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Fuel From Plastic Waste 1. Contents Introduction History Environmental issues Biodegradable plastics Commonly used plastics Pyrolysis Types of pyrolysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuel From Plastic Waste 1. Contents Introduction History Environmental issues Biodegradable plastics Commonly used plastics Pyrolysis Types of pyrolysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuel From Plastic Waste 1

2 Contents Introduction History Environmental issues Biodegradable plastics Commonly used plastics Pyrolysis Types of pyrolysis Principle involved Advantages Conclusion Refrences 2

3 Introduction Plastic is the common term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic amorphous solid materials used in the manufacture of industrial amorphous solid Its derived from the Greek word Plastikos meaning fit for molding, plastos meaning molded Two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers 3

4 Introduction (cntd…) Thermosets can melt and take shape once; after they have solidified, they stay solid. Thermoplastics will soften and melt if enough heat is applied. Plastics are chains of repeat units, derived from monomers to form a polymermonomers Plastics are composed of polymers of carbon and hydrogen alone or with oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine or sulfurcarbonhydrogenoxygennitrogen chlorinesulfur 4

5 History In 1855 Alexander Parkes developed Parkesine; a substitute to Ivory. In 1909 Leo Hendrik Baekeland invented the first plastic based on a synthetic polymer made from phenol (C 6 H 5 OH) and formaldehyde (HCOH). This was made by the first viable and cheap synthesis methods. Nylon was the first purely synthetic fiber, introduced by DuPont Corporation at the 1939 World's Fair in New York City. In 1839, Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber In 1910 Lebedev invented synthetic rubber 5

6 Environmental issues Since the 1950s, one billion tons of plastic has been discarded which are not degredable In some cases, burning plastic can release toxic fumes The manufacturing of plastics often creates large quantities of chemical pollutants. CFCs contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer; however, non-CFCs are currently used 6

7 Biodegradable (Compostable) plastics Biodegradable plastics that break down with exposure to sunlight (e.g., ultra-violet radiation), water or dampness, bacteria, enzymes, wind abrasion Bioplastics: Some plastics can be obtained from biomass, including:  from pea starch film  from biopetroleum Oxo-biodegradable: Oxo-biodegradable (OBD) plastic is polyolefin plastic to which has been added in very small (catalytic ) amounts of metal salts. 7

8 Price, environment, and the future In recent years the cost of plastics has been rising dramatically due to sharp rise in cost of petroleum, the raw material that is chemically altered to form commercial plastics. Oil shale and tar oil are alternatives for plastic production but are expensive One promising and cheap alternative may be fructose 8

9 Common plastics Polypropylene (PP): Food containers Polystyrene (PS): Packaging foam High impact polystyrene (HIPS): Fridge liners Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS): Electronic equipment Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): Carbonated drinks bottles Polyester (PES): Fibers, textiles Polyamides (PA) (Nylons): Fibers, toothbrush bristles Polyurethanes (PU): Cushioning foams Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) (Saran): Food packaging 9

10 Effects of Plastics Chemicals, like benzene and vinyl chloride, are known to cause cancer, birth defects and damage the nervous system, blood, kidneys and immune systems in humans Liquid hydrocarbons, which readily vaporizes pollutes the air Resins themselves are flammable The animal body behaves as a 'sink' for styrene monomer PVC is chlorine-based chemical that produces dioxin on heating 10

11 Pyrolysis A process of thermal degradation in the absence of oxygen Plastic and Rubber waste is continuously treated in a cylindrical chamber and the pyrolytic gases are condensed in a specially- designed condenser system The plastic / Rubber is pyrolised at 370 0 C - 420 0 C and the pyrolised gases are condensed in a series of condensers to give a low sulphur content distillate. 11

12 TYPES OF PYROLYSIS TECHNIQUES: Pyrolysis using expensive catalysts: Catalysts used are metal promoted silica-alumina or mixtures of metal hydrogenation catalysts. Liquid yield of about 80% is obtained at a furnace temperatures of about 600 0 C. Hydro-processing at relatively low hydrogen pressures (200-500ps) at 430-450 0 C either thermally or catalytically converts them into a much lighter product. The volatile product obtained from this process is scrubbed and condensed yielding about 10-15%gas and 75-80% of a relatively heavy oil product. The yields of pyrolysis oil from polyethylene and polypropylene were 75 to 89% 12

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14 Pyrolysis without the use of catalysts: The process carried out is the same in this case also but catalysts are not used. Instead the temperature parameters are varied. 14

15 The Process Under controlled reaction conditions, plastics materials undergo random de-polymerization and is converted into three products: a) Solid Fuel – Coke b) Liquid Fuel – Combination of Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel and Lube Oil c) Gaseous Fuel – LPG range gas The process consists of two steps: i) Random de-polymerization - Loading of waste plastics into the reactor along with the catalyst system. - Long chain of polymers break at certain points is de-polymerisation, if this scenario occurs randomly its called Random de-polymerization ii) Fractional Distillation - Separation of various liquid fuels by virtue of the difference in their boiling points. 15

16 Unique features of the process and product obtained are: All types of Plastics Waste including CD’s and Floppies having metal inserts, laminated plastics – can be used in the process without any cleaning operation. Inputs should be dry. Bio-medical plastics waste can be used. About 1 litre of Fuel is produced from 1 kg of Plastics Waste. Bye-products are Coke and LPG Gaseous Fuel. Any possible dioxin formation is ruled out during the reaction, due to the fact that the reaction is carried out in absence of oxygen. This is a unique process in which 100% waste is converted into 100% value-added products. The process does not create any pollution. 16

17 Zadgaonkars’ Process: Steps Involved: 1.Feed System 2. Premelter 3.Melter 4.Dechlorination 5.Reactor 17

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20 Advantages Reduces pollution helps in waste plastic degradation. Cheaper and quality fuel. Perfect solution for waste plastic, rubber, tyre management. Raw material readily available. Plant is energy self sufficient. 20

21 Conclusion This study has shown that it does not matter whether collected PET is recycled into polyester fibre, sheet, strapping or back into PET bottles: they all offer equal benefits to the ecological profile of PET Not many people comprehend that PET bottles, even for single use, are as good as their glass counterparts. This calls for further improvements in balanced, reputable education, and independent 21

22 Refreneces 008/04/15/fuel-from-plastic-waste/ 008/04/15/fuel-from-plastic-waste/ el.asp el.asp 28854.htm 28854.htm 22

23 Thank you 23

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