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Published byGregory Morton Modified over 9 years ago
High-resolution Climate Projections for Vietnam: Facilitating effective climate adaptation Dr Jack Katzfey December 2012 climate adaptation flagship
Project aims Improve Vietnam's understanding of climate change
Integrate past and current research for a more complete assessment of the potential effects of climate change Provide information necessary for appropriate planning and investment to adapt to climate change Develop innovative communication tools to ensure that the data generated is widely accessible Capacity building Develop collaboration
Approach/Plan Providing an evidence base for planning for Climate change Collaborate with IMHEN and HUS to increase technical skills and strengthen capacity to develop climate change scenarios Incorporate the latest global climate model information Use a number of different regional climate models to help capture the range of factors that contribute to climate change and its impacts at high resolution Build on existing research and analysis Promote a comprehensive approach that can be applied consistently to avoid duplication of future effort
Project components Component 1: Observations/analyses/drivers
Component 2: Dynamical downscaling Component 3: Analysis of climate projections Component 4: Regional sea-level projection Component 5: Assessing response options from climate change projections Component 6: Communication and management
Project outcomes Capture and analysis of existing data in order to better understand the current climate and its trends Completion of high-resolution dynamical downscaled projections for a range of scenarios and methods Analysis of the implications of the results for the various regions of Vietnam Building the capacity of Vietnam to analyse, understand and complete future climate change projection Communication of the results to key stakeholders in order that the results are used in adaptation planning
To provide updated climate change projections for Vietnam
To provide basic information assessing CC impacts and to develop action plans for responding to CC Method Dynamical downscaling Tm Tx 6
Component 1: Observations/analyses/drivers
Collect and analyze station observations for current observed trends Create gridded downscaled analyses Determine key climate drivers for Vietnam Monsoon Tropical Cyclones El Nino
Observed trends in temperature and rainfall
Inter-annual variability of TC0 anomaly and SSTA - Annual
Trends in East Sea surface temperatures and tropical storms No_TC_0_vs_annual: aim to show that the trend in SST over the East Sea may cause the increase of TS over the region. the two trend lines has similar slope ( i.e and ) which suggests that the two time series increase at the similar rate. The correlation coefficient between the two timeseries is which is above 95th significant level (0.25 for N=60, here is N=67 years) Inter-annual variability of TC0 anomaly and SSTA - Annual
Component 2: Dynamical Downscaling
Select six CMIP5 global climate models to downscale for two representation concentration pathways (4.5: low and 8.5: high) CSIRO will run the stretched-grid, Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model at about 10 km resolution over Vietnam HUS will run two regional climate models (WRF and RegCM) over Vietnam at 20 km IMHEN will compare new results with previous studies Access and use other downscaled data as available
Recent news The challenge to keep global warming below 2 °C, 2012, Glen P. Peters, Robbie M. Andrew, Tom Boden, Josep G. Canadell, Philippe Ciais, Corinne Le Quéré, Gregg Marland, Michael R. Raupach and Charlie Wilson, Nature Climate Change
Annual cycle of precipitation (previous run by IMHEN)
20/04/2017 Double-peaks Peak magnitude ~ 40% The model also can capture the seasonal cycle of precipitation well Tend to be wetter than OBS during Feb-Aug 12
Variability of JJA rainfall (IMHEN)
20/04/2017 The PRECIS model provides a reasonable simulation of IAV of precipitation compared to observed data annual rainfall anomaly 13
Number of CMIP5 global models agreeing on future rainfall change (RCP8
Number of CMIP5 global models agreeing on future rainfall change (RCP8.5 – high, end of century) First Intermonsoon Southwest monsoon Annual Second Intermonsoon Northeast monsoon Decrease Increase
Downscaling Global climate model (GCM) projections
6 GCMs and 2 RCPs (4.5, 8.5) Driven by sea surface temperatures (SST) only CCAM 50 km CCAM 10 km GCM SST
Vietnam and orography Orography at 10 km resolution
April to September High rainfall on the windward side and less rain on the lee ward side (rain shadow)
Component 3: Analysis of climate projections
IMHEN will lead in analysis of climate projections from downscaled simulations All will help analyze high-resolution projections and summarize in final report and scientific journal articles Focus on climate change projections for periods around 2050 and 2090: Changes in mean climate, seasonality and extreme events Ensembles of model simulations to assess the range of uncertainty Results to be included in final technical report and in relevant communications CSIRO will develop the Climate Futures Tool for Vietnam For 7 regions across Vietnam Incorporate CMIP5 global model data and downscaled data Communicate range of future projections
OBS CCAM Linda Keith Tropical depression < 34 knots
Climate Futures tool: Managing Risk 20/08/12
This mouse has done some risk management: It has assessed the risk of being killed and decided to reduce the risk by wearing a helmet Has it made a good choice?? 20
Typical Climate Projections
20/08/12 Typical Climate Projections Radiation: (-1.2 to +1.8) % Rainfall change: (-15 to +10) % -5 % +5% Radiation The typical climate projection information that you would find in a scientific report is presented for individual climate variables such as temperature or rainfall, for a particular time period and emission scenario. Often you are given the average change across all the climate models used, with a range presented beside it. This is OK for awareness-raising, but it is not suitable for risk assessments involving multiple climate variables, e.g. an agricultural risk assessment driven by changes in temperature, rainfall, sunshine, evaporation and humidity, because some combinations of variables may not be simulated by climate models. In this example, drier futures are associated with increase in radiation (less rain, less clouds) and increase in rainfall associated with less radiation (more rain more clouds!) A decrease in radiation and rainfall would have serious implications for agriculture such as increasing the time crops take to mature. You may be tempted to use these numbers in an impact assessment but in reality this relationship may not exist due to the physics of the climate system. -20 % +20 % Rainfall
This is an example for Timor Leste, showing projections information for
2090 under the medium (or A1B) emissions scenario The page also provides simple plots showing how each of the key climate futures change over time: Showing mean change values for: Temperature, And rainfall, For 2030, 2055 and 2090 Under the selected emissions scenario Notice how the difference between the most likely and extreme climate futures increases over time The web-tool will be continually improved over time in response to feedback from users as well as our own plans for implementing additional features Climate Futures Tool
Component 4: Regional sea-level projection
CSIRO will develop regional sea-level projections for Vietnam Sea-level rise will not be uniform due to changes in ocean circulation, gravitational effects, glaciers, etc.
