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2015 FFA Updates and Information. Setting the Stage FFA Brand in Action Video

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Presentation on theme: "2015 FFA Updates and Information. Setting the Stage FFA Brand in Action Video"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 FFA Updates and Information

2 Setting the Stage FFA Brand in Action Video

3 Supporting Teachers Online Brand Guide Emblem Templates, letterhead, guides Videos

4 Supporting Teachers Your Classroom Coming to your school this summer! Posters Annual calendar National events, programs, acronyms Graphic from USA Today promo 2015 FFA Fact Sheet Brand Center Information My Journey graphics Chapter support/dealer program information Classroom video resource card

5 Supporting Teachers New Horizons Teaching Guide Literacy and technology integration Turn-key activities that align to: AFNR Common Core Next Generation Science 21 st Century Skills Sign up for email notification at

6 Supporting Teachers Safety in your Program Safety in Agriculture for Youth Time to take safety in ag ed seriously Shop/laboratory Greenhouse SAE projects Equipment management and use At home SAE efforts On-the-job SAE programs Formal curriculum OSHA 10 hour course Injury risk assessment for SAE

7 Important Information – Convention National Convention New concert start time Start at 8:30, doors at 7:30 Wednesday and Thursday options Concerts announced this summer Housing closes Sept. 9 th AR, KS, & OK qualify for KY streamline tax exemption No tax exemption for Indiana hotels AL, AZ, CO, LA, MS, NM & TX can get tax form at online Band/Choir/Talent applications now open Closes July 10 th Registration opens mid- August Closes on October 12 at 5pm EST No change in registration fees Educational standards will be posted again

8 Important Information – Convention National Convention Transition to Indianapolis Chapters can book directly with Indianapolis housing starting in January of 2016 2016-2018 locked in with Indianapolis 2019-2024 in negotiation with Indianapolis

9 Important Information – Convention National Convention Information and announcements about convention Concert acts Registration opening Sign up for FFA Pulse Find the sign up in your profile

10 Important Information – Convention National Convention CDEs CDE information and handbooks Login is required Updates Check website frequently Resources Free exams and study material available online September 15 th Deadline Prepared manuscript Ag Comm portfolio Marketing Plan documents Job Interview packet Ag Issues portfolio Send questions at any time to

11 Important Information – Convention Agriscience and National Chapter National Chapter Optional online application was available this year Advisor must certify online by July 15 th September 15 th deadline for meal tickets, shuttle, plaque, and spur Best practices, tips, and recommendations all available online Agriscience Optional online application was available this year September 15 waivers due APA style State staff must sign – do not mail straight to Indianapolis

12 Engaging Students My Journey

13 Engaging Students My Journey

14 Engaging Students My Journey

15 Engaging Students Will transfer to award applications in 2016!

16 Engaging Students Collegiate Opportunities Membership is important and valuable The majority of ag businesses interested in hiring want our collegiate demographic Membership helps keep students in the pipeline New Century Farmer National Collegiate Agricultural Ambassador Program

17 Engaging Students

18 Scholarships 127 sponsors awarded 2,148 individual scholarships worth over $2.7M 7,171 students applied About 1 out of 3 applicants received $$ The average grade point for recipients was 3.75 on a 4.0 scale. Scholarships can be for either two-year or four-year degrees or vocational programs and range in size from a $300 endowment to full tuition for four years. Scholastic record is important, but not always the determining factor. Financial need is considered for many. Nearly 1,700 applicants declared a non- ag major – tough to award Significant opportunities missed last year:  Lincoln Electric in Ohio  Tulsa Welding School in Oklahoma and Florida  Johnson and Wales with campuses in RI, CO, NC and FL ALARAZCOKSLAMSNMOKTX Total FFA member Applicants 6753145122363304154280790 FFA members awarded 20382031140131017103279 Percentage of state applicants received award 30%72%14%25%39%43%24%31%37%35%

19 Engaging Students Discovery, Greenhand, and Chapter Degrees Each student can track THEIR OWN progress towards a degree Automatically generate complete degree certificates!

20 Sharing Resources Living to Serve FFA Hunger Heroes Log hunger relief related efforts at State with highest percentage of chapter participation will win a truckload of protein from Tyson Activities from last school year through September 30 th Chapters that log activities also qualify for monthly drawings

21 Sharing Resources

22 #SpeakAg Challenge When?  September 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015 How?  Use #SpeakAg on all social media platforms to share facts, stories, infographics, videos, pictures, and audio clips.  The National FFA Organization will be watching for content on Facebook and Twitter. Why?  To promote agriculture advocacy as part of personal growth and interaction with classmates, community members, and decision makers More Information and Promotion  State Officers will receive initial information in late July.  More information and guidelines will be released to teachers and advisors in early August in preparation for the September 1 start date.

23 Supporting your Chapter Give the Gift of Blue Free FFA Jacket with tie or scarf (shipping included) Simple application with one essay question Must be approved by advisor to receive jacket Not a competitive program Jacket requests fulfilled to-date ALAZARCOKSLAMSNMOKTX 4119181903115324

24 Supporting your Chapter Chapter Support Programs Money for your chapter! RAM Test Drive Program Scholarships CSX Case IH This is in addition to: State officer programs Proficiency winners Winning speakers Does not include Zoetis Culvers Programs where companies write a check directly to your chapter ALAZARCOKSLAMSNMOKTX $42K$45K$64K$89K$330K$36K$29K$47K$185K$524K National dollars raised for states

25 Supporting your Chapter Chapter Engagement Programs

26 Supporting your Chapter Alumni Alumni Development Conference (ADC) July 8-11 Raleigh, NC Registration closes June 21 st $300 Spread the word – You never know who might be interested in something like this in your community

27 Supporting your Chapter Alumni Help your program by helping your seniors advance to FFA alumni membership Now easier than ever! Five years of FREE associate membership

28 Important Information Purchase Order Billing Effective August 1 st Orders from the merchandising center at FFA charged to a purchase order Will be invoiced and billed for each shipment/transaction For example: A combined order of FFA jackets and award plaques will have two invoices One from the origination point of the jackets One from our merchandising warehouse with the plaques All bills will still be paid to National FFA

29 Important Information Roster Students can reset their own password Email address is critical – serves as unique identifier Teachers can reset passwords with Execute a function before changing pages The system only acts upon the information that is showing on screen Your students can access all of as soon as you put them on your roster and they create their account Waiting to pay dues or state/national approval is not needed

30 Important Information Teachers and students can update their own email Access account anytime from the dashboard Ask students to review their information

31 Important Information Invitation Codes In discussion to possibly offer invitation codes that are…. Teacher generated Standardized for each chapter

32 Thank you Nina Crutchfield South Central LPS Region Specialist 501-827-1866

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