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THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13 Q. 1) In order to identify the ‘mark’ we must first identify the ‘beast’. In prophecy, what does a beast represent? –Daniel.

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Presentation on theme: "THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13 Q. 1) In order to identify the ‘mark’ we must first identify the ‘beast’. In prophecy, what does a beast represent? –Daniel."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13 Q. 1) In order to identify the ‘mark’ we must first identify the ‘beast’. In prophecy, what does a beast represent? –Daniel 7:23; Jeremiah 50:17,43,44 –“The fourth BEAST shall be the fourth KINGDOM.”

3 THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13 Q. 2) According to Revelation 13:1 this beast, with a mark, comes up out of the sea. What does water represent in prophecy? –Revelation 17:15 –“The waters…are PEOPLE and MULTITUDES and NATIONS and TONGUES.”

4 THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13 Q. 3) Read Revelation 13:1-8,18. Notice that this beast, which has a mark that I must not receive, has 8 pronounced characteristics. [See exhibit] 1. It would receive its power; seat and authority. (vs2) 2. Would become a world – wide power. (vs3,7) 3. Would rule for 42 months. (vs5)

5 4. Would be guilty of blasphemy.(vs5,6) 5. Would receive a deadly wound which would heal. Then the entire world would follow him. (vs.3) 6. Would have the mystic number 666. (vs. 18) 7. Would be a religious power – it is involved in worship. (vs. 5,8) 8. Would war with and persecute the saints. (vs. 7)

6 Identify the 666 1. Latin Kingdom = –L–LATEINOS –L–L = 30 –A–A = 01 –T–T = 300 –E–E = 05 –I–I = 10 –N–N = 50 –O–O = 70 –S–S = 200 total = 666

7 Italika Ekklesia = Italian Church I= 010E = 005 T = 300K = 020 A = 001K = 020 L = 030L = 030 I = 010E = 008 K = 020S = 200 A = 001I = 010 Total = 372 A = 001 total = 294 Final Total = 666


9 THE BEAST’S MARK OF AUTHORITY Q. 4) Since we have now positively identified the beast as the papacy, let us permit the papacy to tell us what its mark is? See exhibit. “Q. Which is the Sabbath day? A. Saturday is the Sabbath day. Q. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” Peter Geiermann Convert’s Catechism.

10 “Q. Have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precept? A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.” A Doctrinal Catechism by Stephen Keenan

11 ATTEMPTED CHANGE OF GOD’S LAW Q. 5) It seems incredible that the papacy has been able to change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday and have virtually the entire world follow. Did the papacy really change God’s fourth commandment – Sabbath to Sunday or only think that they had changed it. –Daniel 7:25 –“And THINK to change times and LAWS.”

12 ATTEMPTED CHANGE OF GOD’S LAW Q. 6) What was God’s criticism of His ancient priests or pastors? –Malachi 2:7-9 –“You have caused many to STUMBLE at the law…you have not kept my ways, but have shown PARTIALITY in my law.”

13 ATTEMPTED CHANGE OF GOD’S LAW Q. 7) How did the people in Hosea’s day regard the great things of God’s law? –Hosea 8:12 –“They were counted as a STRANGE thing.”

14 ATTEMPTED CHANGE OF GOD’S LAW Q. 8) God said that the religious leaders in Ezekiel’s day were profaning holy things; putting no difference between profane and holy things and showing no difference between the clean and the unclean. What specifically did He have in mind? –Ezekiel 22:16 –“They have HID their EYES from my SABBATHS.”

15 ATTEMPTED CHANGE OF GOD’S LAW Q. 9) What did God say about attempts to change His law or word in any way? –A–A. Deuteronomy 4:2 - Do not ADD or DIMINISH a single thing. –B–B. Proverbs 30:5,6 – If I add to His word He counts me a LIAR. –C–C. Luke 16:17 – HEAVEN and EARTH will sooner pass away than for one tittle of the LAW to fail.

16 POPULAR CHURCHES ARE EMBARRASSED Q. 10) When we ask the papacy, ‘How could you change God’s holy law?’ they are embarrassed. But their response is even more embarrassing to protestants. See exhibit

17 THE PAPACY ASKS A QUESTION Here is the famous question which the Papacy has repeatedly asked Protestants. And Protestants have remained strangely silent: "You will tell me that Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath, but that the Christian Sabbath has been changed to Sunday. Changed! But by whom? Who has authority to change an express commandment of Almighty God? When God has spoken and said, 'Thou shalt keep holy the seventh day" who shall dare to say, nay, thou mayest work and do all manner of worldly business on the seventh day, but thou shalt keep holy the first day in its stead? This is a most important question which I know not how you can answer. You are a Protestant, and you profess to go by the Bible and the Bible only; and yet, in so important a matter as the observance of one day in seven as a holy day, you go against the plain letter of the Bible, and put another day in the place of that which He has commanded. The command to keep holy the seventh day is one of the ten commandments; you believe the other nine are still binding; who gave you authority to tamper with the fourth? If you are consistent with your own principle, if you really follow the Bible and the Bible only, you ought to be able to produce some portion of the New Testament in which this fourth commandment is expressly altered", Library of Christian Doctrine; Burns and Oates, pp. 3-4, London.