Sea-level rise will not be uniform
Updated regional projections Glacier and ice cap Fingerprint Antarctic Fingerprint Greenland Fingerprint Gomez et al. 2011
Building capacity & designing assessment needs
Component 5: Building capacity & designing assessment needs 5.1 Training of IMHEN staff and other relevant agencies Seminar 1: Why integrated assessment and what methods are available? Seminar 2: Training in Agent-based modelling Seminar 3: Hands-on tasks for model design & model analysis Seminar 4: In-depth training of model design and model use 5.2 Participatory design What are the assessment needs of Vietnam’s coastal communities? Decision on methodology: Agent-based simulation & flood plan model Development of systems diagram 5.3 Data preparation Collate necessary data: GIS, soil, hydrology, households, economics… This slide takes them through the other steps of our component 5.
Downscaled projection a key input for assessing adaptation options
climate projection Methods & skills Identify & assess adaptation options Sea-level rise projection Other hydrological data In this slide I try to explain that the component for downscaling climate projections will produce data that is required for the assessment process. Also required are many other data sets. Also required are the actual tools and the skills to develop and use them for the assessment. Our component is about designing the tool and developing the skills to develop and use integrated assessment tools. Economic data GIS data Social household data
Building capacity & designing assessment needs
…the impact of… Changes in sea-level, rainfall, temperature, extreme events Weather monitoring /early warning Dykes/sluice gates, water treatment and urban drainage, Resettlements, Crop &land use changes, deforestation Road upgrades Building code changes International water sharing & dam operation agreements Awareness raising & new crop research …on… Vulnerability, Sensitivity, Adaptive capacity, Risk Agricultural Production Hydrology Household Economics, wellbeing and poverty Population growth Food security. Nutrition Biodiversity, Environment, endangered species Gender equality Migration Public health, diseases, Livelihoods (incl. job changes) Freshwater access and salinity intrusion Here the key slide as these are the first results: One the left hand side what workshop participants told us is required, or what an assessment tool should be able to assess. And on the right hand side what such a tool should report on. So the impacts of (left hand side) on (right hand side). Tell them that we held the workshop in Han Noi and HCMC and maybe who was invited.
Component 6: Communication and management
Activity 6.1: Dissemination of downscaled data (IMHEN, CSIRO) Data, images, documentation, reports and brochures downloadable from the website Web-based delivery system of data Activity 6.2: Workshops July 2012 in Hanoi, Dec 2012 Melbourne and May/June 2013 – Launch in Vietnam Activity 6.3: PhD Training IMHEN and HUS have each sent two students to Melbourne for two months for training
Component 6: Communication and management
Activity 6.4: Training on downscaling and analyses As part of workshops Activity 6.5: Final report With nation-wide and regional summaries Activity 6.6: Scientific publications in international journals Publication and communication plan will be developed to coordinate outputs by the research team
Component 6: Communication and management
Active engagement with Vietnam government representatives Explain project to stakeholders to maximise application of the projections in local adaptation planning and action Develop and maintain effective links with contributing researchers, including international and regional agencies Ensure sound collaboration between researchers participating in the project Monitoring and evaluation plan
Component 6: Communication and management
Headline Statement: The Regional Projections will help Vietnam better understand the likely change of climate throughout the country. Improving the knowledge of climate change will help identify the people and sectors at risk and, in doing so, will support Vietnam in the challenging task of prioritizing its climate change response. Funded by the Australian Government’s aid program, AusAID, the project is delivered by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in collaboration with Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment and Hanoi University of Science.
Thank you CSIRO Jack Katzfey Project Leader Phone: +61 3 9239 4562
Web: Thank you Phone: or Web: Climate Adaptation Flagship
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