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Who owns what? TAM Ireland Ltd / Nielsen TAM - Establishment Survey.

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1 Who owns what? TAM Ireland Ltd / Nielsen TAM - Establishment Survey

2 TAM Ireland commission the Establishment Survey 3 times a year. The data collected gives us a snap shot of the market and is used to derive TV universe estimates for the following 4 months. The Establishment Survey is also a useful resource in monitoring trends in hardware ownership *The data contained in these slides relate to January 2014* Establishment Survey

3 94% of all households in Ireland have at least 1 TV this has remained static since DSO. TV Ownership Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan/Apr/Sept 13/Jan 14

4 Children 4 -14 740,000 Adults 15+ 3,421,000 Housekeepers 1,590,000 Adults ABC1 1,390,000 Adults 15 – 34 1,134,000 Housekeepers with kids 547,000 Current TV Population Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan 2014

5 Reception Types Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan/Apr/Sept 13/Jan 14

6 The number of TV sets has changed over the last year The number of TV homes with 1 set increased, while those with 2 or more sets decreased slightly. Number of TV Sets per Household Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan/April/Sept 13/Jan 14

7 Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan 2013– Jan 2014 PVR ownership appears to be very stable over the last 12 months and is currently at 54% of all TV homes in the latest survey. Interestingly time-shift viewing still only accounts for 9% of total adult 15+ viewing PVR Ownership

8 Source: TAM Ireland Ltd /Nielsen TAM Establishment Survey Jan/Apr/Sept 13/Jan 14 As more and more channels offer HD alternatives we can see a strong growth in the subscription to these services. The above TV Households with HD ready TV and TV subscription who are subscribed to a HD service. HD Subscription

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