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Antibacterial & Oxo-Biodegradable Additive Masterbatches

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Presentation on theme: "Antibacterial & Oxo-Biodegradable Additive Masterbatches"— Presentation transcript:

1 Antibacterial & Oxo-Biodegradable Additive Masterbatches
Additive Masterbatches For The Polymer Industry Antibacterial & Oxo-Biodegradable Additive Masterbatches Alex Jones & László Mezőcsáti Wells Plastics Ltd Emerald Way Stone Business Park Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0SR United Kingdom Wells Plastics providing solutions...adding value Tel: Fax:

2 Additive Masterbatches
Company Overview BactiglasTM Antibacterial Additives ReverteTM Oxo-biodegradables

3 Company Overview Wells Plastics is a UK based bespoke specialist additive masterbatch and compound producer Formed in 1984 Dedicated manufacturing & technical facility to Research, Develop, Manufacture and Support innovative products We Add Value to our customers by providing Technical Solutions


5 Antimicrobial Masterbatches
Biocidal & Biostatic in action Very stable as Silver ions are held and released from a glass matrix Easy to dose as the glass matrix is well dispersed in all preparations High degree of efficacy Controlled and sustained release of Silver ions gives consistent performance over a long period of time Silver ions remain stored in the polymer and are gradually made available as the surface is abraded microscopically

6 How does BactiglasTM work?
Bacterial Cell Surface of Article

7 BactiglasTM Long lasting protection
European & FDA food contact approvals Tested using the international ISO standard Suitable for many polymers and plastic processes: Moulding Profile Extrusion Fiber Film & sheet Many diverse applications: Home & Industrial Hygiene Medical devices Pharmaceutical packaging


9 ReverteTM Oxo-biodegradables
ReverteTM is an ‘oxo-biodegradable additive’ masterbatch Added to standard Polyolefins at 1% by weight ReverteTM will makes ordinary plastic degrade in the environment at the end of its useful life ReverteTM requires no special processing conditions and has little effect on physical properties

10 How ReverteTM Works Polyethylene and Polypropylene normally degrades very slowly in the open environment due to: High molecular weight (approximately 250,000) Hydrophobic surface ReverteTM rapidly accelerates the oxidative breakdown reducing the molecular weight The low molecular weight species can then be biodigested by microbes in the environment

11 How ReverteTM Works ReverteTM HDPE check-out bag.
After heat/UV exposure in an ageing cabinet at 50oC

12 ReverteTM in Action

13 ReverteTM in Action

14 ReverteTM in Action

15 ReverteTM in Action

16 ReverteTM in Action

17 ReverteTM in Action

18 ReverteTM in Action

19 ReverteTM in Action

20 ReverteTM in Action

21 ReverteTM in Action

22 ReverteTM in Action

23 ReverteTM in Action

24 ReverteTM in Action

25 ReverteTM in Action

26 ReverteTM in Action

27 ReverteTM in Action

28 ReverteTM in Action

29 ReverteTM in Action ..

30 ReverteTM in Action .

31 Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-ReverteTM
Suitable for the recycling stream European & FDA Food contact approvals Contains no ‘toxic heavy metals’ Meets the ASTM standard Global usage & positive CSR drivers Local Distribution – Comipack LLC based in Moscow

32 For more detailed information on Reverte please visit our website at
Wells Plastics Ltd Emerald Way Stone Business Park Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0SR United Kingdom Wells Plastics providing solutions...adding value Tel: Fax:

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