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Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Dr. Sadiq M. Sait Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Dr. Sadiq M. Sait Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Information and Computer Science Department Research Profile Dr. Sadiq M. Sait Information and Computer Science Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dr. Sadiq M. Sait Information and Computer Science Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

2 Information and Computer Science Faculty n 25 Professorial Rank faculty members 1 Full Professor 5 Associate Professors 19 Assistant Professors n 2 PhD. Holders 1 Instructor 1 Lecturer n 25 Professorial Rank faculty members 1 Full Professor 5 Associate Professors 19 Assistant Professors n 2 PhD. Holders 1 Instructor 1 Lecturer

3 ICS Research Areas n Computer Vision, Image Audio and Video Processing and Arabization. n Artificial Intelligence: Theorem Proving, Software and hardware Verification, machine learning, pattern recognition, Uncertainty and knowledge Reasoning n Computer Networks: Network design, Performance and Optimization, Mobile and Distributed Computing Systems, High- Speed Networks, Sensor Networks, Active Networks. n Operating Systems: OS for Mobile devices, Distributed Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Multimedia Systems, Computer Security. n Software Engineering: Object-oriented Software Engineering, Software Design, Software Measurements n Computer Science Education and eLearning. n Computer Algorithms: Parallel Computing, Computational Geometry, Randomized Algorithms, Grid Computing, Web-mining, data mining. n Database Systems: Database Design, Query Optimization, XML Databases, Multimedia Databases n Computer Vision, Image Audio and Video Processing and Arabization. n Artificial Intelligence: Theorem Proving, Software and hardware Verification, machine learning, pattern recognition, Uncertainty and knowledge Reasoning n Computer Networks: Network design, Performance and Optimization, Mobile and Distributed Computing Systems, High- Speed Networks, Sensor Networks, Active Networks. n Operating Systems: OS for Mobile devices, Distributed Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Multimedia Systems, Computer Security. n Software Engineering: Object-oriented Software Engineering, Software Design, Software Measurements n Computer Science Education and eLearning. n Computer Algorithms: Parallel Computing, Computational Geometry, Randomized Algorithms, Grid Computing, Web-mining, data mining. n Database Systems: Database Design, Query Optimization, XML Databases, Multimedia Databases

4 ICS Research Projects: Computer Vision, Image, Audio, and Video Processing n Towards the Further Study of Designing with NURBS & ANURBS: The CAD/CAM/CAE Tools. n Automatic Text Recognition: A Need in Arabization, KFUPM, 2001-2005 n Automatic Font Generation: A step ahead in Arabization, KFUPM, 2000-2002 n Automatic Classification of music and speech in digitized audio. n Towards the Further Study of Designing with NURBS & ANURBS: The CAD/CAM/CAE Tools. n Automatic Text Recognition: A Need in Arabization, KFUPM, 2001-2005 n Automatic Font Generation: A step ahead in Arabization, KFUPM, 2000-2002 n Automatic Classification of music and speech in digitized audio.

5 Arabization Projects n Neural Network based Speech recognition. The proposed project aims at investigating various structures for ANN/HMM models for phoneme recognition or next generation Arabic Speech recognition. Carnegie Mellon Sphinx-4 will be used as our testing platform. n Neural Network based Speech recognition. The proposed project aims at investigating various structures for ANN/HMM models for phoneme recognition or next generation Arabic Speech recognition. Carnegie Mellon Sphinx-4 will be used as our testing platform.

6 ICS Research Projects: Artificial Intelligence n Learning Prolog programs: theory and applications in data mining. n Critical Assessment of Key Analytical Methods for Sanding Prediction. 2005-2006. n Develop Fuzzy Logic Models to Generate Permeability Traces in Non-Cored Wells. 2005-2006. n Development of Artificial Intelligence System for Prediction and Quality Control of PVT Properties. 2005- 2006. n Multi-Agent Based Ubiquitous Approach for Personalized Information Systems. n Learning Prolog programs: theory and applications in data mining. n Critical Assessment of Key Analytical Methods for Sanding Prediction. 2005-2006. n Develop Fuzzy Logic Models to Generate Permeability Traces in Non-Cored Wells. 2005-2006. n Development of Artificial Intelligence System for Prediction and Quality Control of PVT Properties. 2005- 2006. n Multi-Agent Based Ubiquitous Approach for Personalized Information Systems.

7 ICS Research Projects: Computer Networks n Analytical, Simulation, and Experimental Investigation of the Performance of Popular Interrupt Handling Schemes for Gigabit- Network Hosts, KFUPM, 2005-2007. n Deploying voice and videoconferencing over IP Networks, KFUPM, 2005-2006. n Fuzzy logic based trust modeling. n Trust modeling for Peer-to-Peer systems: Issues and approaches. n Applications of Genetic Algorithms to MPLS-Based Network Design. KFUPM July 2005-August 2005. n Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of TCP over Wireless. n Implementation of Multihoming and Multistreaming features to Fast TCP. n Performance analysis of SCTP over wireless networks. n Analytical, Simulation, and Experimental Investigation of the Performance of Popular Interrupt Handling Schemes for Gigabit- Network Hosts, KFUPM, 2005-2007. n Deploying voice and videoconferencing over IP Networks, KFUPM, 2005-2006. n Fuzzy logic based trust modeling. n Trust modeling for Peer-to-Peer systems: Issues and approaches. n Applications of Genetic Algorithms to MPLS-Based Network Design. KFUPM July 2005-August 2005. n Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of TCP over Wireless. n Implementation of Multihoming and Multistreaming features to Fast TCP. n Performance analysis of SCTP over wireless networks.

