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Published byHester Nash Modified over 9 years ago
e-DMAS Business Web Order Entry (WEBOE8) An Enhancement For iSeries 400 DMAS from Copyright I/O International, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Skip Intro
2 e-DMAS Business Order entry to DMAS via the Internet for external users, including 4 Ability for customers to enter their own orders 4 Ability to review orders in process 4 Ability to view previous invoices and the ability to reprint them 4 Ability to copy a previous order or invoice into current shopping cart Next slide
3 e-DMAS Business... and... 4 Ability to review A/R activity 4 Also designed for outside salesmen 4 All under full security and pre-authorized registration 4 Allows for your product catalog to be viewed by the outside Internet world Next slide
4 e-DMAS Business The e-DMAS enhancement from I/O 4 Allows you to leverage the best parts of the Web, your AS/400, and DMAS 4 Makes your company more visible to the Internet world 4 Displays data on the Web in ‘real-time’ and is integrated directly with the DMAS database Next slide
5 e-DMAS Business Visibility 4 Let any Web e-user view the products you sell 4 Let registered Web e-users enter new orders, check order status, etc. 4 Sensitive data is completely secured so they see only what you want them to see Next slide
6 e-DMAS Business All web users are presented the e-DMAS begin screene-DMAS begin screen 4 Un-registered users may only view the online catalog 4 An un-registered user may request a user ID and password Skip to e-DMAS SummaryNext slide
7 e-DMAS Business Any web user may 4 View the items you sell 4 Search for items by –Item classItem class –Item sub-classItem sub-class –Fine line groupFine line group –ManufacturerManufacturer –Use an advanced searchadvanced search 4 Display item information, includingitem information –Picture of the item (if any) –Item documents including technical specs (if any) –Parts explosion (if any)Parts explosion Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
8 e-DMAS Business Registered e-Users 4 Give select customers Internet access to –Enter orders via ‘shopping cart’ methods Shopping cart ‘memory’ displays previously order items –Utilize several ‘item searching’ methods –Check on the status of their own orders –Look up historical invoices with the option to re-print them –Copy previous orders into present shopping cart –Review present A/R status and activity Next slide
9 e-DMAS Business Features for registered e-Users 4 Requires customers who want Internet access to register with you first 4 Utilizes AS/400 and custom security 4 Each customer representative is given separate user ID and password 4 Unique greeting may be created per user ID 4 Greetings appear on the Welcome screenWelcome screen Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
10 e-DMAS Business Features for inventory items 4 Select items may be coded to be ‘not orderable’ via the Web 4 Select items may be coded to ‘not display’ in item searches via the Web 4 User may view details for any viewable item 4 Item pictures and/or diagrams may be viewed by clicking a buttonpictures and/or diagrams Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
11 e-DMAS Business Features for inventory items... 4 Item specifications and technical documents may be displayed for select itemstechnical documents 4 Select group items may be coded so that e- user can view the components as a ‘related parts’‘related parts’ 4 DMAS extended item descriptions displayextended item descriptions Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
12 e-DMAS Business Item searching features... 4 You can display ads on index page and item search pagesdisplay ads 4 Selecting from a list of item class descriptionsitem class 4 Selecting from a list of item sub-class descriptions (within the selected item class)item sub-class 4 Selecting from a list of fine line groups (within the selected item sub-class)fine line groups 4 Selecting from a list of manufacturers (for the list of fine line groups)manufacturers Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
13 e-DMAS Business Advanced item searching 4 For the more experienced e-user 4 Allows for descriptive searching 4 May skip hierarchical item class / sub-class / fine line group selections Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
14 e-DMAS Business Order entryOrder entry (with displayed ads) 4 Only for registered users 4 May select from multiple warehouses 4 May enter item number and quantity 4 May utilize item search functions 4 Accumulates ordered items in a ‘shopping cart’ 4 Items are priced via standard DMAS pricing routines for the particular customer 4 May review items ordered and resulting prices by reviewing shopping cart Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
15 e-DMAS Business Shopping cart 4 Shopping cart format may be based on templatetemplate 4 Shopping cart remembers previously ordered items 4 Previously ordered item may be re-ordered by entering a quantity 4 User may delete items from shopping cart memory 4 Other order details and prices may be reviewed during check out 4 Multiple shopping cart types may be defined Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
16 e-DMAS Business Check Out 4 Allows entry of –P/O number –Shipping instructions –Contact & phone number –Requested shipping date –Ship-to location –General comments 4 User prices and extended amounts are displayed Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
