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Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!” “Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!”

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Presentation on theme: "Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!” “Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!” “Love the Lord your God with all your... Mind!”

2 What is Thoughtworks? A vision for theological mentoring in the local church A way to build a strong theological foundation for kingdom ministry in the local church A way to perpetuate biblically sound leadership for the next generation

3 But Why Study Theology? “Theology is faith seeking understanding in an authentic way” Everyone thinks theologically, but is it good theology or bad?

4 “Guard what has been entrusted to you.” 1 Tim 6:20 A good pastor is like a chief navigator, whose job is to dynamically chart a course through known reefs and hazards, to bring the ship safely to a required destination.

5 The Balance 2 Tim. 2:15 “... A diligent workman handling accurately the word of truth.” Acts 4:13 “Peter & John were uneducated men but were recognizable as having been with Jesus.”

6 How do we currently train Vineyard pastors? Apprentice model of preparation – Strong on gifting & character – Strong on practical skills – Weaker on theological training The apprentice model has great strengths, but we need to address its weaknesses.

7 Do you need 4 years in seminary? You need a good foundation for life-long theological study Bible school or Seminary gives you a good foundation plus several stories on top of that! No!!

8 Four Areas of Study: The Foundation Stones of Good Theology

9 Defining the Foundation Stones Defining the Foundation Stones “Biblical Foundations” (Exegetical) “Biblical Foundations” (Exegetical) How to know what the Bible says How to know what the Bible says Both the big picture, Both the big picture, the Grand Narrative And the little picture, the individual stories And the little picture, the individual stories and sayings

10 Defining the Foundation Stones Defining the Foundation Stones “God Thoughts” (Systematic / Biblical) “God Thoughts” (Systematic / Biblical) What does the biblical message mean for us today? What does the biblical message mean for us today? How can we organize its content to speak and apply it? How can we organize its content to speak and apply it?

11 Defining the Foundation Stones Defining the Foundation Stones “Ancient – Future Church” (Historical) “Ancient – Future Church” (Historical) What has the ancient church said and done that shapes who we are today? What has the ancient church said and done that shapes who we are today? What can we learn from the ancient church for our benefit today? What can we learn from the ancient church for our benefit today?

12 Defining the Foundation Stones Defining the Foundation Stones “Kingdom Encounters” “Kingdom Encounters”(Practical) Skills for: Proclaiming the Kingdom Proclaiming the Kingdom Doing the works of the Kingdom Doing the works of the Kingdom Bringing justice to the Poor and Oppressed Bringing justice to the Poor and Oppressed

13 How Do We Lay Good Foundations? The Settler Approach The Settler Approach Essentials First Essentials First Build on Essentials Build on Essentials Support & Monitoring Support & Monitoring

14 Biblical Foundations Yr. 1 – Rick Williams, Biblical Overview (VBI) & Derek Morphew, Intro to Biblical Interpretation (VBI) Interpretation (VBI) Yr. 2 – Peter Davids, Biblical Interpretation (VBI) Yr. 3 – Bill Jackson, Nothinsgonnastopit (The Bible through a Kingdom lens) Yr. 4 – Scot McKnight, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible

15 God Thoughts Naturally Supernatural Yr. 1 – Gary Best, Naturally Supernatural Yr. 2 – Derek Morphew, Breakthrough, VBI Course Yr. 3 – Christopher J. H. Wright, The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative Yr. 4 – H. Stone & J. Duke, How to Think Theologically [and] Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart

16 Ancient – Future Church Yr. 1 – Bill Jackson, The Quest for the Radical Middle Yr. 1 – Bill Jackson, The Quest for the Radical Middle Yr. 2 – George G. Hunter III, The Celtic Way of Evangelism Yr. 2 – George G. Hunter III, The Celtic Way of Evangelism Yr. 3 – John Wimber, Power Evangelism [and] Power Healing Yr. 3 – John Wimber, Power Evangelism [and] Power Healing Yr. 4 – Justo Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Present Day Yr. 4 – Justo Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Present Day

17 Kingdom Encounters Yr. 1 – Don Rousu, Preparing a Message Yr. 1 – Don Rousu, Preparing a Message [Homiletics] [Homiletics] Yr. 2 – H. Cloud & J. Townsend, How People Grow, Yr. 2 – H. Cloud & J. Townsend, How People Grow, [Sanctification/Discipleship] [Sanctification/Discipleship] Yr. 3 – Alexander Venter, Doing Healing Yr. 3 – Alexander Venter, Doing Healing Yr. 4 – Don & Ruth Rousu, Healing and Mentoring the Inner Man Yr. 4 – Don & Ruth Rousu, Healing and Mentoring the Inner Man

18 So….How Does This Work? For interns & developing pastoral leaders For interns & developing pastoral leaders – Already in relationship with existing pastor – Pace of completion is flexible, but the standard should be upheld – Church plants would best begin after the individual is through most of the theological training.

19 So….How Does This Work? Seminary or Bible School students or graduates Seminary or Bible School students or graduates – Need to add the following items to their studies some Vineyard distinctives: The Quest for the Radical Middle The Quest for the Radical Middle Power Evangelism & Power Healing Power Evangelism & Power Healing Kingdom of God I, II and III Kingdom of God I, II and III Preparing a Message Preparing a Message

20 So….How Does This Work? For Current Vineyard Pastors For Current Vineyard Pastors  Work through the TESA to see where the gaps may be in your background  Review Thoughtworks curriculum and see where you have had equivalent training  Develop a Thoughtworks plan to fill any gaps  Join with 1 or 2 other pastors near you and meet regularly (once a month?) to share with your learning community

21 Theological Education and Skills Assessment (TESA) TESA is a tool to assess the theological skills required by a lead overseer of a local church – Accurate exegesis – Respond biblically to doctrinal issues – Distinguish orthodoxy from heresy – Handle pastoral issues with theological insight & accuracy

22 So….How Will This Work? Each region has a Thoughtworks contact person to: Each region has a Thoughtworks contact person to: – Answer questions, provide input on planning a course of study, facilitate Intensive weekends, etc.

23 So….How Will This Work? The Theological Mentoring Development Group’s role: The Theological Mentoring Development Group’s role: -- To plan, write, and promote the curriculum – To monitor the program (not to mentor) – To assess & revise Thoughtworks – To assist in delivering resources

24 Identifying and Providing The Essential Building Blocks For Your Ministry

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