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11 th grade Large Group Advising Session PLANNING for Senior Year 2015 - 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th grade Large Group Advising Session PLANNING for Senior Year 2015 - 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th grade Large Group Advising Session PLANNING for Senior Year 2015 - 2016

2 College and Career Readiness What are your plans after graduation?

3 College? Career? What course of study are you on? What is your career major pathway? Take rigorous course work throughout high school to prepare you for college work! –Pre-AP and AP Look at opportunities for earning college credits while you are still in high school! –Dual credit options through Early College –Advanced Placement – pass AP exams –Articulation agreements – complete career majors & pass KOSSA tests in Career Technical Education programs at ACHS and Harrodsburg Area Technical Center

4 Sample AP College Savings…

5 Sample Articulation Agreements College Savings…

6 Industry Certifications Career Cluster Industry Certifications Communications Adobe Certified Expert Construction NCCER & AWS Health Science Medicaid Nurse Aid (MNA) Information Technology IC3 – Certiport, A+ CompTia Manufacturing NCCER & AWS Transportation NATEF/ ASE

7 Going into the Workforce? Armed Forces –Take the ASVAB in high school –Meet with recruiter Use your time at ACHS to… –Explore your options. –Develop skills for life. –Build relationships. –Increase your opportunities. Let’s face it… the world you will enter today is much different than it has ever been.

8 ACT Matters! EXPLORE – 8 th grade PLAN – 10 th grade ACT – 11 th grade CPE Benchmark scores: –English, 18; Math, 19; Reading, 20 Practice ACT embedded in individual classrooms ACHS ACT Online – ACT – ACHS workshops with teachers after school

9 2015 ACT: Bearcat Strong

10 Regardless of what we do… We want to be the best!


12 Is this a “real” ACT test? Form is equivalent to other ACT test forms –English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science –Administration must meet standard testing requirements 12

13 Do colleges accept “State” scores? The NCAA and all U.S. colleges and universities accept “State” ACT scores All Kentucky colleges and universities accept the “State” ACT scores for admission NCAA Test Code: 9999 KEES ACT Bonus award with composite scores starting at 15. 13

14 Authorized dates and times First activity of morning –Must BE ON TIME March 3 Make up test date March 17 14 STATE Test Date March 3

15 Where will testing take place? East Wing Signs will be posted outside test rooms to warn that testing is in progress and quiet is required. An uninterrupted period of 4 hours is required for testing. No bells will ring or announcements will be made during this time. 15

16 What should I bring to the test? Pencils A reliable timepiece Permitted Calculator Photo ID, Driver’s License NO CELL PHONES 16

17 Permitted calculators Check must occur for prohibited calculators DURING TEST 2 (Mathematics) Examinees may not share calculators, but they may use a backup calculator if their primary calculator fails. When the examinee is not working on the Math test, the calculator must be turned off and put away. It is ultimately your responsibility to have a calculator that is permitted. 17

18 Admitting examinees If you are not personally recognized by your testing teacher your ID will be checked. You will be assigned to a specific seat No late arrivals No food or drink No cell phones (Drop in container at door will be secured during testing) 18

19 What if I am tardy on testing day? Testing will begin as soon as all examinees have been identified and seated. No one will be admitted to the test room once test booklets have been distributed. Late arrivals will be directed to Café A after checking in with the main office. 19

20 What should I do, if I finish early? Wait quietly! Review your answers Must not engage in non- test related activities: –Listening to IPODs –Read books –Talk casually –Cell phone use No food, drink, or electronic devices in test room! 20

21 Test day schedule ACT English 45 min. –(no break) ACT Mathematics 60 min. –(15 min. break) ACT Reading 35 min. –(no break) ACT Science 35 min. 21

22 Standard Time 15-minute break after Test 2 This is a 15 minute stretch/water/restroom break. If you must leave for a bathroom break, exit testing area quietly. If you must leave for a bathroom break, exit testing area quietly. No cell phone usage. Room will be attended at all times by staff. If students don’t return on time –No makeup time –Irregularity Report 22

23 Unexpected Behaviors Prohibited behaviors –Creating disturbance –Giving/receiving help –Previous test section –Beyond time –Calculator issues –Cell Phone Use Any prohibited behavior will be documented to ACT and could be written up for disciplinary action. 23

24 Bury the Competition! Bury the Competition!

25 1 st : Beat the CLASS of 2013!! Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 English17.319.417.718.920.0 Math18.418.918.418.919.0 Reading18.420.118.819.721.0 Science18.619.418.919.820.0 Comp.18.319.618.619.320.0

26 2 nd : Beat the Schools around us! 1WOODFORD21.0 2MARTHA LAYNE COLLINS20.4 3FRANKLIN20.3 4WESTERN HILLS20.0 5ANDERSON19.4 TiedSHELBY19.4 7SPENCER19.2 8MERCER18.9 9WASHINGTON17.5


28 College Readiness Benchmarks TestACT Score/ CPE Score 1-36 COMPASS Cut points score Early College required course scores English 18/187418/74 Reading 22/208520/85 Math 22/193622/54 Science 23

29 Why are College Readiness benchmarks important? In order to meet college readiness state standards, students must meet ACT CPE benchmark scores on ACT or COMPASS/KYOTE equivalent. In order to take classes at BCTC next year, students must meet required ACT or COMPASS equivalent scores. Any student who does not meet ACT benchmarks for math, English or reading, will be placed in senior Math and English classes for interventions and may have additional classes.