18 POPULAR CHURCHES ARE EMBARRASSED Q. 11) Where is the beast’ mark placed on people? –Revelation 13:16 –“In their right HAND or in their FOREHEAD.”

19 POPULAR CHURCHES ARE EMBARRASSED Q. 12) Do people who now observe Sunday as a holy day have the mark of the beast? –Revelation 13:16,17 –“And that NO man might BUY or SELL save he that had the MARK.”

20 POPULAR CHURCHES ARE EMBARRASSED Q. 13) In these last days, God has commanded His angels to hold back the winds of strife from the earth until something happens to His people. What is that something? –Revelation 7:1-3 –“Hurt not the EARTH …till we have SEALED the SERVANTS of God in their FOREHEADS.”

21 POPULAR CHURCHES ARE EMBARRASSED Q. 14) Who will receive God’s wrath in the last days? –Revelation 14:9,10 –Those who receive the MARK of the BEAST.

22 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 15) How does God decide who it is we serve? –Romans 6:16 –“His SERVANTS you are to WHOM you OBEY.”

23 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 16) How does God count me if I am neutral? –Matthew 12:30 –“He that is not WITH me is AGAINST me.”

24 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 17) According to Revelation 13:11, John saw another beast rise up out of the earth about the time that the beast of verse 1 went into captivity (vs.10). Whom do you think this beast represents? –THE UNITED STATES

25 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 18) What two tragic things does this second beast cause people to do? –Revelation 13:12,16 –To “WORSHIP the first beast” and “to receive a MARK in the hand or FOREHEAD.”

26 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 19) How will the second beast convince people they should listen to him? –Revelation 13:13,14 –And he DECEIVES those…by those SIGNS/MIRACLES which he was GRANTED /POWER to do.”

27 A TEST OF LOYALTY Q. 20) To whom will this second beast make an image? –Revelation 13:14 –“Saying…that they should MAKE an IMAGE to the BEAST which was WOUNDED …and LIVED.”

28 GOD’S PEOPLE LOVINGLY OBEY Q. 21) What did the disciples say about whether we should obey God or man? –Acts 5:29 –“We ought to obey GOD rather than MEN.”

29 GOD’S PEOPLE LOVINGLY OBEY Q. 22) What can I do to make certain I will not receive the mark of the beast? –Revelation 14:12 –“Keep the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and the FAITH of JESUS.”

30 GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE God’s last message to the world, Revelation 14:6-12 includes: a. Worship the Creator b. Do not receive the mark of the beast

31 GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE Q. 23) Is it now clear to you that a person who receives the mark of the beast is lost?

32 GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE Q. 24) When you decide to accept Jesus and fully follow Him, what happens? –Matthew 11:28-30 –“You will find REST for your souls. For My yoke is EASY, and My burden is LIGHT.”

33 Q. 25) Jesus is waiting at the door of your heart for your answer. Revelation 3:20. Will you decide now to receive His glorious sign as evidence that you accept Him as your redeemer?

34 Lesson 19 - Quiz Yes or No: 1. Satan causes many to receive “the Mark of the Beast,” and the mark is a sign of loyalty to him. 2. “The Mark of the Beast” is already placed upon many people. 3. When the law forces a person to stop buying and selling unless he has “the Mark of the Beast,” the Beast’s Mark is then received by many.

35 4. God’s wrath is upon those who receive “the Mark of the Beast.” 5. The “Wrath of the Beast” is upon those who receive the seal of God in their foreheads! Lesson 19 – Quiz continued

36 Lesson 19 - Quiz Yes or No: 1. Satan causes many to receive “the Mark of the Beast,” and the mark is a sign of loyalty to him. 2. “The Mark of the Beast” is already placed upon many people. 3. When the law forces a person to stop buying and selling unless he has “the Mark of the Beast,” the Beast’s Mark is then received by many. YES NO YES

37 4. God’s wrath is upon those who receive “the Mark of the Beast.” 5. The “Wrath of the Beast” is upon those who receive the seal of God in their foreheads! Lesson 19 – Quiz continued YES YES

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