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“We believe in one HOLY catholic and apostolic church”

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1 “We believe in one HOLY catholic and apostolic church”
Chapter 7 Made Holy in the Spirit “We believe in one HOLY catholic and apostolic church” – Nicene Creed

2 Matthew 5:38-48 Peacefully dealing with conflict
What does Jesus require when it comes to conflict resolution? Why does Jesus say that even our enemy deserves love? Why is this new law more difficult than the old one, “an eye for an eye”? Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. During the civil rights struggle, MLK preached non-violent resistance and encouraged his followers to return physical force with spiritual and moral force. How was this more effective than violence? How does MLK’s preaching connect to the Gospel? How can you as a young student reject racism?

3 Prayer of St. Augustine Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work be holy. Draw me on and open wide my heart to your love. Strengthen me, O Lord, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I may be holy. Guide me now, O Holy Spirit, that I may be wholly thine.

4 Being Holy At Confirmation, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are affirmed in us. We choose to take on the name of a saint whose actions and qualities we would like to specifically emulate. In general, the lives of the saints show us how the Spirit guides us to follow the teachings of Jesus and grow in holiness. To be holy means to reflect God’s qualities, just as the saints did, and continue to do. Read 1 Samuel 2:2 and Leviticus 11:44. What does each verse mean?

5 Who is the Holy Spirit? God’s presence and activity in us today
Omnipresent Risen Christ with us everywhere

6 Images & Metaphors of the Holy Spirit
Wind (Exodus 14:21-22) Fire Water (Ezekiel 36:25-26, 1 Corinthians 12:13) Sun metaphor A plant’s “root, shoot, and fruit”

7 The Source of Holiness What happened for you at Baptism?
Since Baptism, what has the Holy Spirit been doing for you? Fill in the blanks: the Church is holy in three ways: through its f_______________, its m______________, and its m______________. Think of the seven sacraments. Which sacraments have you already received? Which sacraments are you likely to receive in the future?


9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
One of our tasks is to be holy and the Holy Spirit enables us to do that by giving us these special gifts Wisdom Understanding Counsel (right judgment) Knowledge Fortitude (courage) Piety (reverence) Fear of the Lord (wonder and awe) *Isaiah 11:1-3 **We receive these gifts at Baptism, and they are strengthened at Confirmation

10 Wisdom What choice did Saint Thomas More have to make?
What did Thomas choose to do? Imagine that a student gives an incorrect answer in class. You laugh, and other people in the class follow your example. The mockery hurts the person’s feelings. You decide to go to the person and apologize. Why is it a wise decisi0n to apologize? Whom do you know who has the wisdom of Saint Thomas More?

11 Understanding What are some key words and phrases that help explain the meaning of the gift of understanding? Whom do you know who has the gift of understanding? How does this person help you?

12 More Gifts Counsel (Right Judgment) Knowledge Fortitude (Courage)

13 Piety (Reverence) What is the gift of piety?
What are two ways we show piety? How did Saint John Chrysostom show piety? How can reverence be exercised in the following situations: When the homily is being preached – When the petitions are being read – When you pass before the tabernacle as you enter or leave the Church – When you have received Holy Communion – When you see a person who is elderly or handicapped come into a room where all the seats are taken – When dinner is over and your parents are tired – When someone else is speaking – When someone has too much to carry – When someone makes a mistake – When someone is being left out -

14 Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe)
How did Francis show the gift of fear of the Lord?

15 Group Work Re-read your “gift’s” passage Write down:
A summary and picture of the person’s profile An explanation of the meaning of the gift A person you know who exemplifies that gift An example of the gift being used in everyday life

16 Explanations of the Gifts
1. Wisdom: helps us see the bigger picture and understand God’s plan for our life 2. Understanding: helps us make sense of things around us 3. Counsel (right judgment): helps us to make practical decisions in our life 4. Knowledge: helps us to use our mind to know about ourselves and the world 5. Fortitude (courage): helps us to be confident and prepared to stand up for what we believe in and the right thing 6. Piety (reverence): helps us to honor and respect God and all people as children of God 7. Fear of the Lord (wonder and awe): helps us to be amazed by the power and beauty of God in our lives

17 People with Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom (see things as they are): Dad Understanding (listen, forgive, care): Katelyn Counsel (right judgment): Kristen Knowledge (think, make sense of things): Mom Fortitude/Courage (strength to do the right thing): Vincent Piety/Reverence (gentle, concern and care): Anna Wonder and Awe (sense of the greatness of God): Juliette

18 Index Cards Gift and explanation on the other
Name of person and picture on one side

19 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Mobile

20 Jesus: Our Model for Holiness
Make three columns on your notebook page Title each of the columns as follows: Teaching, Praying, Serving Read the Scripture passages below and decide if they show Jesus teaching and proclaiming the Kingdom of God, praying to his Father, or serving others. Then, write the passage in the correct column Passages: (1)Matthew 14:29-33, (2)Mark 1:14, (3)Mark 1:21-26, (4)Mark 2:18-19, (5)Mark 3:1-5, (6)Mark 12:13-17, (7)Mark 14:35-36, (8)Luke 4:14-15, (9)Luke 9:18-19, (10)John 5:7-9, (11)John 6:10-13, (12)John 21:9-14

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