17 e-DMAS Business Check Out Check Out... 4 User may exit e-DMAS and retain order until next visit 4 When order is completed, user advances to Confirmation page by clicking Continue... View Confirmation button Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
18 e-DMAS Business Order Confirmation 4 User verifies order content prior to final order submission 4 May optionally print a hard copy of order on PC printer 4 User may go back to CheckOut page 4 May go to printer friendly page by clicking Printer Friendly Version button Printer Friendly Version 4 When user is satisfied with order, submits order by clicking Submit Order button Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
19 e-DMAS Business Submitting an order 4 When a customer submits an order –Thank You screen displayed to userThank You –Order is placed in a ‘receiving’ file on your AS/400 –One or more of your customer service reps receive a submission e-mail –Your customer receives a confirmation e-mail –Your customer service department ‘receives’ orders queued in receiving file –Order then processed like any other order Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
20 e-DMAS Business Recent orders 4 A registered user may view recently submitted orders (orders submitted from the web but not yet accepted into the DMAS database ) –A list of recently submitted orders is displayedlist of recently submitted orders –Order details may be viewed by clicking the order dateOrder details Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
21 e-DMAS Business Outstanding orders 4 A registered user may view outstanding orders (orders in the DMAS database including sales orders, backorders, quotations, credit memos, etc. ) –The user has several ways in which to search for outstanding orderssearch –A list of outstanding orders in process is displayedlist of outstanding orders –Order details may be viewed by clicking the order numberOrder details Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
22 e-DMAS Business Historical invoices 4 A registered user may view invoice history (from the DMAS invoiced order history file. ) –The user has several ways in which to search for historical invoicessearch –A list of his invoices is displayedlist of his invoices –Invoice details may be viewed by clicking the order numberInvoice details Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
23 e-DMAS Business Review A/R Activity 4 A registered user may view his accounts receivable balance and activity 4 The user may view: –A summary of his A/Rsummary –Current or historic remittances A list of current or historic remittanceslist Details of what each remittance paidDetails –Current or historic invoices A list of current or historic invoiceslist Transaction details for any invoiceTransaction details –A current status of his credit situationcredit Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
24 e-DMAS Business Sharing documents 4 You may choose to share selected documents with your registered users 4 Available only to registered users 4 List of document categories is displayeddocument categories –User selects desired category 4 List of available documents is displayedavailable documents –User selects desired document 4 Documents may be PDF, HTML, MS Word, etc. 4 All documents are stored in the IFS on the AS/400 Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
25 e-DMAS Business Multi-Customer e-Users 4 Use for outside sales representatives or customer support representatives (CSR) 4 Gives employees order entry capabilities via the web 4 Each multi-customer e-user is limited to his specific list of customers Next slide
26 e-DMAS Business Multi-Customer e-Users (continued) 4 When initially logging on, must select one customer from authorized list 4 Initial page displays a list of “A” customers Initial page 4 Use search criteria to search list of authorized customerssearch criteria 4 Search results includes only those customer that satisfy search criteria Search results 4 The selected customer is identified on the pageselected customer Next slideSkip to e-DMAS Summary
27 e-DMAS Business Summary Invoiced Order History Order Entry Outstanding Orders Begin Screen Item Search All e-Users Registered e-Users Only (click button to view detail) Welcome Check Out Shopping Cart Multi-Customer e-Users Select a Customer Review A/R Activity Share Documents Back to Title Page Tailoring Options Recent Orders Order Confirmation Printer Friendly
28 e-DMAS Begin Screen All web users are presented with the e-DMAS begin screen Users who are not registered are limited to viewing the Online Catalog Registered users are invited to log onto the system End of topic Users not registered may request a user ID and password
29 Registered User’s Welcome Screen When the registered user signs on, a welcome screen is displayed. The user is welcomed by displaying his name and a unique greeting You can set the public greeting for your company End of topic You may choose to share documents with your e- users User controlled ads may be displayed
30 Item More Information Screen When viewing the detail for an item, you can provide pictures and additional documentation. To view a picture of an item, the e-user clicks the Show Picture button If additional documentation is available, it is displayed here. End of topic
31 Item More Information Screen You may use group items to break an item down into parts If this is a group item for an assembly, the Show related parts button displays If this item had an extended description, it would display here End of topic Show related parts