30 BEARCAT BONUS… Meet your ACT goal earn… –(Must be in upper level of predicted ACT PLAN test range.) * A 1-Hour Lunch Pass OFF-CAMPUS Show GROWTH in reading/math and earn… –field trip in Spring 2015 Meet college readiness benchmarks and earn… –Final exam exemptions –Senior Reception –Extra College/Career Shadow day –Lunch Pass

31 The ACT 30 point Club 2012 had 36 members 2013 had 49 members 2014 had 40 members Banners outside of band room for English, Reading, Math, Science & Composite Score

32 Bearcat PRIDE At some point you will be asked to sign your name on your answer sheet. At some point you will be asked to sign your name on your answer sheet. Did you do your BEST? It is a direct reflection of YOU, your parents, and your teachers. Anytime you put your name on something… do so with PRIDE, knowing that you have tried your BEST!

33 Stay tuned… What happens when we meet our school goal of 20?

34 Class of 2015: “Be ALL You Can Be

35 Where Do I Go Now? See the chart sheet. Find your last name group. Identify your room number. When we dismiss, go to that room. ACT, Inc. 200835

36 More ACT information College scholarships- $$$ What if I don’t meet the ACT benchmarks? –College – take remediation classes; You $$pay$$ for class = 0 credit –ACHS tiered interventions in reading and math next year for seniors who do not meet benchmarks COMPASS – College entrance exam

37 Course of Study What course of study are you on?

38 Advanced Kentucky Scholars Kentucky Scholars


40 Anderson County High School Requirements (General Education) English4 credits Math4.5 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies3 credits Physical Education.5 credit Health.5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance).5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama).5 credit Electives9.5 credits 16.5 required credits (above) + 9.5 elective credits = 26 total credits required for graduation

41 Humanities Credit To earn the Humanities credit required for graduation, students must follow one of the two criteria below. 1. Students must have completed 3 trimesters of a performance based/standards based specialized arts courses based on the student’s individual learning plan. (Examples include Band A,B,C; Advanced Chorus A,B,C; AP Music Theory, or AP Art.) --OR-- Art/DramaMusic/dance Art I AGuitar Art I BPiano Lab SculptureMen’s choir Ceramics IWomen’s choir DramaGeneral chorus Humanities Art & Drama Humanities Music & dance  2. Students must choose at least one class from each column.

42 Anderson County High School Requirements (Pre-College Curriculum) English4 credits Math4.5 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies3 credits Physical Education.5 credit Health.5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance).5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama).5 credit Foreign Language2 credits Electives7.5 credits

43 Anderson County High School Requirements (Kentucky Scholars Certificate) English4 credits Math4.5 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies4 credits Physical Education.5 credit Health.5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance).5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama).5 credit Foreign Language2 credits Electives5.5 credits No Grade below a “C” will be accepted as credit. Minimum 2.5 GPA required

44 Anderson County High School Requirements Advanced Kentucky Scholars English4 credits Math4.5 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies4 credits Physical Education.5 credit Health.5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance).5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama).5 credit Foreign Language2 credits Electives5.5 credits No Grade below a “C” will be accepted as credit. Minimum 2.5 GPA required 4 AP Courses: AP Eng, AP Science or Math, 2 AP Electives

45 Pre-Registration & Course Selection Sheets

46 Completing the Course Selection Sheet Circle 15 courses/course numbers. Identify 4 courses as Alternates by marking A1, A2, A3, and A4 in the space beside the course number. Any courses that are marked with an *asterisk require that teacher’s signature. Courses that are in BOLD are required courses for graduation. Vocational School counts as 9 of the 15 courses. BCTC counts as 2 of the 15 courses.

47 Whatever is on your selection sheet will go into the computer and your class schedule will be based on those classes. You will not get to change classes that are on your selection sheet list.

48 What are Senior Requirements? TrimesterSubject 2 (3 for AP) English: Eng IV Lit. & English IV Comp. or AP Eng IV A, B, & C or AP Eng IV A, B, & C or *ENG 101/102 & ENG 161 - BCTC *ENG 101/102 & ENG 161 - BCTC 1- 6 (3 for each AP) Math: Pre- Calculus, Intro to College Math A & B, Personal Finance (non- college bound) or AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics or AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics or *BCTC MAT 150/MA 109 *BCTC MAT 150/MA 109 12Electives Must meet College Readiness benchmarks scores on ACT or COMPASS equivalent to take BCTC classes: Must meet College Readiness benchmarks scores on ACT or COMPASS equivalent to take BCTC classes: English – 18, Math – 22, and Reading- 20English – 18, Math – 22, and Reading- 20

49 Senior Math and English Seniors who do not meet college readiness benchmark scores on ACT or COMPASS in English, math, and reading after their initial math or English classes will be required to take an additional English and/or math class as part of the school’s intervention.

50 Pre-Registration Individual Scheduling Conferences March 10 th – with Parents in Café A –6:00 – 7:00 p.m. A-K –7:00 – 8:00 p.m. L- Z Meet with an advisor in your SWS!Meet with an advisor in your SWS! Figure out your SENIOR year plan!Figure out your SENIOR year plan!

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