8 Trust Modeling and Its Applications for Peer- to-Peer Computing n What is peer-to- peer computing? n What is trust? n Why modeling trust? n Objectives: Increase the overall work done by the resources Decrease the risk associated with resource sharing Enable resource accountability n What is peer-to- peer computing? n What is trust? n Why modeling trust? n Objectives: Increase the overall work done by the resources Decrease the risk associated with resource sharing Enable resource accountability paradigmnode ownership Node manage -ment Control policies discovery mechanisms peer-to- peer computing local nonecentralized or distributed Cluster computing global (single ownership) globalglobal job scheduling Grid computing localglobal manag- ement under local policies single controlling policy centralized or distributed public computing networks localglobal manage ment under local policies multiple controlling policies distributed

9 Utility of The Trust Model n Integrating trust into resource management systems (RMSs) The idea is to make trust cognizant resource allocations n Integrating trust into computing utility environments n Introducing the notion of trusted regions n Integrating trust into resource management systems (RMSs) The idea is to make trust cognizant resource allocations n Integrating trust into computing utility environments n Introducing the notion of trusted regions

10 Real-time and Simulation n Access control using expert system, artificial neural networks and parallel rules have been tested on both active and non-active platforms. n Real-time platform Language used: Java. Clustering of PCs using PVM. Heterogeneous platforms used. n Processing on the fly was tested by linking the C code of PVM to handle MATLAB applications. n A 16-node Active Network system with both ergodic and non-ergodic capabilities have been tested on NS Simulator. n Access control using expert system, artificial neural networks and parallel rules have been tested on both active and non-active platforms. n Real-time platform Language used: Java. Clustering of PCs using PVM. Heterogeneous platforms used. n Processing on the fly was tested by linking the C code of PVM to handle MATLAB applications. n A 16-node Active Network system with both ergodic and non-ergodic capabilities have been tested on NS Simulator.

11 Planned Future Work n In general, the access lists are fixed for a network and so its easy to parallelize them and then apply it using active networks approach. n Future work requires parallelize the rules on-the- fly and allocated job to the respective routers using active networks. n To induce routing decisions using active networks. One scenario is to make Link-state protocols stabilize faster. n In general, the access lists are fixed for a network and so its easy to parallelize them and then apply it using active networks approach. n Future work requires parallelize the rules on-the- fly and allocated job to the respective routers using active networks. n To induce routing decisions using active networks. One scenario is to make Link-state protocols stabilize faster.

12 ICS Research Projects: Operating Systems n Natural Language Voice Interface for Controlling Audio-Video equipment n Multi-agent based Electronic Commerce as an integration technology for the next generation Web n Natural Language Voice Interface for Controlling Audio-Video equipment n Multi-agent based Electronic Commerce as an integration technology for the next generation Web

13 ICS Research Projects: Software Engineering n Investigating Design Quality Characteristics for Refactoring and Refactoring To Patterns Using Software Metrics n Measuring Architectural Stability in Object Oriented Systems n Investigating Design Quality Characteristics for Refactoring and Refactoring To Patterns Using Software Metrics n Measuring Architectural Stability in Object Oriented Systems

14 Software Engineering research project n Project: Investigating Design Quality Characteristics for Refactoring and Refactoring To Patterns Using Software Metrics n Objective: to confirm or invalidate the claims that cost and time put into refactoring are worthwhile. n In this research we will investigate: An approach to detect the need to refactor early in the software process. Two refactoring approaches: refactoring to produce design patterns, and refactoring that produces code without design patterns. n Using software metrics, we will quantitatively investigate whether those approaches really improve software quality or not n Project: Investigating Design Quality Characteristics for Refactoring and Refactoring To Patterns Using Software Metrics n Objective: to confirm or invalidate the claims that cost and time put into refactoring are worthwhile. n In this research we will investigate: An approach to detect the need to refactor early in the software process. Two refactoring approaches: refactoring to produce design patterns, and refactoring that produces code without design patterns. n Using software metrics, we will quantitatively investigate whether those approaches really improve software quality or not

15 ICS Research Projects: Computer Science Education and eLearning n Building Computer-Adaptive Testing Using Reinforcement Learning. KFUPM, 2005-2006. n Critical thinking skills in computer science curriculum. n Technology-Based Education in KFUPM n Building Computer-Adaptive Testing Using Reinforcement Learning. KFUPM, 2005-2006. n Critical thinking skills in computer science curriculum. n Technology-Based Education in KFUPM

16 ICS Research Projects: Database Systems n Integrating XML documents: KFUPM 2005-2006. n Query optimization in XML databases. n Integrating XML documents: KFUPM 2005-2006. n Query optimization in XML databases.

17 ICS Research Projects: Computer Algorithms n Two-way linear probing with reassignments. n Limit laws for sums of functions of subgraphs of random graphs. n Two-way linear probing with reassignments. n Limit laws for sums of functions of subgraphs of random graphs.

18 Information and Computer Science Faculty Research Profile

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