, Ascites Exophthalmos, Corneal opacity, Hemorrhage Erratic swimming, Gulping, Gill-Fin rots White spot, Pale gill






10 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Aeromonas hydrophila (G-, Bacillus; Flora) + Poor water quality (Predisposing) Transmission: Mouth, Skin (damage), Gill Signs: Peracute: Overnight, No/Little Sign, Congestion, Internal organs (pale, swollen, fribble) Acute: 1-2 days, dropsy - popped scale &ascites, exophthalmos, hemorrhage Motile Aeromonas (d) Septicemia


12 Signs (cont.): Chronic: ulcers, hemorrhage, lethargy, erratic swimming, ascites, fin- gill rots, exophthalmos, K-Li enlarge, corneal opacity Latent: no signs, immune +, reservoir * Human: diarrhoea Isolation: BHI, TSA Motile Aeromonas (d) Septicemia







19 Prevention: 0.1-0.5% NaCl @ transportation Density…appropriate Water quality…good Vaccine ? Treatment: Oxytetracyclin 55-75 mg/kg fish ppm, 7-10 d Oxolinic acid 10 mg/kg fish ppm, 7-10 d Amoxycillin 40-80 mg/kg fish ppm, 10 d Motile Aeromonas (d) Septicemia

20 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Aeromonas salmonicida (G-,, non- motile) Transmission: Mouth, Skin (damage), Gill Furuncle = Necrosis + Exudate + Macrophages Signs: Peracute: fingerlings, dark in color, death Acute: subadult-adult, anorexia, hemorr. (skin-fins- gut), death Furunc ulosis

21 Signs (cont.): Chronic: furuncles + ulcers, internal hemorr, survivals = carriers Predisposing causes: Stress, Temp, Overcrowding, Trauna- wound Furunc ulosis

22 Prevention: 0.1-0.5% NaCl @ transportation Density…appropriate Water quality…good Treatment: Oxytetracyclin 75 mg/kg, OID 7-10 d Sulfamerazine 265 mg/kg  OID 14 d Chloramphenicol 55 ppm 10 d Furazolidone 35 ppm 20 d Nor-, Enrofloxacin 2-3 ppm 7-10 d Furunc ulosis






28 Bacterial Diseases Vibrio (G-, motile, comma rods) “red boil, red pest” V. anguillarum (common) Transmission: Mouth, Skin (damage), Brooders Signs: marine-estuarine water Redness: Base of fins, mouth, skin, anus Boil like lesion (s/c, m) pus Anemia, Skin ulcer Hemorrhage: skin, fin, gill, internal organs Abdominal fluid, # Heart Vibri osis

29 Prevention : Reduce stress (Appropriate density) Good water quality: DO, pH, NH 3, NO 2 -, etc. Treatment: 0.1-0.5% NaCl @ transportation Oxytetracyclin 77 ppm, 10 d Sulfamerazine 265 ppm 3 d & 154 ppm 11 d Nitrofurazone 56 ppm 10 d Furanaze 500-1000 ppm 10 d Oxolinic acid 10 ppm 10 d Amoxycillin 40-80 ppm 10-12 d Nor-, Enrofloxacin 3-5 ppm 7-10 d Vibri osis







36 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Flexibacter columnaris (G- long rod; Hay-stack appearance) Transmission: to skin-gill of freshwater fish Signs: Skin: mucous, change color w petechial hemorr. -erosion-necrosis Eye: corneal opacity Fins: rots, petechial hemorr. Gill: congestion, hemorr., necrosis Columnaris Disease

37 predisposing causes: low O 2, NH 3, handling Prevention : Avoid skin damage Appropriate density (reduce stress) Good water quality: DO, pH, NH 3, NO 2 -, etc. Chemicals: CuSO 4 10 ppm 20 min (500 ppm 1 min) Treatment: 0.1-0.5% NaCl Furanaze 1.5 ppm 3 hr Columnaris Disease






43 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Edwardsiella ruckeri (G-, motile, short rod) “Enteric Redmouth Disease” Horizontal transmission Signs: Lethargy, anorexia, exophthalmos Hemorrhage (mouth, eye, base of fins, gill) Hemorrhage (liver, gonad, bladder, m) Spleen (swollen, friable) Yersinia ruckeri

44 Predisposing causes: Carriers (survivors) stress, poor water quality Tx: Sulfamerazine 265 ppm 3 d, 154 ppm 11 d OTC 55 ppm 10 d Prevention: Vaccine Yersinia ruckeri

45 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Edwardsiella tarda (G-, motile, rod) “Emphysematous putrefactive of Catfish” Transmission: Fece Signs: Lethargy, abnormal swimming Small cutaneous ulcer deep necrotic ulcer Deep m abscess, ascites, gill inflame Necrotic nodules in K, Li, Spleen Edwardsiell a tarda

46 predisposing causes: Low temp, Density poor water quality Prevention : Appropriate density (reduce stress) Good water quality: DO, pH, NH 3, NO 2 -, etc. Tx: OTC 55 ppm, Oxolinic acid, Chloram. Edwardsiell a tarda

47 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Edwardsiella ictaluri. (G-, motile, rod) “Hole in the head” “Enteric Septicemia of Catfish, ESC” Signs: Anorexia, swimming (spiral) Depigmentation, ”Chin rash” Ulceration in the frontal bone Pale gill, ascites, exothalmos Edwardsiell a ictaluri

48 Transmission: water to nose to brain predisposing causes: Temp, stress Tx: OTC, Sulfonamide Prevention: Avoid skin damage Appropriate density (reduce stress) Good water quality: DO, pH, NH 3, NO 2 -, etc. Edwardsiell a ictaluri


50 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Pseudomonas spp. (G-, motile, rod) Signs: Mass hemorrhage (mouth, opercula, ventral body) w poor sanitation, high temp Pseudomona s infection

51 Prevention: Avoid skin damage Appropriate density (reduce stress) Good water quality: DO, pH, NH 3, NO 2 -, etc. Treatment: Erythromycin ppm, d Amoxycillin ppm, d Pseudomona s infection


53 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Streptococcus spp. (G+)...Hemolytic strains Transmission: contact, oral Signs: Lethargy, Erratic swimming Skin: hemorrhage, ulcer Fins: hemorrhage Eye: exophthalmos, hemorr. Streptoc occosis





58 Bacterial Diseases Cause: Mycobacterium spp. (G+ rod acid fast) Transmission: skin abrasion, oral Signs: depend on spp, route, stress, temp Anorexia, Lethargy, Emaciation, Fin rots (general), Deformity (Vertebrae) Skin ulcer: Non-healing,, Shallow, Irregular Nodules: Liver, Spleen, Kidney, M. Mycobac terium


60 Prevention : Culling Avoidance of infection (water, fece, skin eruption) Treatment: Kanamycin Streptomycin Rifampicin Mycobac terium

61 Bacterial Diseases Clostridium botulinum Pasteurella spp. Renibacterium (BKD) Enterococcus spp. Nocadia spp. Miscella neous


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