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Safety and Health Training
Chapter 12 Safety and Health Training
Major Topics Education and training requirements
Preparing safety and health instruction Presenting safety and health instruction Evaluating safety and health instruction OSHA standards and training
Rationale for providing safety training
Workers who have not been trained to perform their job safely are more likely to have accidents. Reasons why people fail to follow safety procedures: 1. Not given specific instructions in the operations. 2. Misunderstood the instructions. 3. Did not listen to the instructions. 4. Considered the instructions either unimportant or unnecessary. 5. Disregarded instructions. Any of the above lapses can result in an accident. To prevent such an occurrence, it is essential that safety training work be conducted efficiently. A well trained employee is more likely to be a safe employee.
Legal framework for providing safety and health training
OSH Act mandates that employers provide safety and health training: Education and training programs for employers. Establishment and maintenance of proper working conditions and precautions. Provision of information about all hazards to which employees will be exposed on the job. Provision of information about the symptoms of exposure to toxic chemicals and other substances that may be present in the workplace. Provision of information about emergency treatment procedures. In addition, the OSH Act requires that employers make information available to workers concerning the results of medical or biological tests and that workers be given opportunities to observe when activities for monitoring regulated substances are undertaken.
Hazard communication regulation (29 CFR 1910) requirement of employers
It is the responsibility of employers to have a hazard communication program to employees that include such components as warning labels, training, access to records, and the distribution of material safety data sheets [MSDS]. OSHA makes grants available for companies to use for programs that will improve the understanding of MSDS’s.
Besides the legal requirements, how does OSHA promote safety and health training
OSHA’s response to its training mandate was to develop and dispense educational material. Local companies can use these materials in the actual provision of training. OSHA also provides monetary awards on a grant basis to companies, organizations, and educational institutions to finance the provision of safety and health training.
Mistrust that exists between labor and management regarding safety and health training
Management usually claim that labor is not sufficiently sensitive to the bottom line, and labor claim that management is not sufficiently sensitive to the safety and health of workers. Safety and health professionals have a very important task in convincing management and labor that providing a safe and healthy workplace is not only ethically right but also profitable in the long run.
Guide to OSHA training requirements
Training requirements in 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926: Personal protection equipment [PPE]: 29 CFR [f] [2] requires that employees demonstrate that they know how to use PPE. Confined Spaces: 29 CFR [g] [1] requires that employees who work as entrants, attendants, or entry supervisors have the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of their assigned duties. Respiratory protection: 29 CFR [k] [1] requires that each employee be able to demonstrate how to inspect, put on, remove, use, and check the seals of respirators. Lockout/tagout: 29 CFR [C] [7] [i] requires that employees have the knowledge and skill required for the safe application, use, and removal of energy controls. Laboratory safety: 29 CFR [f] [4] [i] [c] requires that employees be trained in the specific procedures necessary to protect themselves from chemical hazards, including appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and PPE to be used. Ladder and stairways: 29 CFR [a] requires that employees be able to recognize hazards related to ladders and stairways. In addition to required training, OSHA also requires retraining in certain areas: Hearing conservation, respiratory protection, bloodborne pathogens, and lead standards all require annual training. The confined spaces, fall protection, and lockout/tagout standards require retraining whenever there is evidence that a trained employee no longer possesses the necessary knowledge and skills.
MSHA definition of expert miner
Paragraph of Subpart B: A person currently employed as a miner; or a person who received training acceptable to MSHA [Mine Safety and Health Administration] from an appropriate state agency within the preceding one month; a person with 12 months experience working in surface operations during the preceding 3 years; or a person who received new miner training within the past 12 months.
MSHA training requirements for new or inexperienced miners
Paragraph Subpart B: A minimum of 24 hours of training is required. Typically this takes place before the miner begins work. However with prior approval of MSHA, up to 16 hours of training may be provided after the new miner begins work. This means that even with the waiver from MSHA, at least 8 hours of training must be provided before the miner begins work. The first 8 hours of a new miner’s training must include the following: an introduction to the work environment [orientation]; recognition of workplace hazards; and job-specific safety and health measures or concerns. All required training beyond the original 8 hours must be completed within 60 days. The training program must include at least the following topics: statutory rights of miners and their representatives; authority and responsibility of supervisors; line authority of supervisors and miner’s representatives; mine rules; hazard reporting procedures; self-rescue and respiratory devices; transportation controls and communication systems; introduction to the work environment; emergency evacuation and work procedures; fire warning and firefighting procedures; ground control; personal health; hazard recognition; electrical hazards; MSHA approved first aid; explosives; and job specific safety and health procedures. Companies must have a training plan that specifies oral, written, or practical demonstration methods will be used to access whether training has been completed successfully.
