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 While members contributed over 8 million dollars last year, our adversaries outspent us by a 15-1 margin.  Contributions were down over 3% statewide.

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2  While members contributed over 8 million dollars last year, our adversaries outspent us by a 15-1 margin.  Contributions were down over 3% statewide.  We need to do better!

3  Up to 40 % of the monies contributed by local members can be rebated to the local.  These monies can be used at the local level for local political action and/or member mobilization.

4  There is not one thing NYSUT has lobbied for that our members don’t want, or haven't asked for.  Every member must contribute to support these efforts.  Union dues are not legally allowed to be used for political activities.

5  Public pensions and Social Security are under attack.  Someday you will want to retire with the comfort of knowing your pension is secure.  VOTE-COPE dollars are used to beat back the attacks trying change the current plan.  Without the tools to defend this retirement security in the present, your retirement may look different in the future.

6  Many members who are eligible retire prior to the age of 62 do so.  Before lobbying supported by funds from VOTE- COPE changed Tiers 3 and 4, everyone had to work to age 62.  Also prior to the change members had to contribute 3% of their salary toward their retirement until they retired. This contribution was reduced to only the first 10 years of employment.  VOTE-COPE funds are already being used to attack Tiers 5 and 6.

7  Contributions to VOTE-COPE are used to ensure public employees maintain the right to collective bargaining and the protections of their rights.  These rights are guaranteed under the Taylor Law.  The only thing between us and Wisconsin – where the governor and the legislature took away these bargaining rights for public employees – is contributing to VOTE-COPE.

8  VOTE-COPE contributions are used to support those who support the unions agenda.  This agenda includes protecting tenure for teachers and teaching assistants, maintaining the Triborough Amendment to the Taylor Law, maintaining seniority rights for public employees, combatting those who are in favor of privatization of jobs in our schools, and lobbying for increased funding for our schools.  If we lose we ARE Wisconsin!

9  The most powerful corporate interests in history are trying to destroy the rights of public employees.  They are trying to dismantle our union and many others.  The want to reduce salaries, slash aid to public schools, universities and health care systems.  The want privatize public education.  We have not other way to fight back, VOTE- COPE is all we have.

10  Think about it, how much are you able to contribute to protect your future as a school employee.  Will making a contribution to VOTE-COPE, no matter what the amount really change your life.

11  Think again, perhaps, just perhaps, not contributing and losing the battle with our adversaries will change your far more than making a contribution will!  When asked please contribute.  Remember you are not contributing to NYSUT, contributing to protect your rights and your livelihood as a pubic employee and those of your colleagues!!!

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