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Green by Electrolux How important is the environment to you?

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2 Green by Electrolux


4 How important is the environment to you?

5 What are your plans to reduce energy consumption?

6 What is your idea of clean air?

7 What is your carbon footprint?

8 How are you reducing your landfill wastes?

9 Do you want to contribute to a cleaner environment?

10 Do you want to be less dependent on non-renewable resources?

11 Begin your contribution today...

12 Consumers do want to contribute to a cleaner environment 0%20%40%60%80%100% Great Britain France Italy Spain Germany YesNot sureNo Harris Interactive Nov. 2006 Will global warming present a threat to you and your family within your lifetime?

13 Consumers do want to contribute to a cleaner environment How much would you support restrictions on your behaviour or purchases in order to reduce the threat of global warming? Harris Interactive Nov. 2006 0%20% 40%60% 80%100% Great Britain France Italy Spain Germany Strongly support Strongly oppose

14 We were thinking that a cleaner environment starts at home

15 Vacuum cleaning – an environmental issue?

16 Vacuuming 1 h per week with a 1700W central vacuum cleaner = 51% of the weekly energy consumtion of your Class A refrigerator

17 Time for an Earth friendly Central Vacuum

18 Introducing



21 Green by Electrolux– The most environmentally friendly central vacuum cleaner *European average 1550 W rated motor with the second generation of ECS control module, averaging 1450W. -Performance is not affected as the motor runs at 575 airwatts and industry leading efficiency -this is accomplished through technological advancements with the ECS control module

22 Green by Electrolux– The most environmentally friendly central vacuum cleaner *European average 70% recycled materials used in power unit and packaging construction (9.29kg of 13.29kg) 73% of the total vacuum cleaner and packaging can be recycled. 95% of the plastic used in this unit is recycled material (6.67kg of 7kg) 1550 W rated motor with the second generation of ECS control module, averaging 1450W. -Performance is not affected as the motor runs at 575 airwatts and industry leading efficiency -this is accomplished through technological advancements with the ECS control module

23 *European average Low ”noise pollution” - 62 dB(A) Green by Electrolux– The most environmentally friendly central vacuum cleaner 1550 W rated motor with the second generation of ECS control module, averaging 1450W. -Performance is not affected as the motor runs at 575 airwatts and industry leading efficiency -this is accomplished through technological advancements with the ECS control module 70% recycled materials used in power unit and packaging construction (9.29kg of 13.29kg) 73% of the total vacuum cleaner and packaging can be recycled. 95% of the plastic used in this unit is recycled material (6.67kg of 7kg)

24 Over twenty years, vacuuming 1h/week, you will save*: 260 kWh of energy *Compared to a 1700W central vacuum cleaner = a 60W lightbulb burning day and night for approximately 6 months Energy savings - Vacuuming

25 Over twenty years, vacuuming 1h/week, you will save*: 204 kg of CO * *Compared to a 1700W vacuum cleaner = driving a car 1222 km Energy savings - Vacuuming 2

26 Producing the Green by Electrolux – Energy savings * GfK 20C Nov 06 – Oct 07 In production of the Green by Electrolux 6.67 kg recycled plastic is used instead of virgin plastic = saving 6.67 liter crude oil = saving 266 liters of water

27 A win-win business – for the customers, consumers, the environment! Green by Electrolux


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