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Submitted by Waris jamal Praveen kumar gautam Shiv pratap singh Ramashwar kumar singh Under the guidence of Prof.safiulla khan.

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Presentation on theme: "Submitted by Waris jamal Praveen kumar gautam Shiv pratap singh Ramashwar kumar singh Under the guidence of Prof.safiulla khan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Submitted by Waris jamal Praveen kumar gautam Shiv pratap singh Ramashwar kumar singh Under the guidence of Prof.safiulla khan

3 Introduction  As the name implies pump always means that there has to be some driving agent for the same. As the title of the project stands we are trying to design a pump which will operate by the fluid been pumped viz the pump can be termed as self operated.  The concept of such a pump is quite old & people in antiquity have been using the concept for pumping the water from flowing streams to high elevations but manufacturing of such a pump have not been commercialized due to certain obvious reasons.

4  Hydraulic Rams are impulse pumps which utilize the momentum of falling and power is derived from the water hammer that is intentionally produced.  They are used in small water supplies where relatively large amounts of water at moderate heads are available, such as rivers or streams with rapid falls, where the pumps can be installed.

5  Such a pump is popularly known as hydraulic ram pump or Hydram is a complete automatic device that uses the energy in the flowing water such as spring, stream or river to pump part of the water to a height above that of the source. With a continuous flow of water a Hydram operates continuously with no external energy source

6 A Hydram is a structurally simple unit consisting of two moving parts. These are the impulse valve (or waste valve) and the delivery (check) valve. The unit also consists of an air chamber and an air valve.

7 Basic principle The formula for work done is W = F*X This implies that for the same W different set of F & X are possible and based on this the advantages of lifting heavy weights through a pulley system is obtained. As regards work done by the pump we known that W= Q* H Where, Q => discharge H => head  The present status of technological knowledge is limited to creation of water hammer effect by sudden recurrent closing and opening of value know as implies valve.

8 Design analysis & Design factor:-  The ram pump consists essentially of two moving parts, the impulse and delivery valves. The construction, basically consist of pipe fittings of suitable designed size.  The main parameters to be considered in designing a hydraulic ram include: 1- The difference in height between the water source and pump site (called vertical fall). 2- The difference in the height between the pump site and the paint of storage or use (life). 3- The quantity (Q) of flow available from the source. 4- The length of the pipe from the source to pump site (called the drains pipe). 5- The quantity of water required. 6- The length of pipe from the storage site (called the delivery pipe)

9 various parts of the pump:-  The pump body  The air vessel  The impulse valve  The delivery valve  Feet to attach the pump to the cradle

10 Assembly and Testing  Assembling the Impulse valve  Assembling the Delivery valve  Assembling the Snifter Valve  Spare parts

11 Making Different Parts of Pump  Making the Pump’s Delivery valve  Making the Pump’s Impulse Valve  Stop Bar  Making the Pump’s Snifter Valve  Making of Pump’s Rubber Parts

12 Cutting and welding of different Parts  Cutting the Lower Part of Pump Parts  Cutting the Air Vessel Body  Welding the Pump Body


14 Advantages  It is quite efficient for lifts up to 30 meters.  No electrical power or any other prime mover is necessary.  Once the ram is started, need little attention and works 24 hours a day with no operating cost and practically no maintenance; usually lasts for more than 30 years with packing changed every year.  Durable, reliable and inexpensive in initial cost.  The main and unique advantage of hydraulic ram pumps is that with a continuous flow of water, a hydraulic ram pump operates automatically and continuously with no other external energy source - be it electricity or hydrocarbon fuel

15 Conclusion  There is broad prospect of utilizing the country's abundant surface water run off potential for various purposes or requirements using locally designed and manufactured hydraulic ram pumps and other similar appropriate technologies.  The use of appropriate means of treating river water should be looked at in conjunction with any development project of domestic water supply using hydrams.  Hydraulic Ram pumps made by casting have many advantages, but they could be expensive.  Standardizing hydram pump size will also have an advantage to reduce cost of spare parts and facilitate their easy access when they are needed.  In addition, considering the cost of civil work and pipe installation, the initial investment could be very high. To reduce cost of hydrams made by casting, there is a need for standardization.

16 End of slide

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