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Africa Egypt Atlantic Ocean Rome Gaul Greece Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea Persia.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa Egypt Atlantic Ocean Rome Gaul Greece Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea Persia."— Presentation transcript:


2 Africa Egypt Atlantic Ocean Rome Gaul Greece Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea Persia

3 There is much historians can say about an empire as great as Rome. The Coliseum, the Forum, the Legions, political and economic power, all add to the greatness of an empire whose influence is still prominent today. But the question still remains, how could the dominant superpower of its day crash and burn? What hidden causes are there to discover?

4 The answers are many, crumbling morals, the thrust for blood sport, corrupt leadership, borders unprotected, etc… Many say that the United States is looking more and more like the final years of the Roman empire. How can this be true? Our homes are comfortable, our entertainment is available at anytime, yet signs are appearing, (subtle as they may be) of problems the Romans had and the U.S. has. Can we Change the course we are on, maybe, but you can’t fix something unless you know what is wrong!!!

5 ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------

6 Rome’s Final Days Is America Ignoring the Signs of Decline?

7 First we must research their problems Rome Sicily Only then can we compare them to our problems

8 Only then can we make a generalization about America’s future


10 Step 1 You will receive one problem Rome had Step 2 Step 3 Students will research their own problem the Romans had Step 4 Each student will make a four minute oral presenta- tion clearly explaining the problem both cultures have.

11 1.Use the internet (Be Careful) use sources that are reputable 2. At some point I will ask you to show me your sources. 3. Only use information that is directly related to your topic 4. graphs, pictures, and maps should be used only to enhance the presentation *5. You must immerse yourself in the problem you have been assigned.

12 You must Use: Internet (I Must See Websites) Encyclopedia (Recent) One Book Any other sources, please see me

13 1. Go to the front of the room 2. Identify the problem you have researched 3. You should have an introduction slide that is like the cover of a book, creativity is expected here!!!!!!! 4. Talk for four minutes about how America is faced with the same problem the Romans had.

14 This means that the slides you project must have a reason to be projected. This is where Creativity has a chance to seen. Slides must be powerful as well as informational, if not, your presentation will be confusing and vague


16 All handouts must be distributed only before your group starts. Hand outs given out at any other time will be a distraction to your audience!!!

17 1. Show enthusiasm about your topic. (If you are not in to it, how can they be?) 2. Indicate you know what you are talking about. 3. Minimize hand movements. 4. Try to look at everyone at least once. 5. Get to the point. 6. There is no such thing as a stupid question. 7. The remainder of the group are your teammates, always look at the teammate who is speaking. 8. Speak up and out, not down and out 9. Anticipate what questions will be asked (How?) 10. By rehearsing your presentation, you can find where the holes are. 11. NEVER read your presentation. Outline of presentation is fine. BUT JUST AN OUTLINE. Your presentation is to the class, not to the index card. 12. Humor is fine when the time is right. 13. Only take questions from those who raise their hand. 14. Always be polite when you get a question which seems ridiculous 15. Stay within time limit.

18 1.Improve oration skills 2.Have a much better understanding of the state of the union 3. Understand the connection between you and your topic. 4. Be able to recognize the signs of decline (Become proactive by doing something about our problems.)


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