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Governing Documents.  What are the governing documents? They are formal documents that define the purpose of the organization and how it is to be administered.

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Presentation on theme: "Governing Documents.  What are the governing documents? They are formal documents that define the purpose of the organization and how it is to be administered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governing Documents

2  What are the governing documents? They are formal documents that define the purpose of the organization and how it is to be administered  Why governing document? Provides regulatory guidance and compliance

3  What are the governing documents? - District of Columbia Regulatory Codes Title 29, Chapter 3, Non-Profit Corporations - Articles of Incorporation - National Constitution - BOD Policy Manual - Regional Council Bylaws - Chapter Bylaws

4  What is a governing document?  Why governing documents?  What are the governing documents of BIG?

5  District of Columbia Regulatory Code Title 29, Chapter 3, Non-Profit Corporations Defines how Non-Profits shall operate and transact business in the District of Columbia

6  Articles of Incorporation Establishes BIG as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, corporation under the Internal Revenue Service Act and the laws of the District of Columbia

7  National Constitution Article I:Name Article II:Goals and Objectives Article III:Organizational Structure and Composition Article IV:Membership Article V:Chapter Formation and Reporting Article VI:Duties of the Officers and National Standing Committees Article VII:Meetings Article VIII:Nominations and Elections

8  National Constitution Article IX:Dues and Assessments Article X:Expulsion, Termination or Removal Article XI:Rules of Procedures Article XII:Incorporation Article XIII:Limitations of Liability Article XIV:Adoption of Constitution Article XV:Amendments to the Constitution Article XVI:Ratification

9  Policy Manual  Establishes policy for the organization  Updated and maintained by the Board of Directors

10  Regional Council and Chapter Bylaws  Cannot conflict with the National Constitution  Chapter Bylaws - Approved by the chapter membership  Regional Bylaws - Approved by the Regional Council  Rules of Procedure  Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised


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