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Western cuisine & food ingredients. Western cuisine serving orders 西餐餐飲服務程序 dinner (9 courses) Aperitif Appetizer (starter), Hors d’oeuvre Soup Salad.

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Presentation on theme: "Western cuisine & food ingredients. Western cuisine serving orders 西餐餐飲服務程序 dinner (9 courses) Aperitif Appetizer (starter), Hors d’oeuvre Soup Salad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western cuisine & food ingredients

2 Western cuisine serving orders 西餐餐飲服務程序 dinner (9 courses) Aperitif Appetizer (starter), Hors d’oeuvre Soup Salad Main course, entrée Cheese (+ bread) and fruit Dessert Coffee or tea Liqueur or cognac

3 Western cuisine serving orders 西餐服務程序 (cont.) breakfast English / American coffee or tea Juice or fruit Cereal or porridge Egg, meat and potato Pancakes, waffles or French toast, breads Continental (bread, coffee or tea) Northern European or German Coffee or tea Boiled egg Sliced cold cuts & terrine & cheese

4 餐型分類 Dinner: complete meals Lunch: simplified dinner Breakfast: milk, cereal, yoghurt, fruit, egg, potato, etc. Light meal: simpler meal Snacks: sandwiches, chips, cracker + cheese, ice cream, instant noodle Brunch: heavy breakfast

5 Appetizer Caviar Escargot = snail Foie gras Galantine 肉凍羔 Oyster Rockefeller 奶油菠菜烤鮮蠔 Pâté 酥皮肉羔 & terrine Parma ham & melon ( 義大利 Parma 省的 ham) Smoked salmon & trout

6 Escargot (snail)

7 Oyster Rockefeller: butter & spinach

8 Parma ham & melon ham and fig Ham and melon

9 Filled (stuffed) grape leaves Dolmades, dolmasi Sweet (rice + raisin + nuts) or salty (rice + meat) with lemon juice

10 Soup Bisque 奶油海鮮濃湯 Clam chowder 美式蛤蜊湯 New England style: potato & milk Manhattan style: tomato Consommé 肉類熬成的清湯

11 Bisque Lobster bisque soup Shrimp & crawfish bisque

12 Clam chowder Manhattan style Clam chowder in a bread bowl New England style

13 Consommé Consommé in glass

14 Salad Caesar salad Coleslaw Nicoise salad Waldorf salad

15 Caesar salad = Roman lettuce + dressing + cheese + croutons

16 Coleslaw = cabbage + mayo

17 Nicoise salad: onion + tuna + boiled egg + tomato + anchovy + black olive

18 Waldorf salad: apple + celery + mayo + walnut

19 Main course Chicken fried steak Filet mignon Goulash: paprika + beef

20 Chicken fried steak = Beef coated with batter (like making fried chicken)

21 Filet mignon

22 Goulash

23 Vegetable Artichoke Carrot vichy = sugar + carrot Palm heart Sauerkraut Truffle Zucchini Lettuce

24 Artichoke 朝鮮薊

25 grilled stuffed Artichoke heart

26 Carrot vichy

27 Palm heart = 棕櫚心

28 Sauerkraut

29 Truffle

30 chocolate Truffle

31 Zucchini


33 Lettuce Butter (head), Boston iceberg romaine Leaf lettuce

34 Starch Corn: tortilla Noodle: Chinese noodle, udon, pasta Potato: hash brown, fries, chips Rice: stick, long-grain, short-grain, jasmine rice, arborio (for risotto)

