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Managing Offshore Development RonnachaiUckara MBA 731.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Offshore Development RonnachaiUckara MBA 731."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Offshore Development RonnachaiUckara MBA 731

2 What is it? Offshore programming (also offshore software development, offshore software R&D) is provision of Software development services by an external supplier positioned in a country that is geographically remote from the client enterprise (a type of Offshore Outsourcing).

3 Why offshore? Wages are much lower is countries like India and Russia in comparison with US and Western Europe. It’s the availability of talent. People are well educated in “offshore software development countries” and are still available. A very strong home-grown IT sector that is receiving strong government support.

4 Offshore center India, China, and Russia are the three leading countries that currently control the offshore programming market. Other offshore software development destinations include Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines, Israel, Romania, Republic of Ireland, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary)

5 How to manage offshore Make sure the low labor cost is really lower Assess the programmers' skills realistically Have solid specifications Make sure the project plan is very, very detailed

6 How to manage offshore Make sure status reporting is unambiguous Don't overlook language skills Look at work samples

7 Offshore example: ANM ANM's portfolio of offshore services comprises of offshore software development for product and solutions companies in the Financial, messaging, Travel, E-Com based development arena.

8 Offshore example: ANM Offshore Development Infrastructure 1. Establishing Virtual Private Network (VPN) with 24 hour connectivity 2. Establishing of a Project Control Office (PCO) 3. Inter office communication methodology 4. Centralized CVS Access 5. Tools for Offshore Management 6. Database and QA Servers 7. Legal Employees Contracts 8. Admin Help desk for Travel and hotel bookings

9 Global Delivery Model

10 Offshore Transition Process

11 Online Resource Control Manager

12 Reference mming mming rcing rcing lopment_center.htm lopment_center.htm

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