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Disabled and Sport. Who are they? Oscar Pistorius Usain Bolt.

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Presentation on theme: "Disabled and Sport. Who are they? Oscar Pistorius Usain Bolt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disabled and Sport

2 Who are they? Oscar Pistorius Usain Bolt

3 Who are they Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson Denise Lewis

4 Who are they? Lucy Shuker Serena Williams

5 Who are they? Ade Adepitan Michael Jordan

6 Disability Can be physical or mental, temporary or permanent. Can have an effect on participation and performance in physical activity.

7 In the past There was little provision for people with disabilities within physical activity. The access to sports centres and other facilities were poor. There were few disability sports on television. This has all changed due to disability laws being put in place.

8 The current situation Greater provision is being made for disabled people to participate in sport. An increasing number of sports centres and clubs have wheelchair access and adapted facilities. There are integrated and specialized sports sessions for disabled participants.

9 The current situation Special groups are formed to help participation Disability Sport Cymru is focused on sport and recreation opportunities for the disabled in Wales.

10 The Media The media is increasingly covering disabled sporting events. Wheel chair and blind athletes feature strongly in the televised coverage of the London marathon. The Paralympic Games are broadcast to a world wide audience.

11 The Paralympic Games

12 Questions 1.What are the similarities between the Olympic and Paralympic events? 2.What are the differences between the Olympic and Paralympic events? 3.What do you think the role of the Paralympics is?

13 Role Models These individuals are championing the cause for disabled athletes. Dame Tanni Grey Thompson was a wheelchair athlete and now encourages others to participate and promotes disability sports.

14 Ellie Simmonds Watch the video and answer the following questions on the sheet. 3tZRI

15 Why do you think Ellie is a good role model for other disabled athletes? Why do you think she is inspirational to able bodied people? Does her disability stand in her way? Explain.

16 What would ensure more disabled people got involved in sport? Role models Specialist coaches for disabled athletes Sport centres welcoming disabled participants Governing bodies planning events and providing opportunities.

17 Changes Facilities are being adapted to suit the needs of disabled people. Ramps, stair lifts and larger changing rooms have improved access. Lottery grants have allowed this to happen. Special groups have been set up to improve participation and opportunities. Disability Sport Cymru and The Sports Aid Charitable Trust.

18 Memory Game When I say "Go!", one person from your group must come up to my table and try and memorise as much as they can. They then go back to the group to record the information. Rules: 1. Only one person from each group out of their seats at any time. 2. You may not write down anything when you are at the table. 3. You may not shout information to your group when you are at the table.

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