35 Corn Corn flakes Popcorn Corn soup Corn on cob Mixed vegetable Corn chip & salsa

36 Chinese Noodle Cellophane noodle Glass noodle Assorted Asian noodles Egg noodle Somen noodle Dry noodle Rice noodle

37 Japanese noodle Soba noodle Somen noodle udon

38 Pasta rotini spaghetti

39 Potato Chips & fries Potato casseroleBaked potatocroquettesMashed potato Hash brown

40 Rice Wild rice Rice cracker Sticky riceRice ball Jasmine rice Rice sticks Sushi rice Rice cake Rice dumpling

41 Bread Bagel Biscuit Cornbread Croissant Danish pastry Muffin: different with English muffin Pita bread Pretzel Roll

42 Bagel A everything bagel Cream cheese bagel Bagel sandwich

43 Biscuit : 餅乾 or 鬆餅 餅乾 比司吉

44 Cornbread & croissant

45 Danish pastry – for breakfast and tea times Danish finger sandwich

46 Muffin & English Muffin English muffin with ham, egg cheese with jam

47 Pita bread

48 Pretzel & roll Pretzel sticks Pretzels in snack bag



51 Dessert Apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie Key lime pie, cheese cake Boston cream pie, Cream puff Baklava: Turkish 酥皮核果甜點 Filo / phyllo 千層酥皮 Tiramisu Mousse, crêpe

52 Pies

53 Cheese Cakes

54 Boston Cream pie & Cream puff

55 Baklava & filo

56 Tiramisu

57 Mousse & crêpe

58 Light meal Jambalaya: US Louisiana State’s creole Kebab / kabob: 土耳其 Turkish Paella: Spanish 海鮮飯 Pasta: 義大利 Pilaf: 土耳其牛油燉飯 Quiche: French Risotto: 義大利燉飯

59 Jambalaya

60 Kebab / kabob

61 Paella 西班牙海鮮飯 : saffron 番紅花


63 Pilaf: butter

64 Quiche: salty egg pie

65 Risotto: cheese

66 Snack Burrito Fajita Meat pie: chicken pot pie Cookie Doughnut Pizza Herring

67 Burrito

68 Fajita

69 Meat pie Chicken pot pie

70 Cookies Oreo cookie Fortune cookie Ginger bread Chocolate chips cookies Cookie moster


72 Doughnut

73 Pizza

74 Herring + pickle + onion + bread

75 Two other herring dishes at back

76 重要原物料介紹 Veal 犢牛肉 : 3 個月以下的小牛肉 Lobster 龍蝦 : lobster tail (no head) Caviar 魚子醬 : 鱘魚卵, Iran & Russian Truffle 松露 : Black diamond, fungus 蕈類 Foie gras 鵝肝 : fatten goose liver Pate and terrine: 絞碎的肉入模再切片放餅上 Mussel 孔雀貝 : cold dish or soup Smoked salmon 煙燻鮭魚

77 Veal

78 Lobster

79 Caviar

80 Truffle

81 Foie gras (fat liver)

82 Herb foie gras mousse Foie gras out from canning

83 Pate and terrine Meat loaf terrineHam terrine

84 Mussel


86 Smoked salmon

87 Fruits Cranberry Raspberry Black &red currant Gooseberry Mulberry Blueberry Black berry Dates Apricot Fig Dried fruits

88 Cranberry

89 Cranberry relish Cranberry sauce jam

90 Raspberry

91 Black & red currant 黑紅醋栗

92 Red currant & blackberry

93 Red currant

94 Gooseberry 醋栗


96 Mulberry


98 Blueberry

99 Blackberry

100 Dates

101 Apricot



104 Fig




108 Nuts & seeds Walnut Pecan Chestnut Hazelnut Peanut Almond Cashew nut Macadamia nut Pine nut Sunflower seed Poppy seed

109 Walnut 胡桃 ( 核桃 )

110 Pecan 大胡桃

111 Chestnut 栗子

112 Hazelnut 榛果


114 Peanut 花生

115 Almond 杏仁

116 Cashew nut 腰果

117 Macadamia nut 夏威夷果

118 Pine nut 松子

119 Sunflower seed 葵花子

120 Poppy seed

121 Poppy

122 Chick pea & hummus


124 Tuna & avocado

125 Barcelona fruit market

126 Spain paella

127 Tomato toast

128 櫻花蝦 前菜

129 sushi



132 Paris








140 Japanese




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