MSHA training requirements for newly employed experienced miners
Paragraph of Subpart B of MSHA regulations: Introduction to the work environment [ orientation]; mandatory safety and health standards, both general and job specific; authority and responsibility of supervisors and miners’ representatives; emergency escape and evacuation procedures; fire warning and fire fighting procedures; ground controls; and hazard recognition. In addition to these specific training requirements, MSHA requires 8 hours per year of refresher training, comprehensive records of each miner’s training, and compensation to miners for training time.
Characteristics of Safety Trainer
Supervisors are more likely to provide job and task specific training. Safety and health professionals are more likely to provide more generic training. The trainer must be competent at developing, coordinating, and conducting the training. The person conducting the training must have the following characteristics: a thorough knowledge of the topics to be taught; a desire to teach; a positive, helpful, cooperative attitude; strong leadership abilities; a professional attitude and approach; and exemplary behavior that sets a positive example.
Principles of Learning
1. People learn best when they are ready to learn: Time spent motivating employees so they want to learn about safety and health is time well spent. 2. People learn more easily when what they are learning can be related to something they already know: Begin each new learning activity with a brief review of the one that preceded it. People learn best in a step by step manner: Learning should be organized into logically sequenced steps, that proceed from the concrete to the abstract, from the simple to the complex, and from the known to the unknown. People learn by doing: Explanations can be part of the teaching process but are only useful if they are followed by application activities that require the learner to do something. The more often people use what they are learning, the better they will remember and understand it: Repetition and application should be built into the learning process. Success in learning tends to stimulate additional learning: Organize training in long enough segments to allow learners to see progress, but not so long that they become bored. People need immediate and continual feedback to know if they have learned: Trainers should concentrate on giving immediate and continual feedback.
Four Step Teaching Method
Preparation: to get participants prepared to learn, trainers prepared to teach, and facilities prepared to accommodate the process. Presentation: Begin dramatically, be brief, be organized, use humor, keep it simple, take charge, be sincere, consider conditions and tell stories. Application: simulation activities in which learners role play to actual hands on activities in which they use their new skills in a live format. Evaluation: Have employees demonstrate proficiency in performing tasks safely, and observe the results.
Essential components of a lesson plan
Lesson plans standardize instruction when more than one person may teach the same instruction to different groups (fig 12-4 page 255). Lesson title and number: Title should be as descriptive as possible. Number shows where it fits in the sequence of the course. Statement of purpose: Concise description of lesson’s contents. Learning objectives: What the participant should know or be able to do after completing the lesson. Written in terms that can be measured or easily observed. Training aids list: Include every tool, handout, piece of equipment, video, chart needed to conduct the instruction. Instructional approach: Methodology: lecture, discussion, demonstration, etc. followed by major activities: deliver lecture on safety regulations, distribute safety regulations handout, etc. Application assignments: Tasks that the learner will be required to complete, before they can apply what they learned. Evaluation methodology: Explains how learning will be evaluated: test, performance observation, etc.
Lecture-discussion method
Oldest, most familiar, most used, and most abused method of teaching. Use when: The material to be presented deals strictly with data, theory or information (no skills development) Participants need to be motivated before beginning a particular lesson. The material to be presented is not available in print. Sharing insight or experience in a particular area will enhance learning. Information must be communicated to a large group in one session. Interaction among participants is desired.
Lecture-discussion method not appropriate
Do not use the lecture-discussion method when: The subject matter deals with skill development or how to information. The participant group is small enough to allow individual learner and teacher interaction. There is no need for interaction among participants.
Three components of a lecture
Opening: Greet the class, state the title of the lecture, explain the purpose of the lecture, list the objectives so that participants know exactly what they should be learning, explain how the current lecture-discussion session relates to past topics studied, list and define any new terms that will be used during the session, present a general overview of the content of the lecture-discussion session. Body: Present the information in the order listed in the participant’s outline. Initiate discussion by raising specific questions, calling on participants for comments, or soliciting questions from them. Make frequent reference to all visual aids and supportive materials. Closing: Restate the title, purpose and objectives. Briefly summarize major points. State your conclusions. Answer remaining questions. Make follow-up assignments to reinforce the lecture and discussion.
Demonstration Method The demonstration method is the process in which the instructor shows participants how to perform certain skills or tasks. 1. Decide exactly what the purpose of the demonstration is, why it will be given, what participants should learn from it, what will be demonstrated and in what order, and how long the demonstration will last. 2. Gather all tools, equipment, and instructional aids. Make sure that everything is available and in working order. 3. Set up the demonstration so that participants will easily be able to see what is going on and hear what you are saying. 4. Arrange all materials to be used in the demonstration so that they correspond with the order in which the various steps of the demonstration will be presented. 5. Practice the demonstration several times before giving it to work out any bugs. It is vital to have hands-on activities after the demonstration.
