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Create a Marshall/West Virginia Technology Engineering Math (S.T.E.M.) Academy, including a West Virginia Virtual S.T.E.M. Academy to serve the entire.

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Presentation on theme: "Create a Marshall/West Virginia Technology Engineering Math (S.T.E.M.) Academy, including a West Virginia Virtual S.T.E.M. Academy to serve the entire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create a Marshall/West Virginia Technology Engineering Math (S.T.E.M.) Academy, including a West Virginia Virtual S.T.E.M. Academy to serve the entire state. I NTEGRATION WITH 21 ST C ENTURY S KILLS : Instructional strategies, curriculum materials and assessments will be developed in S.T.E.M. fields that can be integrated into the 21 st Century Skills Framework. ( Tentative Partners: State Department of Education, Benedum Foundation, Battelle Foundation ). P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT : Provide math and science teachers across West Virginia with research-based professional development in math and science pedagogy, including strategies for vertical teaming with math and science teachers from different grade levels. ( Tentative Partner: Center for Professional Development & State Department of Education ) C ONTENT K NOWLEDGE AND C LINICAL E XPERIENCES : Increase the math and science content knowledge and clinical experiences of teacher candidates at Marshall University. Based on ongoing research and evaluation of this work, the Center will offer technical assistance and coordinate demonstration projects for other teacher education programs. (Tentative Partners: Benedum Foundation; Benedum Collaborative, West Virginia Partnerships for Teacher Quality) A CADEMIC E NRICHMENT : create and/or support S.T.E.M. academic enrichment activities for students (including underrepresented student populations across West Virginia), including access to Advanced Placement courses in math and science. (Tentative Partners: WVEPSCoR, Governor’s Schools for Math and Science, Engineering Academy, Center for Professional Development, The College Board).

2 Create a Marshall/West Virginia Technology Engineering Math (S.T.E.M.) Academy, including a West Virginia Virtual S.T.E.M. Academy to serve the entire state. R ESEARCH C LEARINGHOUSE : Center will conduct and/or cooperate with research studies to test the effectiveness of different teaching and learning strategies in S.T.E.M. fields and disseminate the results of these studies and results from studies done by others through workshops, conferences, publications and Web-resources. (Tentative Partner: Edvantia, Battelle Foundation). L IAISON WITH EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS : serve as a liaison with regional and national organizations with an interest in S.T.E.M. issues. One example is the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), which has done extensive work on the factors affecting mathematics achievement for students in rural schools. (Tentative Partners: SREB, Education Commission of the States, National Governors Association, National Science Teachers Association, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). G RANT -W RITING : Center will identify grant opportunities and initiate the development of grant proposals to local, state, federal and private sources in support of STEM education activities. The Center will also provide technical assistance and coordination to other entities (K-12 schools, county school offices, RESAs, institutions of Higher Learning) applying for S.T.E.M.-related grants. (Tentative Partners: Benedum Foundation, Edvantia, EPSCoR, National Science Foundation). P UBLIC O UTREACH : Center will conduct outreach to parents, policymakers, business leaders, the media, and the general public about the importance of STEM education thorough public service announcements, forums, newsletters and seminars. (Tentative Partners: WV Legislature, Education Alliance)

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