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Wednesday, 3/12 Objective: Use the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method to identify, reveal and render a creature or creatures on your journal cover.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 3/12 Objective: Use the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method to identify, reveal and render a creature or creatures on your journal cover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 3/12 Objective: Use the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method to identify, reveal and render a creature or creatures on your journal cover. Collaborate with your group to attach hands to the tree armatures and apply paper mache. Paranoiac Critical Investigation: A surrealist technique for creating images developed by Salvador Dalí in the early 1930s based on the brain’s need to try and make sense out of things which rationally do not make sense. Using the method when creating a work of art uses an active process of the mind to visualize images called phantom objects in blobs of color and work these into the creation of the final work.

2 Notes Paranoiac Critical Investigation: A surrealist technique for creating images developed by Salvador Dalí in the early 1930s based on the brain’s need to try and make sense out of things which rationally do not make sense. Using the method when creating a work of art uses an active process of the mind to visualize images called phantom objects in blobs of color and work these into the creation of the final work.

3 Tuesday, 3/11 Objective: Use the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method to identify, reveal and render a creature or creatures on your journal cover. Collaborate with your group to attach hands to the tree armatures and apply paper mache. Drill 1.Draw the image and write the information in the credit line. 2.Describe what you see using at least three sentences. 3.What do you think the title of this work means? Francisco Goya. The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. 1797-99. Etching.

4 A look at Monsters







11 A look at Villains and Robots



14 A look at Insects



17 Find the Monsters in the blobs of paint

18 How does the quote on the painting relate to everything we have seen and discussed? The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

19 Work By Surrealists using the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method Salvador Dali



22 Max Ernst


24 Paranoical Critical Investigation Images



27 To Do Spend some time staring at the shapes and colors on your journal covers. Look at them from different angles. Visualize the monsters, creatures and other things that exist within the blobs of color. Pair with a partner to point out and discuss your visualizations. Ask what your partner sees on your paper and look at theirs. Use the markers and pencils to bring out the monster/creature you visualized within your paper by adding outlines, colors, details and whatever else you need to on your paper. Allow your brain to visualize. BE CREATIVE.

28 To Do Complete the Paranoiac Critical Investigation drawings: - Recognize shapes within shapes within the outline of your monsters. - Add color to those shapes or add lines and textures over ones that are already there to make them more visible. - Make your visualizations visible to everyone else so they can look at your work and see what you saw without you having to explain it to them. EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT, STRETCH YOUR IMAGINATION, BE CREATIVE

29 Exit Ticket Explain how the Paranoiac Critical Investigation Method works.

30 Thursday, 3/13 Goal: Complete Paranoiac Critical Investigation Drawing by “revealing the monster”. Collaborate with your group to construct a tree armature, attach cast hands to it and apply paper mache. Drill 1.Who developed the paranoiac critical investigation method? 2.How does cloud watching relate to the paranoiac critical investigation method? 3.What are the images your brain sees in blobs of paint or smudges called? 4.Describe what you see in the work on the right. Salvador Dali. Swans Reflecting Elephants. 1937

31 To Do Complete the Paranoiac Critical Investigation drawings: - Recognize shapes within shapes within the outline of your monsters. - Add color to those shapes or add lines and textures over ones that are already there to make them more visible. - Make your visualizations visible to everyone else so they can look at your work and see what you saw without you having to explain it to them. EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT, STRETCH YOUR IMAGINATION, BE CREATIVE

32 Exit Ticket What do you think you have learned by creating a drawing using the paranoiac critical investigation method? How do you think this will help you with your art throughout the semester?

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