Conference Teaching Method
The conference teaching method is best used as a problem solving teaching method. The steps according to the National Safety Council: State the problem. Break the problem into segments to keep the discussion orderly. Encourage free discussion. Make sure that members have given adequate consideration to all of the significant points raised. Record any conclusions that are reached. State the final conclusions in such a way that it truly represents the findings of the group.
Evaluating training Checklist of questions when evaluating training programs: Does the program have specific behavioral objectives? Is there a logical sequence for the program? Is the training relevant for the trainee? Does the program allow trainees to apply the training? Does the program accommodate different levels of expertise? Does the training include activities that appeal to a variety of learning styles? Is the philosophy of the program consistent with the organization? Is the trainer credible? Does the program provide follow-up activities to maintain the training on the job?
Objectives of supervisor safety training
According to the National Safety Council, the objectives of the supervisor safety training are to: Involve supervisors in the company’s accident prevention program. Establish the supervisor as the key person in preventing accidents. Get supervisors to understand their safety responsibilities. Provide supervisors with information on causes of accidents and occupational health hazards and methods of prevention. Give supervisors and opportunity to consider current problems of accident prevention and develop solutions based on their own and others experience. Help supervisors gain skill in accident prevention activities. Help supervisors keep their own departments safe.
Minimum content of good orientation program
A good orientation should teach the following at a minimum: Management is sincerely interested in preventing accidents. Accidents may occur, but it is possible to prevent them. Safeguarding the equipment and the workplace has been done, and management is willing to go further as needs and methods are discovered. Each employee is expected to report to the supervisor any unsafe conditions encountered at work. The supervisor will give job instructions. No employee is expected to undertake a job before learning how to do it and being authorized to do it by a supervisor. The employee should contact the supervisor for guidance before undertaking a job that appears to be unsafe. If an employee suffers an injury, even a slight one, it must be reported at once. In addition to these points, any safety rules that are conditions of employment, such as wearing eye protection or safety hats, should be understood and enforced from the first day of employment.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Break Down the Job into Steps: All of the various steps in a job are identified and listed in order. Changes in direction, activity, or movement typically signify the end of one step and the beginning of another. Identify Potential Hazards: Each step is then analyzed to identify any potential hazards associated with it, as the worker performs the job – danger of back injury, burn, slip, being caught between objects, fall, muscle strain, danger of exposure to dust, radiation, toxic fumes, or chemicals. Develop Accident Prevention Procedures: The final step involves developing procedures for reducing the hazard potential associated with each respective step. Ask the question, “How can this hazard be eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent possible?” Will redesigning the job eliminate the hazard? Is PPE needed?
Using JSA as a Training Technique
Conducting a JSA can be a valuable learning experience for both new and experienced employees. Not only does it help them understand their own job better, it familiarizes them with potential hazards and involves them in developing accident prevention procedures. Workers are more likely to follow procedures that they had a voice in planning. Finally the JSA as a process causes employees to think about safety and how it relates to their jobs.
Accommodating training needs of workers with limited English speaking ability
Traditional training methods – videos, lectures, handouts, and other classroom oriented methods – will not work well with employees who do not speak English as their principal language. Hand on training that more doing and less listening, reading, and writing is the better approach with limited English speaking audience. Instead of telling employees how to work safely, show them. Set up demonstrations that replicate the actual situation in question and let employees see what they are supposed to do on the job rather than watching a video of someone else doing it. Use bilingual training materials that address cultural issues, training material that recognizes the dignity of all employees regardless of their background, and training materials that minimize literacy requirements.
Summary The rationale for safety and health training is that workers who know how to do their jobs properly are less likely to have accidents. A trainer needs to have knowledge of the subject, and desire to teach. Four steps in teaching are preparation, presentation, application, and evaluation. Presentation methods include lecture-discussion, demonstration, simulation, videotapes/DVDs, and online training. New employee orientation should include general orientation, job specific procedures and follow up. Job safety analysis can be an excellent way to teach safety. OSHA requires training in certain areas – forklift training.
Home work Answer questions 3, 4, 6, 8, 17, 19, 21, and 23 on pages 3. What does the hazard communication regulation (29CFR 1910) require of employers? 4. Beyond the legal requirements of the OSH Act, how does OSHA promote safety and health training? 6. What document could you use as a guide to the OSHA training requirements? 8. Summarize the MSHA training requirements for newly employed but experienced miners. 18. Give an example when the demonstration method may be used. 19. List 5 questions that should be asked when evaluating training. 21. List the minimum content of a good orientation program. 23. What is the safety training value of a job safety analysis?
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