32 Item More Information Screen When you click the related parts button, a list screen showing all components is displayed. All parts relating to the previous group item are displayed The user may order one or more items by entering a quantity End of topic
33 Item More Information Screen You may use group items to break an item down into parts If this is a group item for an assembly, the Show related parts button displays If this item had an extended description, it would display here End of topic Show related parts
34 Item More Information Screen When you click the related parts button, a list screen showing all components is displayed. All parts relating to the previous group item are displayed The user may order one or more items by entering a quantity End of topic
35 Item Search, Item Class A list of all item classes available is displayed. The e-user selects one by clicking it. All item classes are displayed by description The user clicks the item class desired End of topic Ads may be displayed Thumbnail pictures are optional
36 Item Search, Item Sub-class A list of all item sub-classes available within the selected item class is displayed. The e-user selects one by clicking it. The item class selected was ‘Pumps & Accessories’. All item sub-classes available are displayed by description The user clicks the item sub-class desired End of topic Ads may be displayed that relate to the specific item class selected
37 Item Search, Detail Selection The user may see a list of the available choices by clicking the drop-down arrows Ads may be displayed specific to the product group and the manufacture of items within that group Detail product group (fine line group) is a further break-down of item sub-class. The item sub-class selected was ‘Pump Parts’ The user may select a detail product group, manufacturer, or both End of topic
38 Advanced Item Search The user may use a combination of any or all pull-down selections and descriptive search. The user may use any or all of the pull-down search arguments A descriptive search may also be used End of topic To perform an advanced search, the user clicks the Search For Items button
39 Item Entry The user may enter an item number and quantity, or use item search functions. The user may select from multiple warehouses Items may be entered (item number, quantity, UOM) or selected via item search functions End of topic
40 Shopping Cart The shopping cart shows items ordered during this session, plus items previously ordered (not under format control). Items ordered during this session show a quantity Items previously ordered display with a zero (0) quantity. A previously ordered item may be re- ordered by entering a quantity. End of topic View Shopping Cart Under Format
41 Shopping Cart The format of this shopping cart is controlled by a shopping cart template to which this e-user has been assigned. With templates, a shopping cart may have up to 4 sections Comments may be added for sections and/or items, items may be highlighted. End of topic
42 Check Out Counter The check out counter displays the order that is about to be submitted. Shipping instructions may be entered at this time. Order information and shipping instructions may be entered at this point Item prices and extended amounts are displayed for the user to review. End of topic
43 Order Confirmation The order confirmation displays the order that is about to be submitted. The user should review the order carefullty at this time. This is the last opportunity to review the order prior to submitting it. A printer friendly version of the order may be displayed End of topic
44 Printer Friendly Version The printer friendly version of the order may be viewed prior to printing a local copy of the order. A complete copy of the order is displayed that is friendly for printing on most any printer. End of topic
45 Order ‘Thank You’ Upon order submission, a Thank You screen is displayed to the user. In addition to the Thank You, the user will be sent an e-mail, confirming the receipt of his order End of topic
46 Recently Submitted Orders When viewing recent orders, the user is presented a list of his orders that have been recently submitted from the web. The user may view order details by clicking on the order date End of topic
47 Review Order Detail Details of recent orders are displayed in an invoice style format. Order header information is shown, including the designated ship-to End of topic Each item ordered is displayed, including the selling price and extended amount
48 Outstanding Order Search The user has several options to help find outstanding orders. If the user knows the order number, it can be keyed Outstanding orders may be found by selecting a radio button, searching for P/O #, with a recent date range, or shipping warehouse End of topic
49 Outstanding Orders When viewing outstanding orders, the user is presented a list of his orders that meet the search criteria that are currently in process. The user may view order details by clicking on the order number End of topic
50 Review Order Detail Details of outstanding orders are displayed in an invoice style format. Order header information is shown, including the designated ship-to End of topic Each item ordered is displayed, including the selling price and extended amount
51 Invoiced Order History Search The user has several options to help find historical orders. If the user knows the order number of the invoice, it can be keyed Historical invoices may be found by searching for P/O #, Inv #, invoice date range, or shipping warehouse End of topic
