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Fleet Management 101: Fleet Speak for the New Fleet Manager Larry Fredrich, Mercury Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Fleet Management 101: Fleet Speak for the New Fleet Manager Larry Fredrich, Mercury Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fleet Management 101: Fleet Speak for the New Fleet Manager Larry Fredrich, Mercury Associates

2 AFV – Alternative Fuel Vehicle APWA – American Public Works Association B20 – 20% Biodiesel, 80% Petro-diesel CNG – Compressed Natural Gas CPM – Cost Per Mile E85 – 85% Ethanol, 15% gasoline EO – Executive Order EPAct – Energy Policy Act FAP – Fleet Attainment Plan FAST – Federal Automotive Statistical Tool FedFMS – GSA’s Federal Fleet Management System An Introduction to Fleet Acronyms © 2014 Mercury Associates

3 FFV – Flex Fuel Vehicle (i.e. E85) FMIS – Fleet Management Information System FMP – Fleet Management Plan FMR – Federal Management Regulation FMVRS – Federal Motor Vehicle Registration System GGE – Gasoline Gallon Equivalent GHG – Green House Gas GVWR – Gross Vehicle Weight Rating HTW – Home To Work IFMS – Interagency Fleet Management System LCA – Lifecycle Cost Analysis Fleet Acronyms © 2014 Mercury Associates

4 LDV – Light Duty Vehicle LE1, 2 & 3 – Law Enforcement Vehicle Classifications LPG – Liquid Propane Gas LSEV – Low Speed Electric Vehicle MPG – Miles Per Gallon M&R – Maintenance & Repair MSA (and CMSA) – Metropolitan Statistical Area MVR – Motor Vehicle Record MY – Model Year NAFA – National Association of Fleet Administrators Fleet Acronyms © 2014 Mercury Associates

5 NGV – Natural Gas Vehicle OBD – On Board Diagnostics OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer OGP – Office of Government-wide Policy (GSA) PM – Preventive Maintenance POV – Personally Owned Vehicle SOP – Standard Operating Procedure SUV – Sport Utility Vehicle VAM – Vehicle Allocation Methodology VEU – Vehicle Equivalent Unit VIN – Vehicle Identification Number VMT – Vehicle Miles Traveled Fleet Acronyms © 2014 Mercury Associates

6 Auction Benchmarking Biofuels Capital Cost (Net Capital Cost) Cost per Mile Depreciation Fixed Cost Fleet Creep Home-to-Work Hybrid Indirect Costs Life Cycle Costs LogWorld Motor Pool Overfleeting Personal Use Replacement Cycle Variable Cost Vehicle Availability Vehicle Downtime Vehicle Utilization Work Order Yellow Fleet 701 Waiver An Introduction to Fleet Terms © 2014 Mercury Associates

7 AFDC - Alternative Fuels Data Center API - American Petroleum Institute ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act BTS - Bureau of Transportation Statistics CARB - California Air Resources Board CEC - California Energy Commission CO - carbon monoxide DOE - U.S. Department of Energy EERE - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy EIA - Energy Information Administration EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency GM - General Motors NMHC - non-methane hydrocarbon NOx - nitrogen oxides A few more… © 2014 Mercury Associates

8 EPAct 2005 – Energy Policy Act Established a number of energy management goals for Federal facilities and fleets EISA 2007 – Energy Independence & Security Act Energy Reduction Goals for Federal Buildings Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Reporting Reducing Petroleum/Increasing Alternative Fuel Use Executive Order 13423 – Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management Set more challenging goals than the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) and superseded E.O. 13123 and E.O. 13149 Executive Order 13513 – Bans texting while driving in gov’t vehicles or with gov’t provided cell phones Important Regulations © 2014 Mercury Associates

9 FMR Bulletin B-11 - U.S. Government License Plate Codes FMR Bulletin B-15 - Requirements for Management Information Systems in Federal Vehicle Fleets FMR Bulletin B-29 - Accurately Reporting Passenger Vehicle Inventory within the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool FMR Bulletin B-30 - Vehicle Allocation Methodology for Agency Fleets (VAM) FMR Bulletin B-31 - Government Motor Vehicle Fueling During Market Shortages Important Fleet Management Bulletins © 2014 Mercury Associates

10 FMR Bulletin B-32 - Posting Executive Fleet Vehicles on Agency Websites FMR Bulletin B-33 - Alternative Fuel Vehicle Guidance for Law Enforcement and Emergency Vehicle Fleets FMR Bulletin B- 35 – Home to Work Transportation These can be accessed at: Important Fleet Management Bulletins © 2014 Mercury Associates

11 “Statutory law” and “administrative law” provide the foundation for Federal fleet management:  Statutory Law: The United States Code (USC), which contains the laws passed and amended by Congress.  Administrative Law: Federal, Departmental, and Agency regulations, which implement or apply the statutory law. “Statutory law” and “administrative law” are legally binding. Federal Fleet Management Basis in Law (1) © 2014 Mercury Associates

12 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949  Affects property management  Covers procurement, utilization, disposal and records management of personal property  Established the General Services Administration Public Law 766 amended the Act to authorize GSA to operate motor vehicle pools Section 204(c) of the Act gave the Administrator of GSA authority to issue regulations Federal Fleet Management Basis in Law (2) © 2014 Mercury Associates

13 Code of Federal Regulations  Divided into 50 sections or “titles”  Each title divides into chapters  Chapters carry the name of the issuing agency  Chapters are divided into parts and subparts  “Code” means published regulations are integrated into the comprehensive document and adhere to its standards  Updated annually Federal Fleet Management Basis in Law (3) © 2014 Mercury Associates

14 Code of Federal Regulations – Title 41: Public Contracts and Property Management – Various subchapters and parts are relevant to federal fleet management; for example: § 102-5: Home to work transportation § 102-34: Motor Vehicle Management Shortcut to Federal fleet management regulations – – Required reading: § 102-34, Motor Vehicle Management Federal Fleet Management Basis in Law (4) © 2014 Mercury Associates

15 §102-34.50—What size motor vehicles may we obtain? – Except for exempted vehicles, Executive Agencies shall acquire vehicles that: Achieve maximum fuel efficiency. Meet minimum body size and engine size specifications. Possess the minimum optional equipment needed. Are mid-size (class III) or smaller sedans except when larger (class IV) sedans are essential to the agency’s mission. Regulation Examples (1) © 2014 Mercury Associates

16 §102-34.340—Do we need a fleet management information system? – Yes, you must have an FMIS at the department or agency level that — 1.Identifies and collects accurate inventory, cost and use data that covers the complete lifecycle of each motor vehicle (acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal) 2.Provides the information necessary to satisfy both internal and external reporting requirements, including: a)Cost per mile b)Fuel costs for each motor vehicle c)Data required for FAST (see § 102–34.335) Regulation Examples (2) © 2014 Mercury Associates

17 MERCURY ASSOCIATES, INC. “Specializing in the science of fleet management.” For more information, contact: Larry Fredrich Federal Fleet Consulting 410-507-3210 (cell) © 2014 Mercury Associates

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