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Judge Training for Oral Events Judge Training for Oral Events REGIONALS.

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2 Judge Training for Oral Events Judge Training for Oral Events REGIONALS

3 JUDGE TRAINING n Welcome to the Judge Training Session; n Firstly, Judges are coming from a variety of public/private sector backgrounds; n May not be familiar with judging the performance of adolescents; n Need to provide an overview re structure of the day for the judges;

4 STRUCTURE OF DAY n 9:00 – 10:00 am Students writing Multiple Choice Exam in Cafetorium n 9:00 – 9:15 am Judges arrive and register in Library n 10:00 – 12:30 pm Role Plays begin (Individual & Team) in assigned rooms n 12:00 – 1:30 pm Lunch n 1:30 – 2:00 pm Awards Ceremony (Cafetorium) n Top 5 Overall will be recognized with ribbons in EACH oral and test event n Top 3 Overall will be recognized with Medals in each category

5 JUDGE TRAINING n It is important to note that judges are not to judge anyone they know, i.e., past students; n It is preferable that ex-DECA students currently at University do not judge students from their high school.

6 KEY POINTS FOR JUDGES n Students will range in age from 14 (Grade 9) to 18 or 19 years of age (Grade 12); n Students will range in performance ability; n Grade 9 students will not have had an opportunity to take many business subjects other than BTT101 (Information Technology); n Some students may have competed before; their experience may be apparent.

7 KEY POINTS FOR JUDGES n It is important to note on the Category you will be judging, Retail Merchandising Series (RMS) that you are aware of the Instructional Area at the top of the Role Play, i.e., Human Relations, Promotion, Economics, Support Activities, etc. n The case study provided to students will include the following: –Participant Instructions which includes: n Procedures; n Event Situation; n Competencies that will be Evaluated, i.e., the Student must cover in his/her presentation.

8 KEY POINTS FOR JUDGES n The Judge will be provided with the entire package, along with: –Evaluation Instructions which includes: n Evaluation Form Information; n Evaluation Form Interpretation; n Level of Evaluation; n Judge Evaluation Form.

9 ROLE PLAY n Two types of Role Plays: 1. Competitive Individual Role Play n Student has 10 minutes to review case; n Judge to try and put student at ease - make them comfortable; n Student is with Judge for 10 minutes to present; n Student may not take full 10 minutes; n Please do not ask students what school they are from; n Ask student “Judge” questions once student has finished; n Key is to listen to see if student has covered all the competencies in the role-play.

10 Individual Role Play Events 1. Accounting Applications ~ ACT 2. Apparel & Accessories Marketing ~ AAM 3. Automotive Services Marketing ~ ASM 4. Business Services Marketing ~ BSM 5. Food Marketing Series ~ FMS 6. Hotel and Lodging Management Series ~ HLM 7. Marketing Management Series ~ MMS 8. Quick Serve Restaurant Management ~ QSRM 9. Restaurant and Food Services Management ~ RFSM 10. Retail Merchandising Series ~ RMS 11. Sports and Entertainment Management ~ SEM

11 ROLE PLAY n Two types of Role Plays: 2. Competitive Team Event Role Play n Students have 30 minutes to review case; n Student is with Judge for 15 minutes to present; n Student may not take full 15 minutes; n Ask students “Judge” questions once team has finished; n Key is to listen to see if student has covered all the competencies in the role-play.

12 Team Role Play Events 1. Buying Management Team Decision ~ BMDM 2. Business Law and Ethics Team Decision ~ BLMDM 3. Financial Services Management Team Decision ~ FMDM 4. Hospitality Services Management Team Decision ~ HMDM 5. Sports & Entertainment Management Team Decision ~ SMDM 6. Travel & Tourism Management Team Decision ~ TMDM

13 ROLE PLAY n At conclusion of role-play, Judges are not to make any comments after the event other than to simply thank the participants.

14 EVALUATION n Judge will receive a scoring sheet; n Judge to complete the evaluation form (calculator) is needed; n Judges may wish to reconvene and discuss case after they have seen three students (individual) and/or two teams; n Judge may wish to rank evaluations, i.e., strongest performance on top.

15 KEY POINTS FOR EVALUATION n Important for Judges to: –Let student do presentation before asking questions; –Ensure student(s) cover competencies; –Look for Buzz Words - terminology; –Explanation re case study is realistic & plausible - related to specific examples; –Use of imagination/creativity;

16 KEY POINTS FOR EVALUATION  Not to give a score below 50%;  Reasoning - do not want to demoralize a student, in particular, our Grade 9’s who may not yet have the experience or opportunity to take business subjects;  comments are most welcome as a means of constructive feedback for the student.


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