52 Review Invoiced Order History A list of invoices meeting the search criteria is displayed. The details of a specific invoice is displayed by clicking the order number Invoices are displayed with the most recent listed first End of topic
53 Review Invoice Detail The user can view the entire invoice, including sales tax. Standard invoice header information is displayed at the top If needed, the user may print a copy of the invoice using his browser and PC printer. End of topic
54 Initial Customer List When initially logging on, the multi-customer e-user must select a customer. The initial customer list displays only your “A” customers As a multi-customer e-user, you may search your entire customer list by clicking the customer search button End of topic
55 Customer Search You can enter a known customer number, or search your customer list. If the customer number is known, you can key it directly To search for a customer, you can use one or more of the available search criteria End of topic
56 Customer Search Results The customer search results are based on the search criteria keyed. The search criteria used for the search is displayed under the column headings All customers satisfying the search criteria are displayed End of topic
57 Customer Identity For multi-customer e-users, the most recently selected customer number and name is displayed on most pages. The e-user can always see which customer he is currently working with. The multi-customer e-user can select a different customer to work with by clicking this button. End of topic
58 A/R Summary A summary of the present customer’s A/R is displayed. The lower portion displays A/R statistics as well as an aging of the total A/R. The top portion of the page displays general customer info. End of topic
59 A/R Remittances A list of current period remittances is displayed. The e-user can view historic remittances by clicking the Remittance History button. Remittances made during the current period are displayed. End of topic The e-user can view all invoices paid by a remittance by clicking the Check No.
60 Remittance Detail Remittance detail shows each invoice that was paid by this remittance. To view historic remittances, click the Remittance History button.. This remittance paid 1 invoice. End of topic
61 A/R Invoices A list of open invoices (and those fully paid during the current period) is displayed. End of topic The e-user can view historic invoices by clicking the Invoice History button. Open invoices are displayed. The e-user can view all transactions for a particular invoice by clicking the Invoice No. The e-user can view the detail of the original sales order by clicking the Order No.
62 Invoice Detail Invoice detail shows each transaction against a particular invoice. End of topic To view historic invoices, click the Invoice History button.. This display shows the original invoice plus a full payment.
63 Credit Status The customer’s credit status is summarized, including outstanding A/R and sales orders in process. Then a summary of all outstanding sales orders and their impact on the customer’s credit. A summary of the customer’s credit as compared to his credit limit. End of topic
64 Shopping Cart Templates 4 You may control the format of shopping carts by using a template and –Setting a sequence for the items to display –Force certain items to appear in a shopping cart –Create comments to display in the cart –Control how long previously ordered items stay in the cart –Put promotional items in the top section of the cart
65 Shopping Cart Templates 4 Shopping cart templates continued … –Create multiple templates –Assign an e-user to a specific template –Assign multiple e-users to a single template End of topic
66 Document Categories The customer is presented a list of available document categories. The user selects which category he wants to view End of topic
67 The document will then be displayed by the appropriate document viewer. Document List The customer is then presented a list of available documents within the selected category. The user then selects the desired document. End of topic
68 Tailoring Options 4 Using the IOTAILOR WEBOE command, the user can tailor the WEBOE enhancement 4 The tailoring options control how shipping and handling charges get generated if they are generated automatically and if the I/O Enhanced Shipping and Handling enhancement is not installed
69 If shipping and handling charges are to be automatically calculated, then the “Yes” response must be selected for the first option Options 2 thru 5 apply only if the I/O Enhanced Shipping & Handling enhancement is not installed but shipping and handling charges are automatically calculated via custom added code. Tailoring Options Tailoring options control several features within e-DMAS The user may be allowed to key text into the shipping instructions or select from a list of valid shipping instructions
70 Tailoring Options Additional options control functions available to e-users Options 6 through 11 control whether certain menu options display for the e-user or not End of topic
71 End of Presentation For more information about the e-DMAS Business Web Order Entry Enhancement for iSeries 400 DMAS, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) 232-2233 Thank you for your interest Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York 10589 Return to e-DMAS Summary
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